He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 795 Quarterfinals, vs Akin! (end)

With Snorlax's fist, he swung forward again.

Boom chi chi...! !

Immediately, flames wrapped in ice fell from the sky one after another.

It turned into countless ice chips and dispersed completely on the ground.

Xiaozhi's Kirbymon is already very good at ice attributes.

If it wasn't for its own attributes, it really only had general attributes, and Xiaozhi would have doubted whether his Snorby was a Yeti Snorkel.

But it's not better. There are too many weaknesses of the ice attribute, which will actually weaken the flesh of the Snorlax itself.

Snorkel's freezing fist easily blocked the jet flames in the raging state, which was extremely shocking in terms of visual perception.


This made the entire arena a little quieter.

At first, they thought that the pride of their Johto region that Ash had sent, Bankiras, was already his strongest Pokémon.

In the end, he was defeated by a perverted Yusanjia.

"Quasi-God Figure Yile, Pokémon battle, we still have to watch the original Yusanjia..."

This sentence, in fact, has been circulated in the world of trainers.

As a result, on Xiaozhi's side, he sent another Kirby that seemed to be stronger than Bankiras?!

Xiaozhi's expected championship ranking is rising crazily...


"Damn, so strong..."

Seeing that the opponent easily blocked his blow, Ah Jin couldn't help but weaken a bit.

At this moment, the physical strength of the fiery beast...

"It doesn't matter, at least I have to defeat this Snorby!!"

Ah Jin raised his arm sharply.

"Fire Beast, use Flame Charge!!"

Just as the fiery beast was about to land on its forelegs, a terrifying blue flame erupted on the surface of its body again, and its whole body turned into a huge blue fireball, rushing out violently.

Boom Chi Chi Chi...!!

The addition of the raging fire characteristic made the Flame Charge of the Fiery Beast even more powerful than ever before.

"Don't lose to it, use the ultimate shock!!"

Xiaozhi on the other side blinked, and also chose to attack from the front.


The Snorlax nodded, and its thick lower limbs began to run on the ground. Layers of purple-yellow energy turned into spiral light waves and wrapped around its body.

Snorkel is not fast.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

But at this moment, the ultimate impact of the Snorlax was like a bulldozer, and the rocky ground along the way cracked from the middle one after another.

In the end, Snorbeast and Fiery Beast collided in the middle of the arena.

Boom...! !

In an instant, there was a violent explosion, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky.

The same scene as before happened.

The flame halo and the purple-yellow energy coat are symphonically intertwined, turning into energy vortexes and spiraling up.

And in the middle, the figures of Snorbeast and Fiery Beast collided in a stalemate without hindrance.


The power spread to the surroundings, with the two of them as the center, the ground began to crumble and collapse to the surroundings.

The terrible strong wind and air flow blew wildly, forcing the referee to retreat again and again.

But Ah Jin and Xiao Zhi, who were standing at the two ends, did not back down at all.

His palms were all pressing down on his hat, and his eyes were fixed on the center of the arena.

"Fire Beast!! Use your full strength!!"

Ajin let out a loud growl.

His fiery orc's Zhuli talent is not only commanding... Ajin's will, but also has a considerable bonus to the power of the fiery beast.

Boom chi chi! !

As Ah Jin's voice fell, the flames on the back of the fire beast once again surged like a volcanic eruption.

Cooperating with its own raging fire state, the flames at this moment are frighteningly red, and the temperature has reached the extreme!


A steady stream of power burst out with the roar of the fiery beast.

The power of Flame Charge completely bombarded the Snorby beast.

This kind of violent power suddenly made the figure of Kirby back again and again.


Snorkel's eyes were fixed, and he growled, with a sullen look on his face.

Immediately, he also rolled up his sleeves, and unleashed his ultimate impact force again, pushing back towards the fiery beast.

Boom boom boom...! !

The two big tricks, the violent energy, finally couldn't continue the stalemate.

With countless strong winds and storms, it finally broke out, sparking a terrible explosion of flames.

The spreading smoke covered everything...



After a few minutes, the smoke dissipated.

At this moment, the rock arena has completely become a beach of gravel ruins.

And the trainers at both ends, and the Pokémon in front of them...


The Snorby gasped slightly, with some scars on its body.

As for the opponent, the mighty fiery beast stood upright on the field for a few seconds after the end.


The flame on his back was finally extinguished.

With his eyes closed, his body leaned forward, and he just fell on the field.

Its physical strength has finally reached its limit.

"Fire Beast can't fight, Snorbeast wins!!"

The referee also yelled out the defeat line of this fiery beast for the first time.

A Jin stared fixedly after a brief absence.

He didn't take it back with the elf ball, but walked up slowly, bent down, and gently stroked the back of the fiery beast.

"Thank you, Pyrobeast..."

"It seems that our practice is still far behind..."

"But next time, I will defeat this person with you, and then, they..."

A Jin turned his gaze to Xiaozhi in front of him, and the champions of the heavenly kings in the stands in the distance.


The fiery beast regained a bit of reason, opened its eyes, and let out a low growl.

Although the flame on the back has been extinguished, the fighting spirit in the eyes is getting hotter and hotter.

One person and one mouse are all staring at each other closely.


Withdrawing the fiery beast, Ah Jin slowly stood up.

Under the watchful eyes of countless audiences, Ah Jin took a deep breath, and finally said:

"I surrender..."

Once the Pyrobeast is defeated, he will only be left with the last purely auxiliary Big Needle Bee.

Looking at the huge squint-eyed brown bear in front of him, Ah Jin couldn't help breaking into a sweat.

This Kirby beast alone is probably not inferior to its own Fire Beast in terms of strength...

Even the flashing charge in the raging fire state was firmly blocked by the latter.

"Hehe, 2v6..."

Ajin looked at Xiaozhi with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

If you face this Kirby from the very beginning, the Firestorm might not even be able to defeat it 1v1...

I didn't expect this guy to hide such combat power.

Xiaozhi just walked forward, patted the Kabymon's big belly, raised the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his palm towards Ajin.

"Master Ajin, this is a wonderful battle! You and your fiery beast are really strong..."

Xiaozhi admired sincerely.

This was his first frightening battle at this Silver Conference.

"Next time, I won't lose to you... Xiaozhi!"

Ajin on the other end also raised his palm and held it with Xiaozhi.

In an instant, a metaphysical feeling appeared in the hearts of both of them at the same time.

This time, it is no longer Ah Jin in the electronic world, and the entangled fate with Brother Chi.

It's pure, the fetters of Jin and Xiaozhi's rivals!

"Because A Jin from Ruoye Town abstained, in the first round of the Silver Tournament, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town won!!"

As the referee's voice fell, only Xiaozhi's head remained on the huge electronic screen in the stands.

Although this is a 6v6 full-scale battle, the end time is a bit fast.

But there is no doubt that this is a very exciting battle.

In the main arena of the Silver Conference, deafening cheers erupted...!


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