He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 910: Looking for Latias

The garden behind the island.

After some communication, Xiaozhi and the others understood what the situation was now.

With the existence of Emperor Yan, there was no barrier between the grandparents and Xiaozhi, and he told them all the information they knew.

Emperor Yan is a righteous Pokémon, and the trainer it chooses must naturally be a righteous person.

It turns out that there are not only legends of patron saints in this water capital...similarly, the two patron saints also visit this island from time to time.

Of course, not a fixed 2.

Latios, Latias, are one ethnic group...but every time there are only two that will come to this island.

This matter is a secret that only the blood relatives of the owner of the pavilion know.

The legend about saving the island is true.

Because of this, they, who know the inside story, will serve the two patron saints from generation to generation.

"This back garden is a habitat specially built for Latios and the others..."

Kanon looked around and explained slowly.

In order to prevent outsiders from interfering with the life of the two legendary Pokémon, it is only marked as a wilderness with nothing on the external map.

Most of the tourists who come to the city of water come for the classical sea city...

What is in the wild is the island scene of the bad street, there is nothing worth coming here.

As for tourists like Xiao Zhi who broke in...

This is nothing to worry about.

Even they don't know when Latios and Latias will land on the island, it's not so easy to run into each other at all.

Even if it happened by luck, the smooth feathers on the surface of Latias had a curved reflection of light, so as to achieve the effect of invisibility.

"So what is the meaning of the water drop of the heart?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help asking.

The water drop of the heart... the name is somewhat similar to the mysterious water drop inherited from their Hualan Gymnasium. I wonder if it is also a prop to enhance the power of water attribute moves?

"The water drop of the heart is the treasure of our water capital, and it has always been placed in this pond..."

The curator sighed and pointed to the groove at the bottom of the pond.

He didn't even tell his granddaughter exactly where the location was.

"But this water droplet has the mysterious power to stabilize the sea water around our water city... When I woke up this morning, the whole water city became strange, so I took my grandfather to see if there is any problem with the heart water droplet. ,really..."

Kanon shook his head with a sad face.

She has stayed in this city since she was born. For so many years in the capital of water, she has never experienced such a strange feeling, which made Kanon extremely sensitive.

"Did those two thieves steal together...?"

Xiaolan frowned, with a displeased expression.

Her elder sister, Bilan, also stumbled and became a thief, but now she has...

Wait a minute, there seems to be nothing there already.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Xiaozhi stood up and asked in a deep voice.

After fighting that Latios, Xiaozhi still admires this Pokémon very much.

It can't just fall into the hands of outsiders.

"These two little thieves, if they don't run away directly...then there is only one purpose."

The curator's expression sank, and he exchanged a glance with his granddaughter.

"The museum's installation... According to legend, it is a powerful weapon used to fight against the catastrophe of the water capital, and the source of power is the patron saint and the water drop of the heart."

"These two guys must be trying to master this power!!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions sank.

Does it mean that next, they will go to the museum?

Looking at the sky, it was already two hours in the afternoon. If it was a thief, it was estimated that they would do it tonight.

In broad daylight, with a thief's instinct, he should not dare to do it for the time being.

"Then let's go to the museum now, this time I won't be attacked by that sun flower monster again!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists.

The sun flower monster that sneaked up, used the same posture, and blew itself up twice...? !

This made Xiaozhi very angry.

"Well, we have to go to the museum and wait..."

The curator's face was serious, as if he was about to lead everyone to the museum.

Neither he nor his granddaughter are trainers. If they fight, they will have to rely on these few people in front of them.

Especially this trainer with Emperor Yan...the strength should be extremely strong.

They lived a leisurely life in the Water City, and didn't pay attention to any league competitions, so naturally they didn't know about Xiaozhi's big show half a month ago.

At this time, the owner of the museum could not help but stop.

"One more thing...the patron saint of the water capital usually comes with two people...Now Latios has been captured by the gangsters, but Latias should still be in the city."


Xiaozhi and the others read it again, but it was the first time they heard this name.

"Well, there is telepathy between Latios and Latias. Now that the former has been arrested, the latter is probably also anxiously looking for it..."

As he said that, the curator of the museum showed two portraits to several people.

The blue and white one is Latios, and everyone has seen it.

On the second one, there is a red and white Pokémon that looks quite cute, which is Latias.

Similar to Latios in body structure, but smaller in size.

"It feels so familiar..."

In his mind, Xiao Zhi instantly thought of the mysterious red-haired maid he had met before.

The way she looked at her just now seemed to be an expression of isolation and asking for help...?

"Wait a minute, curator, Latias, don't you have the ability to transform?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"Transformation? They don't seem to have this ability..."

Transformation is the exclusive move of Ditto and Dream.

But the curator thought about it and added:

"Their feathers reflect light, which can achieve the effect of invisibility... But if it distorts and changes the light, it should be able to produce an illusion?"

When the curator was a child, he seemed to have heard the elders in his family mention the illusion ability of the patron saint.

False illusions are different from real transformations.

Even though the appearance can be disguised as a human being, it is still the original appearance of Latias to the touch.

"That is, can you really pretend to be a human...?!"

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes, he did not touch the body of the red-haired maid.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi suddenly made a plan, and immediately ran towards the direction of the grove where the red-haired maid escaped.


Pikachu understood, and hurriedly followed.

"Everyone, then I'll go find that red-haired maid... You go to the museum and wait for me first!!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, Xiao Zhi's figure slipped into the jungle, and disappeared completely in the jungle within a while.

Everyone was at a loss.

What does the red-haired maid mean...?

The two patron saints who came this time, the curator and Canon, just found out, not to mention the former's possible disguise.

Seeing this, everyone could only shake their heads and walked towards the museum together.

"Don't be afraid, curator, the three of us are also very strong~!"

"That's right, I was just attacked by that guy just now!"

The mushroom spores that were attacked by one hand were brought down directly, and the three of Xiaogang also felt a fire in their hearts...

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