He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Nine hundred and thirtieth characteristics, invisible and infinite waist


Pikachu spread his hands, looked at Xiaozhi, and said that it was really not its problem.

Obviously this bird is weird.

Man Chong didn't know what was going on, but Xiao Zhi and the other three were at a loss.

Two shots of 100,000 volts... This proud swallow's body was scorched black, panting heavily, and almost exhausted all its strength just to support it in place.

However, it just didn't fall.

His eyes were extremely firm, and he was not shaken in the slightest by the electric shock restrained by attributes.

"Is this your backbone? It's amazing...then do it again, using one hundred thousand volts!!"

The terrible electric shock came again, and the ground soil around Aoguyan's body cracked a sinking gap.

But after the lightning dissipated, the latter still stood in place, and did not lose the ability to fight.

This time, even Xiaozhi, who was used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help being a little moved.


This has nothing to do with the backbone, right?

Pure cheating!

Or the proud swallows in the Fangyuan area, are they all like this?

Boom! !

Boom! !

Just like that, Pikachu blasted out 10 rounds of 100,000 volts in a row, all of which were borne by the proud swallow.


The latter still maintained the final will and did not fall.

The spine and will of the eyes even faintly turned into provocation, as if mocking the strength of Pikachu's electric shock, like itching.

Of course, the reason why Aoguyan endured all the attacks head-on and didn't dodge...it couldn't dodge.

Aoguyan doesn't even have the energy left to move.

The unyielding will in his heart allowed him to withstand all the attacks and stand in front of everyone.

"Pickup, pickup..."

This time, it was even Pikachu's turn to cross his waist and start panting.

Is it that I have really become a useless electric rat...?

Just got hacked by Fangyuan area.

After another half-day, a bird on the side of the road could not be killed by electricity, and Pikachu finally became confused.

"In that case, Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

Even Xiaozhi was sweating profusely, and was defeated in the end, so he had to change his attack method.

Whoosh! !

A white light flashed, and this time Pikachu rushed out vigorously, hitting the Proud Swallow hard into a tree trunk.

It was like the straw that broke the camel's back when the proud swallow slipped from the tree.


It finally had swirling eyes, and fell heavily on the spot, unable to fight.

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi and Pikachu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the world is still normal.


Throwing the elf ball easily subdued the proud swallow.

It happened that there were a few wild swallows nearby, so Xiaozhi tried to ask Pikachu to shock them again.

Boom! !

One hundred thousand volts whizzed out in dense electric shock currents, hitting three or four proud swallows at the same time. "Hiss..."


But these proud swallows kicked their legs very simply, and lost their fighting ability on the spot.


Pikachu let out a cry almost like venting, and his whole body was dripping with joy.

This is the most normal style of painting!

And Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book, wanting to see what's different about his Proud Swallow.

Sure enough, it was only this single individual that had the problem, not a Pokémon like Proud Swallow, let alone this world.

"Didi. Proud Swallow, Traits: Invisible waist, Skills: Lightning Flash, Peck, Reckless."

Xiaozhi frowned, and asked the illustrated book to highlight one of the key words.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan next to him also came up together, they had never heard of the characteristic of the invisible waist.

"Beep. The invisible waist, no matter what damage it receives, will have a certain probability to maintain the last point of physical strength, and stand upright. ps: Even if it is not in full state, this feature can be triggered, and when faced with electric shocks, the triggered The probability is doubled."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Isn't this really the illustrated book, made up on the spot?

And Pikachu's electric shock just now, but 10 rounds failed to kill the latter, which means that the trigger probability of facing electric shock is 100%? !

Specifically for my Pikachu? !

Xiao Gang: "???"

The characteristic of his small fist stone is strong, and the waist characteristic can only be triggered when it is in full state...

In the end, you told me that this proud swallow can be triggered even if it is not full of blood? !

Invisible Qi Waist (X).

Invisible infinite gas waist (Nike).

Compared with the former, his little fist stone is like a clown.

When Xiaozhi calmed down, his expression was already tinged with ecstasy.

Wait a minute, I seem to have found a treasure? !

Seeing the Muggle Swallows being cleaned up by Pikachu, Xiaozhi finally realized that he had met a Swallow, the proud son of heaven.

"Haha, Manchu, my good man!!"

Xiaozhi immediately became full of affection for the man beside him.

If it weren't for the latter's request, he would have moved on to the next city at this moment, and would not have encountered this special proud swallow.


Man Chong scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing what happened.

Neither he nor his family members are trainers, and their knowledge of Pokémon is completely at the level of laymen.


After subduing Aoguyan, Xiaozhi naturally did not forget the business of this trip.

He handed a blank poke ball to Man Chong.

"Then it's your turn to perform now... Pikachu, please be his Pokémon for a while."


Pikachu nodded, and landed in front of Manchu, full of fighting spirit.

It wants to prove that it can still carry a knife!

Seeing the three of them backing away and focusing their eyes on him, Manchu blushed and became at a loss for a moment.

"No, this is my chance!"

It looks weak on the outside, but the inside of Manchu is extremely tenacious. He quickly calmed down and scanned his surroundings.

Aoguyan, whom I have seen just now, is undoubtedly the best choice.

The acorns or mushrooms that look harmless to humans and animals next to them don't seem to be too difficult.

"Yo-yo ball, use sweet aroma!!"

Beside, Xiaolan also sent out the Pokémon she had just tamed, and used the sweet aroma to attract the wild Pokémon around, so that Manchu would have more choices.


The sharp corners of Yo-Yo Ball's head began to emit a faint fragrance, and many wild Pokémon approached where everyone was.

This is the special ability of yo-yo balls. The sharp horns on the head can secrete aroma and attract prey.

In the same way, it can also emit a bad smell to drive away its natural enemies.

And as nearly ten Pokémon approached in a row, Man Chuan's eyes lit up, as if he had a target.

As if destined by fate, that wild Pokémon also looked at Man Chong.


This is a timid upright Pokémon with a white body that seems to be wearing an oversized white dress.

The aura looked extremely weak, and green bangs seemed to be covering her head, covering most of her small face.

Full charge in Pokémon form...?

The three of Xiaozhi couldn't help but have this thought in their hearts at the same time.

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