He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 582 Evolution, Bay Leaf!


Breaking through the barrier, without hindrance, the blue crocodile just bit the neck of Jucaoye.

The sharp teeth were embedded in the flesh and blood of the latter.

And that strong chill spread along the teeth.


Half of Ju Caoye's body was instantly covered by thin ice.

The effect is outstanding!


The intense pain and chill made Jucaoye let out a scream.

The body is also struggling frantically beside the teeth of the blue crocodile.

It's just that the strength of this frozen tooth is extremely high, and it continues to cause huge damage.

"Didi. Blue crocodile characteristic, forced: use a trick with a follow-up effect, the follow-up effect will disappear, but the power will increase."

The illustration book reminded in time.

This is not the first time Xiaozhi has seen this feature.

Frozen Fang has a chance to freeze the target.

And the forced characteristic is to lose the chance of freezing, so as to increase the strength and purely pursue the ultimate output.

Finally, one hit and it's over.


With a flick of the blue crocodile's head, Ju Caoye's entire body flew away.



Chrysanthemum leaves fell on the ground, at this moment half of the body was covered with ice, and its physical strength plummeted.

"Chrysanthemum leaves!"

Xiaozhi said anxiously.

In just a few days, the strength of the little saw crocodile on the opposite side rose by leaps and bounds.

No, it should be said to be a blue crocodile now.

Looking at the blue crocodile jumping up and down on the opposite side, Xiaozhi somewhat understood why Ah Yin wanted to steal by force.

The qualifications are really great...

"Come back, Jucaoye."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi raised the elf ball in his arm, and was about to take back the chrysanthemum leaves.

Seeing this, Ah Yin sneered, and said a step ahead:

"Blue crocodile, don't give it a chance, use a trick that blocks the way!"


The blue crocodile let out a low growl, and the skin of its whole body exuded a black light breath.

The next moment, a red energy fork appeared out of nowhere on Ju Caoye's head.


The elf ball shrouded Jucaoye's body in red light, but it seemed to be interrupted by something, and it failed to retract.


The red light dissipated.

It is somewhat similar to the spider silk trick used by the orb silk spider in the Juniper Gym before.

The original target seems to be Chrysanthemum Leaf...?

"Damn, is it similar to the effect of black eye circles...!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi had no choice but to take back the poke ball.

He gave Ah Yin a hard look, and finally set his eyes on the chrysanthemum leaves in front of him.

Since it can't be exchanged, I can only bite the bullet now.

Xiaozhi knew that this chrysanthemum grass leaf had a very high fighting spirit, and dared to charge head-on even in the face of a fire-breathing dragon.

"Ju Cao Ye, persevere!"

Ash used Rejuvenation Roar.

"Idiot, what's the use of this! Haha!"

Ah Yin was still laughing wildly.

He and the blue crocodile are like cats and mice, if they don't kill them, they torture them.


The sound came into my ears.

Favoring the firm voice of the trainer, Ju Caoye felt as if she had received infinite power for a while.


Half of his body was covered in ice, but Ju Caoye still stood up tremblingly, staring closely at the big fat crocodile in front of him.


Finally, Jucaoye let out a loud roar.

On the surface of its body, a rich golden light bloomed, like a small sun.


Previously, due to Pikachu's thunder, the sky above this jungle was pierced, and the sunlight could shine in without hindrance.

The weather - a little sunny.

This made Ju Caoye's physical strength recover quickly, and the ice on half of her body melted under the warm sunlight.

"Photosynthesis? Do you think I'll give you the time?"

Ah Yin just sneered, raised his hand and pointed:

"Blue crocodile, get rid of it at once, use the last frozen tooth!"


After the words fell, the blue crocodile kicked the ground with its hind legs, and rushed out.

The jaws of that huge head were open, and an extremely strong chill was exuding between the teeth.

Frozen Teeth!

Without the slightest hesitation, the blue crocodile was about to bite off the head of Jucaoye, who was still unable to move!

In fact, the illustrated book is half right.

It does bite off the target's head, but the head of the enemy.

This is the brilliance of the illustrated book, half right and half wrong, Blue Crocodile is not good at refuting that the illustrated book is talking nonsense...


It was just at the last moment when Frozen Dakou was about to touch the target.


A bright white light suddenly shone on Ju Caoye's body.

It even covers the golden light of photosynthesis, completely enveloping it.

Then the figure of Jucaoye began to deform and expand in this white light...

"Is this...evolution?"

Xiaozhi is not a child, he recognized this strange white light phenomenon, but his eyes were still full of shock.

Even the blue crocodile just maintained the movement of opening its mouth wide, but did not bite directly.

This is the rule of the Pokémon world.

Someone evolves, then you have to watch.

Even when the time bomb is up, you have to enter the state of a different dimension, holding back.

Only when the evolution is over can it attack.


After a while, the white light dissipated.

Only then did Ju Caoye show a brand new look in front of everyone.

The body suddenly became several times bigger, even much bigger than the blue crocodile in front of it.

This size can already allow humans to ride on it.

Around the neck, green leaves spread out, even the wind-blowing leaves on the top of the head became smaller and sharper.

It feels like a little lolita has evolved into a girl.

"Didi. Bay leaf, the evolution of chrysanthemum leaf. After evolution, the strength and fleshiness have improved a lot, and the personality has become fickle."

The picture book suggested.

"It's called a bay leaf..."

Looking at the bay leaf that suddenly grew bigger in front of him, if he stood up straight, he should be much bigger than others, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

"Is this the evolution of a small steel gun into a medium tank!?"

He values ​​this more.

Bay Leaf's body size at this moment is much larger than that of the blue crocodile opposite, so the fleshiness should also increase a lot, right?

Bay Leaf: "!"

Xiaozhi's voice made him complain and turn his head angrily, his cheeks puffed up.

Although it still likes Xiaozhi, it has now entered the rebellious period of a girl.


In the end, Bay Ye turned her head and cast all her hatred on the blue crocodile in front of her.

Now everyone is in the second stage, and the previous disparity no longer exists.


"Hmph, it's just evolution..."

Although A Yin was surprised on the surface, he quickly raised his hand to attack and said:

"Blue Crocodile, use Frozen Teeth to kill it at once!"

The ice attribute trick with the forced characteristic still has a strong dominance.

The blue crocodile understood, and jumped up again, opening its ice and snow mouth.


At this moment, Bay Leaf suddenly shook her head.

In the air, there was a pleasant fragrance, and the air turned pink.

Sweet aroma!

After evolution, the power of this trick has also increased a lot.

Blue Crocodile: "?"

But this trick is not an attack trick, why?

"Be careful, blue crocodile!"

Ah Yin suddenly reminded loudly.

But he was still a step too late, and the blue crocodile turned its gaze to the front.

In the eyes, a huge yellow monster has already rushed towards it.

Boom boom boom!

The heavy limbs stepped on the ground, and the ground shook.

Along the way, there was even more smoke and dust, and there was extraordinary movement, as if a tank was rushing head-on.

Bash the trick!


Caught off guard, the blue crocodile was hit by a bay leaf and flew several meters away!

Its sweet aroma has always been used as a cover...


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