He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 948 Fire Chick vs North Nose!

"The one-horned rhino can't fight, but the wooden Shougong wins!"

Although the power of a single seed machine gun is not high, but the continuous hits of the seed machine gun are still so close.

In terms of power, it is actually not lost to a simple burst of sunshine and flames.


Mu Shougong took a vigorous step, jumped up from the fallen one-horned rhinoceros, and landed back in front of Xiaozhi.

The battle in front of him is not over yet, Mu Shougong's face is condensed, it is somewhat swollen after mastering the new moves, and intends to push this gymnasium directly.

"Come back, the one-horned rhino..."

Seeing Dujuan on the opposite side take back the Pokémon, Xiaozhi on the other end also took out the poke ball, making a gesture to take back the wooden Shougong.

"I'm sorry Mu Shougong, you three will have one each in this game, and it's Huozhiji's turn next."

Interrupting Mu Shougong's fighting spirit, Xiaozhi said apologetically.


These words made Du Juan on the opposite side frown.

There is only one person, why do you feel like you are being treated as a sandbag experience bag?


Similarly, Mu Shougong's slightly protruding big yellow lizard eyes also wrinkled.

But then the fighting spirit dissipated, Mu Shougong did not return to the poke ball, but jumped and fell to the corner of the rock wall beside him.

He took out a twig in his hand and put it in his mouth, folded his hands on his chest, and leaned against the wall coldly.

It wants to see what that short winter melon will do next.

It's best to lose, it's pushed directly.


With Mu Shougong's cold and arrogant appearance, Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders helplessly.

But Pokémon has personality, which is a good thing, Xiaozhi didn't think to say anything to correct it.



Cuckoo finally casts her last Pokémon.

This is a rock Pokémon with a dark blue body. The edge of the rock body is a smooth polygonal cut, with short rock limbs, as if they were inlaid.

The eyes are closed, and a red lodestone protrudes near the nose.

Suspended in mid-air, shaking gently up and down.

With the effect of electromagnetic levitation, it is immune to ground-type moves.

"Finally a new Pokémon I haven't seen before..."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the illustration book to investigate.

"Didi, north-facing noses, magnetic Pokémon, rock properties, magnet noses always face north, so any two north-facing noses will never be able to face-to-face kiss, and the only position they lay eggs in is old."

Rhododendron: "?"

Didn't you know that there is a Pokémon like Ditto in this illustrated book?

"A fire chicken...hasn't evolved to acquire fighting attributes yet."

Du Juan shook his head, concentrated his mind, and looked at the flame chick who was on the rocky ground, like a bullfighting bull, constantly scratching the sand.

At this moment, there are all my students around, so I have to kill one of them no matter what in today's battle!

The battle begins!


"Huozhiji, pre-emptive strike, use the bounce trick!!"

As soon as it came up, Huozhiji fully demonstrated its super strong leg strength, and its body jumped into the air like a spring, making everyone raise their heads.

The sudden explosion stunned Du Juan for a moment.

According to the description in the book, Huozhiji should be the least aggressive Yusanjia, right?

"Nose towards the north, use harden to block it!"

North Face still had his eyes closed, but his body glowed with a silver light.

Whoosh! !

Then there was a heavy blow from the bird's claws, which directly stepped on the front door facing the north nose.

General effect.

However, Huo Zhiji's strong legs still kicked Chao Beibi hard and sent him backwards.

call out...!

It's just the levitation effect of electromagnetic floating, which keeps the north-facing nose at a certain distance from the ground, without receiving secondary damage.

"Tsk tsk, doesn't it have any effect...?"

Xiaozhi frowned, he didn't expect that Huozhiji's strongest move didn't work.


However, a red light appeared on the turkey's body, which symbolized that the latter's speed had risen by a level.

The acceleration feature is activated!

In combat, this is definitely a bug-level feature.

"This fire chick is not the fierce fire characteristic written in the book?"

Du Juan was startled again, and then he became calm and launched an attack on his own initiative.

"Facing the north nose, use the rock avalanche trick!"

The restraint of attributes is there, as long as this guy can't swing a powerful fighting fat times, this game is not a big problem.

whoosh whoosh...!!

With a low sound towards the north nose, countless rocks condensed out of thin air above Huozhiji's head, and fell down in unison.

"Quickly use the electric light to dodge!!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, he would be severely disabled if he was smashed even if he didn't die.

Rumble...! !

Countless rocks fell, Huo Zhiji could only swing its lower limbs desperately, and ran away in a hurry.

It's just that even though the speed has been increased, the rock avalanche is a large-scale AOE move. Although the fire chicken escaped the frontal fall of the rock avalanche, it was still broken by many explosive boulders.

The body rolled on the rocky ground for a while, quite embarrassed.

Because the turkey's immature and short wings can't do anything, it can't even be used to stand up.


In the end, the turkey gave a low cry, and jumped back up with a carp.

Although there was a lot of dust on his face, he still stared at the big stone in front of him with burning eyes, the flames were hot.

"That's the fighting spirit, use the oath of fire!!"

Xiaozhi gave a loud shout, cheering up Huozhiji.

The latter nodded, jumped up in the air, smashed his head to the ground in front of him, and then injected his own flame energy.

puff! !

puff! !

The next moment, pillars of magma and fire spewed out one after another from the ground under the feet of the north-facing nose, one after another, rushing towards the north-facing nose in the center.


The latter was not fast, and being hit head-on, he couldn't help letting out a low cry.

General effect.

It has flame resistance, but there is only a faint black mark on the surface of its body.

"Use the power gem!!"

Du Juan's attack continued, and a circle of energy gravel lit up around the body facing Beibi, and they all flew out together.

"Huozhiji, use the electric light to dodge!!"

Xiaozhi can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.


The red light of characteristic acceleration appeared on Huozhiji's body for the second time, and its speed increased to a higher level, allowing it to avoid countless energy gravels with ease.

"It's now, use the spark trick on the back facing the north nose!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth and instructed.

Huozhiji's figure was swift, and it had already come to the back of Chaobei Nose.

Since the latter's nose is a powerful magnet, it can only be forced to point north... which is the direction facing Xiaozhi at this moment.

Du Juan specially adjusted the direction of the battle arena in the aisle hall.

Then the position behind the north nose is the biggest weakness.

Puff puff...!!

The fire chickens spewed out sparks with all their strength, and they all blasted behind Chao Beibi, and the flames exploded!

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