He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 646 Yuanzhu Gym, vs Songye!

Yuanzhu City.

The three of Xiaozhi have already arrived at the gate of Yuanzhu gymnasium.

It is still a mahogany structure with a traditional dojo building with a tile roof.

The style is somewhat similar to the Kikyo Gym in Kikyo City.

Of course, most of the entire Yuanzhu City is also such a traditional wooden building. There are no tall buildings, and they are all one or two-story bungalows, which seem to have a long history.

There is an old and heavy smell in the air.

It's just that the surrounding buildings and houses are close together.

But around Yuanzhu gymnasium, it kept a large distance from other buildings, and it was built on an open space alone.

It seemed a little out of place.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi took a deep breath, nodded to Xiaogang Xiaoxia, then slowly pushed open the door, and walked in like this.


Inside Yuanzhu Gymnasium.

This is a large hall, and the wooden floor is still under the feet, and it can even make a "creaking" shaking sound when stepping on it, which seems to be a product of some time.

It was broad daylight, but it was pitch black inside, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Only the four corners of the house, four candles are burning slowly.

The candles flickered, flickering, and elongated shadows were reflected on the surrounding walls.



Around, there were strange noises from time to time, as if there were some ghosts.

Yuanzhu gymnasium, which is good at controlling ghost Pokémon, is an old haunted house.



At this time, it seemed that it recognized the entry of the guests, and a crisp switch sounded.

Immediately, the entire hall and room became brightly lit.

It's just that this room is extremely weird.

Except for the very center, a wide field with obvious white marks on the playing field.

But outside the arena, there was a pitch-black abyss.

"What the hell is down there..."

Xiaozhi poked his head out and looked at the abyss below the arena, which was bottomless.

It even seemed that there was something inside, staring at him.

Surrounded by the abyss, it is as if the ground they are on now is suspended in the air...



At this time, a cough in front of him attracted the attention of the three of them.

Turning around, I saw a man sitting on the other side of the arena with his back to them.

She has short blond hair, surrounded by a purple headband, and her face cannot be seen.

Around the neck, there is also a purple-black scarf, which looks quite trendy.

Wearing black knitted long sleeves and white trousers, she sat there with her back straight, as if she was doing some hard training.

"Three guests, which one of you will come to challenge our Yuanzhu gymnasium first?"

He spoke slowly, with a low and feminine voice, carrying an air of mystery.


This sentence made the three of Xiaozhi startled.

Obviously this guy has his back to them, how do you know there are three of them?

"This is my third eye, and I can see through everything without looking directly."

Seemingly seeing through Xiaozhi's question, this person slowly gave an answer.

Just when Xiaozhi was about to ask "Is the third eye the eye of your backyard?" the man in the purple scarf slowly got up and turned his head.

As expected, his face was as elegant and handsome as his voice.

The half-closed eyes gave off a lazy air.

"My name is Songye, and I'm the trainer of Yuanzhu gymnasium."

He introduced himself.

"Hey~ he's a handsome guy~"

Xiaoxia's eyes lit up next to her, and she couldn't help but speak.

This should be the most handsome man she has seen since she came to the Chengdu area.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was not happy.

How can there be any reason to boost others' ambitions and destroy one's own prestige before the battle has even started?

And this guy is just a little more handsome than him, nothing surprising!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi stepped forward, and actively reported his name with fiery eyes.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge Yuanzhu Gym!"


Pikachu on his shoulders received a round of singing and received moves, doubling his momentum.

"Oh, is it really a new town... This is a faraway place~"

Matsuba sighed.

He seems to be a well-informed person, even he has heard of Zhenxin Town in a remote corner of the Kanto region.

He looked at Xiaozhi in front of him, and the electric mouse on the latter's shoulder.

Da da da...!

In the end, Matsuba nodded, turned around and walked a few steps, standing at the end where the gymnasium owner should stand.

"Okay, I accept your challenge."

Matsuba's lazy eyes turned serious, and a strange aura emanated from his body.

"Yuanzhu Gymnasium adopts a 2v2 battle, no referee is required, once both Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, the winner will be determined!"

He slowly introduced the rules here.

Xiaozhi nodded.

All the way down, in fact, he also felt that the role of the referee was a bit tasteless.

If it falls down, the winner will be determined, so why do we need a referee to judge?

This kind of fighting rules is more in line with Xiaozhi's fighting style.

Soon, he took a few strides to stand on the side of the corresponding challenger, looking at Maple Leaf from a distance, and had already grabbed a poke ball in his hand.

Maybe it's because it's too gloomy here, and the bottomless black abyss around it, but there are no other apprentices in this gym.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia quickly found a seat against the wall and sat down, looking at the surrounding abyss with lingering fear.

"If you fall, the person should really be gone...?"



Soon, Matsuba took out a poke ball and slowly threw it forward.


A red light flashed, and a black and blue Pokémon appeared in front of Matsuba.

Light and fluttering, suspended in mid-air.

The whole body seems to be made of gas, with a big head and a cute female Pokémon face.

Without limbs, compared with the big head, the body is only a palm-sized ball of gas, and there is a string of red beads around the neck.

"The first Pokémon I saw..."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Mengyao, a prank Pokémon, likes to play tricks on people, especially likes to play pranks on his trainers. After successful tricks, he will show a cute expression, let the trainer touch his head to forgive, and get away with it. But it will continue next time Trick the trainer, and increase the intensity. Until the trainer ascends to heaven, the soul of the trainer can really play together."

The illustrated book slowly introduced.


Meng Yao also let out a series of giggles in coordination.

Turning his head, his cute eyes glanced at his trainer vaguely.

Matsuba: "..."

Is that so?


"It really is a ghost Pokémon..."

But Xiaozhi's attention was obviously not on the sowing of dissension in the illustrated book.

His eyes were fiery, and he threw his elf ball in front of him.


A red light flashed, and a small turquoise upright beast appeared in front of him.


The little head looked immature, but it showed a good fighting spirit, and its eyes were fixed on the mischievous dream monster in front of it.

Young Kiras!

"Oh, baby Kiras... this kind of Pokémon is amazing..."

Songye's eyes lit up, and she stared at the little Qingyan beast curiously.


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