He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 750 Silver Town, Tournament System

East of Baiyin Mountain.

Silver Town.

This is a flat town, unlike the rich and powerful Quartz Conference, which can build a huge competition venue out of thin air.

The Chengdu Alliance combines the town with the venue. It is used as the venue during competitions and a normal tourist town during non-competition time, which minimizes the cost of the venue.

The three of Xiaozhi and Ye Yue passed through a huge welcome banner with colorful ribbons and officially entered Baiyin Town.



At this moment, there are already people coming and going in the town, whether it is the participating trainers or the tourists, whispering to each other, it is very lively.

Along the two sides of the main street of the town, there are also countless entertainment, food and specialty shops, and people can't help but stay here again and again.

"The qualifiers for the Silver Conference will officially begin in two days."

Beside him, Ye Yue looked around and sighed.

He didn't win the championship in the Fangyuan League. This time, he will definitely win his first championship in the Silver Conference!

After winning the championship, Ye Yue will return to his hometown again and challenge that Heavenly King Furong.

"Qualifiers? In 2 days?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback. He has been training hard with his Pokémon for the past ten days, and now he doesn't even know the competition system.

He quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. This Silver Conference will be divided into three stages."

In terms of explaining hard knowledge, illustrated books are always trustworthy.

"In the first stage, the qualifier stage, each contestant will have three 1v1 battles. Based on the results of the three games and the feedback data from the gym trainers on the journey, they will jointly decide whether to stay or advance." In the first stage, the number of players who will advance to the next round will be limited to 48."

This is completely different from the format of the Quartz Conference.

In the three 1v1 battles, if they win all three games, they will naturally be able to advance.

But if it's just one or two wins, they will jointly plan whether to stay or not based on the feedback data reported by the gym trainers when they challenged the gym before.

As for all three losses...

That's a round trip, let's take a trip.

The scenery of Baiyin Mountain is also second to none in the Chengdu area.

Not bad.

Such a competition system will undoubtedly allow trainers to enter the next round more fairly.

You must know that the Quartz Conference is a one-stop elimination system.

If in the first game, the runner-up player meets the champion, he will go straight to the top 256.

"Not bad..."

Xiaozhi nodded, and continued to listen to the illustrations in the illustrated book.

"In the second stage, this is also the day of the official opening ceremony of the Silver Conference. Next, there will be a three-person group round-robin knockout match. Three people will stay and one person will be selected. From the remaining 48 players, 16 players will be selected."

In other words, after finishing this group round robin, it will be the top 16 of the Silver Conference.

And the upcoming qualifiers will not hold the opening ceremony of the conference, and it will be a battle to come up.

"The third stage is the normal knockout round starting from the round of 16, all the way to the final."

From here on, it will be the same as the competition format of the Quartz Conference.

There is still a bit of luck involved.

As for whether there will be a Champions League challenge at the end, it depends on whether the winner of the conference will continue to challenge, so the illustrated book does not count it in it.


"So the qualifiers will start soon, three 1v1 battles... Pikachu, I can't wait!"

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, clenched his fists, his face was full of fighting spirit.


The same is true for Pikachu on his shoulders, with a faint arc of electricity bursting out from his cheek.

"Then Xiaozhi, I'll take my leave first, I hope we don't run into each other at first."

At this time, Ye Yue who was next to him suddenly said, intending to leave.

Next, the two of them will be rivals, and they still need to avoid suspicion.

"I know, Mr. Ye Yue, but if we collide at the beginning, I will do my best!"

Xiaozhi stretched out his palm to the latter.

"I wish I could!"

Ye Yue nodded, shook hands with Xiaozhi equally passionately, and finally turned and left.



Silver Town, a Pokémon center in the west.

"Dangdang~dangdang block~!"

A melodious voice drifted past, and Miss Joy and Ji Lidan, who was pushing Xiaozhi's elf cart, walked slowly to the front desk.

"Contestant Xiaozhi, your identity has been confirmed, and you have officially confirmed your participation in this Silver Conference~"

Miss Joy smiled and handed back the latter's illustrated book.

"This conference, it is estimated that there will be 250+ contestants participating, so please come to the finish line~"

Miss Joy encouraged with a professional smirk.

"250 people..."

Xiaozhi took back the illustrated book, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

In other words, in the first round of qualifiers, close to 4/5 people will be wiped out, which is really cruel...

But his goal is to win this championship, Xiao Zhi didn't have the slightest fear of the first round or something.

With the experience of the last Quartz Conference, Xiaozhi wasn't even a little bit nervous, and some were just full of enthusiasm.

At this time, Miss Joy reminded again.

"In the next two days, please upload the types of Pokémon you may play to the computer data~"

She pointed to the computer next to her.

Or in the player lounge, there are also private computers available for use.

"Do you want to upload...?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, this is different from the Quartz Conference.

"Yes, you have to confirm in advance, and then you can check other players' Pokémon. Of course, your own Pokémon information will also be checked by other players."

These days are not just for trainers to rest.

You can also check the opponent's Pokémon type to develop a strategy.

Of course, if you only upload less than 6 Pokémon, it is naturally possible, but when the official start, you can only send these few.

Every year, there are always a few ghosts who try to use a Pokémon to slaughter the entire alliance conference.

Hearing that he could see what Pokémon other people had, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

As he spoke, he pulled Xiaogang Xiaoxia and ran towards his room.


Since he still has two partners, this Pokémon Center allocated Xiaozhi a room with three bedrooms and one living room as a place to stay during the competition, free of charge.

As soon as he put down his bag, Xiao Zhi couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer in the living room, gearing up to upload his own Pokémon information.

"Hey. I can't find the option of [Pink Butterfly] [Crystal Rock Snake]. Please choose again."

The computer made an electronic sound like a picture book, but the sound was more friendly.

"Xiaozhi, you can just input Ba Da Die and Big Rock Snake!"

Xiaoxia next to him reminded.

The two also moved the stools to the side, wondering what Pokémon the other contestants had.

So Xiaozhi changed his name, but then, the computer issued an error message again.

"Di. Your [Lugia] is a special Pokémon, and it is forbidden to participate in this alliance meeting. Please include it."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and sure enough his Dark Rogia was banned.

A volcano god Gulardo suddenly appeared in the conference, it was too bullying.

If you can't, then don't play for now.

After uploading all the Pokémon's data, Xiaozhi adjusted the interface to everyone's screen, and couldn't wait to browse other people's Pokémon...


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