He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 643 Xiaomao's Krypton Gold Body

The eastern outskirts of Manjin City, close to the jungle of the natural park.

A group of passionate young insect hunters gathered here.

After waiting for thirty minutes, the huge fast dragon suddenly disappeared in full view.

"Look, I said that as long as you wait slowly, the state of extreme giant will disappear naturally."

Galar's hometown man wiped his sweat, and then said with a smile.

The extreme state of the Galar region is three minutes.

But here is a foreign city, there is a little difference in water and soil, and the time can be extended to 30 minutes, which is acceptable.


Next, the young bug hunters naturally began to search for the shrunken fast dragon in the jungle.

After searching for a long time, no one saw any fat figure.

"Don't look for any fast dragons, this kind of Pokémon is just for fun, there are more precious Pokémon in the natural park...!"

At this moment, another young insect catcher suddenly spoke.

In this way, the eyes of others are all focused on him.

Brother Dang from the Galar region had already been beaten up by them until his own mother no longer knew him.

Where did you come from now?

This rather handsome young insect catcher just smiled smugly, very confident.

"Oh, I'm from my hometown in the Fangyuan area. Listen to me, we can subdue the special Pokémon like the green caterpillar. Deduct the B button to upgrade to level 100 and then evolve, and then we can evolve into the peerless giant dragon Rikkuza .”

"I'm afraid you don't know how to tell you, each person in our Fangyuan area has a crack..."

Before he finished speaking, he was already punched with sandbags by the young insect catchers around him.

The green caterpillar evolved into the armored pupae and the big butterfly, so don't spoof the bugs in their hometown...!

How dare you fool outsiders...?!

zero tolerance!


the other end.

After the blessing of the double welding method, the heavy ball finally stopped shaking and returned to calm.

Huge fast dragon, conquered successfully!

Several people looked happy, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no catastrophe was caused.

Zhenghui Pippi jumped up and down, and was about to lead a few people towards Manjin City.

He wants to ask Xiaozhi and the others to quickly help get rid of this state.

On the way, a few people also met Xiao Gang who was smiling all over his face. He had a dark face, but he looked very energetic.

"Has it been successfully subdued?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Speaking of it, it seems that he hasn't seen Teacher Gang's method of subduing for a long time.

Presumably the current Xiaogang has become more sophisticated.

"It's natural, haha!"

Xiaogang crossed his hips and laughed loudly.

"The tree just now is strange. Under my rough... under my huge capacity, it surrendered so easily...!"

Xiao Gang was very satisfied to conquer a rock-type Pokémon again, and this tree had extraordinary aptitude.

The tree monster has the talent of "imitation", which is somewhat similar to Pikachu's thief talent.

Only then did everyone join hands and returned to the city beaming.

Only a group of noisy young insect hunters were left in the jungle...



Manjin City, Zhenghui's home.

Here's a scoff...!

There was another puff of smoke, and the mechanical door of the two cylinders was opened at the same time.


On one side is Pippi who has regained the dominance of Pokémon consciousness.

It was alive and kicking, still splashing water on the spot.

the other side.

"Haha, I finally recovered this body..."

Mr. Masaki, who had brown curly hair, came out of the room and let out a hearty laugh.

Without Xiaozhi and the three of them, he really wouldn't be able to undo the fusion.

It seems that when he was in the Zhenghui Lighthouse, he was able to escape from the doll costume of the fossil helmet by relying on the three of them.

"You saved my life again..."

Mr. Zhenghui scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

history is the same...


After some pleasantries.

"Oh, Mr. Zhenghui, I don't need the soul fusion technology that I asked you to study before..."

As he spoke, Xiaozhi realized something, and added:

"Of course, this is your business, I'll just say it casually haha..."

Speaking of which, he hadn't revealed Brother Chi's existence to Mr. Zhenghui yet.

But with the latter's insight and genius mind, you probably already know it, right?

Mr. Zhenghui nodded with a smile on his face.

Of course, this technology is what he wants to study, even if Xiaozhi doesn't need it anymore, he will continue to study it in depth.

Then, he sighed with some doubts:

"It's strange to say that Xiao Maojun also asked me to study this technology before."

Mr. Zhenghui had guessed that there might be a powerful soul in Xiaozhi's hands.

It is a terrifying existence capable of forcibly subduing a huge fast dragon.

Such an existence, even if the champion crosses, it will be like this...?

Although it sounds unbelievable, but he even invented the fusion device, so it is calm.

But Xiaomao, why did you come to him to help with research? Woolen cloth

There is human-to-human transmission in Zhenxin Town...?


"Xiaomo that guy...?"

Xiaozhi frowned.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

Helping the grandfather build a physical body is the common task of the three of them.

He and Brother Chi have already determined the route, intending to challenge the gods in the world, and use the tokens of gods to create the most powerful body of gods.

After arriving in Yuanzhu City in a few days, Xiao Zhi handed over the huge Ditto crystal to Xiao Lan.

She and Big Brother Bilan can probably use it as a template to create a demon-shaped body that can deform freely.

And Xiaomao's path...

"Is it really the body of krypton gold?"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, quite envious.

With a rich grandfather, he can do whatever he wants!

Of course, what Xiaomao asked Zhenghui to do was only for the fusion of souls.

In terms of manufacturing the body, Xiao Maobing divided into two groups and outsourced it to the Rockets at a high price.

After all, they can even create Chaomeng, and the biochemical technology has entered the country.

But Xiaomao didn't dare to use his real name. After all, he was already on the Rockets' blacklist, and maybe he would add something to the great body of his most respected green brother...

Or maybe there's an inch or two missing...

A bad omen.


"So he paid you a lot...?"

Xiaoxia in the back couldn't help asking.

Zhenghui is definitely a rich generation. He is the inventor of all the Pokémon transmission devices in all Pokémon Centers now!

Although the latter didn't ask for many shares, basically equating to donating this technology for free, but the annual dividends can still make him a very exaggerated millionaire.

"Hehe, I don't value things like money..."

Zhenghui just said with a smile.

This is the truth.

When the number of your bank card balance is even longer than the ID number, then this string of numbers is meaningless.

"Mainly because Xiaomao gave me Nanami's phone number..."

At this moment, Zhenghui blushed, and smiled embarrassedly.

Nanami, Xiaomao's sister, Dr. Oki's granddaughter, is a well-known beauty in Zhenxin Town.

Knowledgeable, gentle and intellectual, everyone is a lady...

In the early years, when Mr. Zhenghui went to the Oki Research Institute to eat crabs, he met Nanami, and he suddenly felt longing for her.

It was only then that Xiaozhi and the others knew that Xiaomao didn't use krypton gold at all.

But a despicable beauty trick...!


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