He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 755 The qualifiers are over!

The light of evolution faded.

Reappearing in the field of vision, the figure of the Fire Rock Rat has more than doubled in size.

The forelimbs that were originally on the ground were also lifted into the air, making an upright appearance.

The body became wider and thicker, and the limbs and arms became thicker.

At this moment, the two flames on the back of the fire rock mouse stage seemed to be fused into one, and only burst out from its back and neck.

The fiery explosion flames, like a volcano erupting, rose hot.

"Didi, Fiery Beast, the evolution of Fire Rock Rat, its ability to control flames will increase, and its personality will become more irritable. The flames erupting from its back are like volcanic eruptions. Even heat waves can cause powerful forces. "

Xiaozhi's illustration book, automatic identification and broadcast reports.

"Evolved, finally evolved...?!"

Before Xiaozhi could react, he stared blankly at the back of the huge flame beast in front of him.

At this moment, the height of the fiery beast is even a head taller than him.

Such a scene of temporary evolution in the arena drew applause and exclamations from all around, especially Trainer C, who was opposite Xiaozhi, whose face turned black even more ugly.

"Damn it, even if we evolve, we won't lose!"

Trainer C shook his head and forced himself to cheer up.

"Scorpio, use the guillotine!!"


Scorpio glides away in mid-air again, and the huge pincers in front of him make a cross-cutting motion.

The fierce light that emerged from it carried a suffocating breath.

Guillotine, this is a one-hit sure-kill move, as long as it hits the opponent, the winner can be determined at once!

Scorpio swung the cross guillotine, but the Fiery Beast didn't intend to dodge at all.

Crack! !

The guillotine hit head-on, and Scorpio slashed fiercely on the skin of the fiery beast's upright, undisguised neck.

"Nice job, Scorpio!!"

Trainer C laughed wildly and slapped him.

In less than a few seconds, the smile on his face froze again.

The Fiery Beast didn't retreat at all, it just dropped its head a few centimeters.


But Scorpio, as the attacker, showed embarrassment.

With the huge purple pincers, the light of the guillotine dissipated, and it couldn't continue to make the fiery beast retreat, so it froze in place.

"Beep. If the target's level is higher than your own, then the one-hit kill trick will not work."

The illustrated book even kindly introduced it to Trainer C.

Obviously, the level of this scorpion is not as high as that of the fiery beast.


The Fiery Beast let out a low growl, without moving its head, but moved its pupils a little, and looked at Scorpio, who was close at hand.

Such a fierce posture immediately frightened Scorpio.

After evolution, the fiery beast's posture has also become more powerful and domineering.

"Looks like it's still my fiery beast, with a higher level..."

Xiaozhi touched his nose with a smug face.

"Then kill it all at once, Fiery Beast!!"

Hearing that the Fiery Beast nodded, its eyes froze for a moment, and it let out a low growl.


The fiery beast's forelimbs stretched out even more, directly grabbing Scorpio's waist.

Before the latter could struggle, the Fiery Beast threw the entire body of Scorpio directly onto its back and neck, into the bursting flames.

Arched the back, concentrated all the strength on the back...and then exploded all at once!

Boom bang! !

The next moment, the flames on the back of the Fiery Beast, like a volcanic eruption, spewed out in an instant, a wave of flames more than ten meters high.

Faintly formed, even turned into dark brown, something like volcanic lava, with huge movements.

Volcano eruption!

In everyone's sight, it seemed that lava had really spewed out from the center of the earth.

This is a trick whose skill power is linked to its own physical strength. If it is in a state of full physical strength, it will exert the full power of a volcanic eruption.

The scorpion who was hit by a volcanic eruption at zero distance was even more horrible.

The petite figure was surrounded by countless soaring flames, and was directly rushed into the sky several meters high.


In the end, like lava being ejected, it fell powerlessly in a parabolic trajectory.


When he landed, he fell unconscious on the ground, eyes rolling.

His whole body was covered with scorched black marks, and he looked tragic.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

"Scorpio lost the ability to fight, and the Fiery Beast won! So in this match, player Xiaozhi won!"

The referee's words officially marked the end of the third qualifying match...



after the game.

Xiaozhi walked out of the arena with iron fences, followed by the Fiery Beast walking vigorously behind him.

The latter was half a head taller than Xiaozhi, with yellow and blue skin walking upright like a big bodyguard.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi!"

"Successfully passed the first round of qualifiers ~!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia came up to welcome them and congratulated them.

All three qualifiers have been won, and Xiao Zhi has already advanced steadily.

This level of fighting has not even brought out half of Xiaozhi's strength.

Xiaozhi nodded with a smile, turned around, and raised his hand to rub the fur on the fiery beast's neck.

Soft and soft, with a bit of warmth, but not hot.

This is a fire-type Pokémon. After the trainer is approved, the skin will automatically adjust the temperature.

"It seems that not only Master Ah Jin, but also Ah Yin has special abilities..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, if it was not a normal person, such a miracle-like event of soul transmigration would not have occurred at all.

At this time, Ah Yin, who was still watching the play just now, came over suddenly.

Like a cat smelling a fishy smell, he looked at Xiaozhi and his party viciously with unkind eyes.

"Hey! Do you know that kid Ajin?!"

The tone is unceremonious.

Inexplicably, his body suddenly became tired, which made Ah Yin not in a particularly good mood.

Xiaozhi was taken aback by this remark, it seemed that A Yin and Master A Jin still knew each other.

That's right, the relationship between the two is just like him and Xiaomao, it's normal to know each other.

But this vicious look...

"Oh, we are not very familiar with Ah Jin, we met by chance."

Xiaozhi quickly waved his hand and said seriously.

A person with a superpower that allows Pokémon to evolve smoothly without bottlenecks, it's better not to be hostile to such a person.

After all, constipation is really uncomfortable...

"Hmph, that brat!"

Hearing this, Ah Yin left cursing.


Ah Yin hadn't gone far, when suddenly a head poked out from the iron fence nearby.

Short-sleeved shorts, wearing a yellow and black striped hat on the back, with a curved bang popping out from the end of the hat, it looks quite arrogant.

It was Master Ajin.

From the looks of it, he also just finished his trial battle.

"Hey, isn't this Master Ajin? How's the game going~!"

So Xiaozhi greeted happily.

"Haha~ Me and my fiery beast will pass the level easily~!"

Ajin put his chest on his chest and smiled triumphantly.

Suddenly, he noticed another fiery beast behind Xiaozhi.

His eyes widened instantly, and he looked at the fiery beast curiously.

The built-in fiery beastman Zhuli talent is activated instantly, just a few meetings, Xiaozhi has already thoroughly analyzed the information on the fiery beast...


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