He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 768 The Grass Maker, Kapu 002!

The smoke cleared.


Electric arcs erupted from the body of the three-in-one magneton, and the surface was scorched black.

Even the movement of levitation is precarious, as if it will fall down at any time.

It has entered the state of a candle in the wind.


So Kamigui sprayed out a bunch of water guns, directly taking away the last drop of blood from the latter without mercy.


The three-in-one magnet monster fell from the sky like a piece of lifeless iron.

"The three-in-one magnet monster can't fight, but the Cammy turtle wins!"

The referee pronounced.

"Kami Kami~!"

Kamigui put his waist in quite proudly, shaking his head.

Even though the two matches in a row were not instant kills, they suppressed the opponent from all aspects and controlled the overall situation.

"Three-in-one Magneto..."

Chun Yi's complexion turned black again and again.

He only has the last Pokémon left, and at this moment, the opponent's kami turtle is still at a healthy blood line, and it doesn't consume much at all...

"No, my geranium can complete the miracle of one wearing three!!"

Junyi took a deep breath and cheered himself up.

It is not impossible to let the second chase the third.

And maybe this Kami turtle is already Xiaozhi's trump card, and the other Pokémon are all miscellaneous fish.

I can still turn the tables!

Thinking of this, Junyi threw his last poke ball violently, and his face regained his confidence.


A red light flashed, and a Pokémon that looked like a long-necked dinosaur appeared in front of him. The root of the slender neck was surrounded by a circle of bright red flames, and there were two slender scars on the top of its head that hung down. tentacles.


Xiaozhi also has one, and is very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

However, unlike the geranium in his own thick tank, the geranium in front of him is fierce and seems to be aggressive.

Just when Chunyi was about to launch an attack, Xiaozhi took the lead and said:

"Kami Turtle, use Quick Return."

As soon as the words fell, the surface of Kami Turtle's figure was immediately covered with a layer of blue water, and the figure shot out suddenly.


Cammy Turtle hit the head and hit Geranium on the forehead.

Although the damage wasn't high, it stunned the latter.


In the next moment, Kamigui's figure turned into a red light.

Xiaozhi in the back raised his palm, held the elf ball, and just took it back.

It's not a loss.

Rapid return, that is, the rapid return of the water attribute.

After giving the water flow a quick blow, the Pokémon will be replaced automatically.

Cold knowledge, in general competitions, it is stipulated that the trainer is only given three chances to change.

But moves such as quick return and volt replacement are not counted in the three times...

"Come out, it's up to you!"

So Xiaozhi flipped his palm and threw out his second Pokémon.

One wears three like Xiaomao, except for being handsome, it has no meaning at all.

It's still the early stage of the Silver Conference, and Xiaozhi plans to let his Pokémon appear more, so as to warm up his hands.

If you really want to be handsome and wear three clothes, for him, it's as good as having hands.



A red light flashed, and this time, a green-skinned toad appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

Medium build, all fours stepping on the ground.

The petals and flowers on the back are extremely lush.

002 Frog Grass!

In an instant, a strange plant smell appeared in the entire arena, and after taking a sip, one felt refreshed.

This is the strange power that the mysterious garden and countless similar ones have given to Froggrass, allowing it to use the power of 003 at the 002 stage...

It even surpasses the power of ordinary Miao Frog Flower.

"Not only that... this Frog Grass is too special..."

In the auditorium, Dr. Oki crossed his arms, his eyes were full of surprises, as if he was expecting something.

As the king of his own backyard, the former knows it all too well.


This appearance also stunned the others, they could only stare at the arena.

Special enough, is there anything else special?

The next moment, on the field.

Whoosh whoosh!

I saw that the standard field, which was still an ordinary rocky ground, suddenly grew countless lawn vines out of thin air.

Flooded over the entire surface of the arena, and within a short while, a field of grass was formed.

Not only that, but even the midair above seemed to be covered with a layer of light green special effect filter, quite mysterious.

"This is...?!"

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see his Froggrass using such an ability.

"Didi. The characteristic of Froggrass, the grass maker, Pokémon with this characteristic can transform the surrounding field into a grass field when it enters the stage."

The picture book on the waist hinted.

After listening to Xiaozhi, he froze in place.

"Mutated again?"

This time, even the personality has changed from lush to green grass maker?

Now it's Kapu·002?

Before at Silver Mountain, due to the short time, he didn't put too much energy on Froggrass, and he didn't have time to check the latter's body.

"Well, this Frog Grass is naturally extraordinary..."

Dr. Oki in the auditorium nodded his head and said with a sigh.

This is a great discovery in academia.

Because the plant energy breath in the body was too strong, it finally turned into a real effect and affected the external environment.

He even wanted to go to the secret garden that Xiaozhi talked about before.

It's just that Dr. Oki went and went, and according to the address, the secret garden was also found.

But it was unremarkable, nothing special at all.

He couldn't find the Miao Frog Flower with special power, and dozens of others of the same kind.

It can only be said that these are metaphysics, and fate will come naturally when it comes, and it cannot be forced.



The surroundings and even the sky were covered with a layer of green force field, directly making Junyi and Geranium on the opposite side look stupid.

Not to mention the grass maker, they have never seen the grass field.

Using the field to fight is a common way of fighting in the Alola region and the Galar region, but it is extremely rare in the Johto region.

Moreover, the froggrass in front of him is obviously only a second-order form, so why is the plant breath on his body so much richer than his third-order geranium?

Junyi shook his head, and quickly turned serious.

Yes, it must be a blindfold.

He can still turn the tables! !

"Geranium vs. Froggrass, the battle begins now!"

As the referee's voice fell, the match point game officially began.

"Frogweed, use the grass slide!"

As soon as the competition started, Froggrass was the first to be covered with a layer of green light. Stepping on the grass field with all four limbs, its figure suddenly slid out.

The speed was extremely fast, turning into a green light and smashing, Geranium had no time to react.


Frog Grass directly hit Geranium's body. Although the latter was more than twice the size of Frog Grass, it was still slammed into the air and retreated several meters.

The preemptive trick with the limitation of the grass field - the grass slide, is far more powerful than moves like lightning flash.

Although the grass attribute is not effective against geraniums, the green grass field also increases the power of this attack on the grass slide, and the power is not particularly low.

"Grass slide? What kind of trick is this?!"

Chun Yi was stunned again.

The green grass slide is a unique skill in the Galar area, and there are no grass-type gymnasiums in the Chengdu area. This is another blind spot of his knowledge...


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