He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 963: Stone Cave


With a low growl, the iron palm wrestler forced himself to endure the pain in his feet, and suddenly leaned forward, his outstretched thick palms had already grasped the strong chicken's shoulders.

As a gesture, you have to use your strength to throw it out.

However, at this time, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he shouted suddenly:

"Even now, with the help of the opponent's palm, we also use leverage throw!!"

The strong chicken understood, the body that had been captured lowered, and its two sharp claws reached up, just in time to grab the thick palms of the iron palm wrestler.

"It's a bug...!!"

Immediately there was a burst of shouting, and the strong chicken used its own body as a fulcrum, exerted all its strength, and threw the iron palm wrestler fiercely in front of him.

The two arms of Lizhuang chicken have raised muscles visible to the naked eye.

The move of throwing with strength has many advantages for short people.


The iron palm wrestler still wanted to struggle, but the severe pain from his foot made him slow down.

Next, there was a huge force that was hard to resist, making this thick and fat man actually hugged by the volley.

In the end, he was thrown back by the strong chicken and hit the ground!

Boom boom pound! !

The terrifying strength coupled with the high weight of the iron palm wrestler itself caused the entire gym to vibrate violently again, and it even seemed that the ceiling would collapse in the next second.

You must know that the size of the strong chicken is much smaller than that of the iron palm wrestler. With the help of a small body and a big body, the scene looks extremely vigorous!

But when everyone took a closer look, the iron palm wrestler had already fallen to the ground, his eyes rolling.

This move is undoubtedly the same as kicking down, and it is also a heavy blow to it with its high weight.


It's just that the strong chicken also half-kneeled on the ground, panting heavily.

In the previous battle, its physical strength had almost reached its limit.

"The winner has already been divided, the iron palm wrestler can't fight, and the strong chicken wins! So this match is won by Xiaozhi!!"

The fitness boy quickly pronounced the verdict, officially marking the end of the competition.


"This is the proof of defeating the Martial Arts Gym, the boxing badge."

When the game came to an end, Fujiki handed Xiaozhi a small blue fist badge.

"Also, there is an extra thank you..."

Saying that, Fujiki handed over another brown disc together.

Move learner - bodybuilding.

Put on a fit posture to improve your own attack and defense.

Because the strong chicken's attack is too fierce, the iron hand wrestler, who is not fast, has no time to perform bodybuilding.

"Is it a bodybuilding trick, just enough for the strong chicken to master...!"

Xiaozhi looked happy, and took the badge and the learning device together.

Then the mission of Wudou Town, even if he has completed half of it...



The next day, Wudou Town.

The three of Xiaozhi did not leave the town directly, but walked towards the northwest of the town, where the Stone Cave was located.

He also has the task of delivering letters to Mr. Dawu.

And Xiaolan wants to tame a baby with a big mouth in the cave of stone.

This is one of the few places in the Fangyuan area where wild big-mouthed babies live.

"It is said that there are many cocoa dora living in the cave of the stone, just let my cocoa dora also see it..."

Xiao Gang released his own shining Cocoa Dora.

It's just that the shining cocoa dora is not much different from the ordinary ones, only a pair of completely red eyes, which looks quite bluffing.

Xiaozhi released Mu Shougong.

It's just that the latter is walking quickly with his arms folded and his eyes closed, much faster than Xiaozhi and the others.

Although his expression was still cold, it was obvious that Mu Shougong was a little angry at the moment.

"Mu Shougong, don't be angry, you can evolve soon."

Xiaozhi could only chase after him in a good voice:

"When you evolve, you will definitely be taller than a strong chicken."

This guy is angry about the fact that Xiaozhi sent a strong chicken to the martial arts gym, but he can only sit on the bench.

The most important thing is that this little dwarf suddenly evolved, and his elevation was more than a head taller than himself.

When eating last night, the Lizhuang chicken had been showing off its power for a long time in front of it.

Let you look down on chickens again!


Hearing that Mu Shougong just quickened his pace.

It's going to the Cave of Stone for a good workout, and it will definitely be able to evolve when it comes out!

"Hey, these two guys..."

The three of Xiaozhi had no choice but to speed up their pace.

Let's not talk about whether there are any powerful opponents similar to the iron palm wrestler in the cave of stone.

It's just that once Mu Shougong evolves at that time, if he surpasses in height... it's the turn of the strong chicken to get angry again.

No solution. Well, it's time for the illustrated book to give the two of them a good science. The inside is the true essence of a Pokémon's power!

It seemed to be aware of Xiaozhi's thoughts. At this time, the illustrated book in his pocket sent out a reminder sound.

"Didi. Size is one of the important factors in judging whether a Pokémon is strong or not."

The illustrated book is logical and meticulous, and the word "one" is added, which is purely reasonable.


These words were even harsher to Mu Shougong's ears, his face darkened, and he quickened his pace again.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Sure enough, when it comes to dealing with one's own people, the illustration book is unreliable.

Xiaozhi quickly adjusted the voice of the illustrated book to vibrate.


Soon, the three officially entered the cave of stone.

Although this cave looks spacious, it is only bright and spacious on the first floor at ground level.

As it continues to go deeper into the first floor, the second floor... the surrounding roads will become crooked, and even the environment will become extremely dark.

"At this time, it's time to use the flashing trick~!"

A backpacker man dressed as a mountain man was standing at the entrance of the stairs leading to the basement level, selling a white disc in his hand to the three of them.


There is also a lean and lean wrist standing beside him, helping to yell.

"This is a move trainer - Flash, now you only need a simple 50,000 yen, and you can get it in your pocket~!"

Don't look at the lightness he said, but 50,000 yen can actually buy a skill machine that destroys the death light at the department store in Suijing City.

This is a profiteer.

"Pikachu, please!"


However, Xiaozhi just raised his hand and pointed, and Pikachu on his shoulder understood, and jumped in front of everyone.

call out...!

After a while, a layer of light flickered at the end of Pikachu's stepped tail.

The flash move has always been a move that Pikachu has mastered.

It's just that this move is not very effective in actual combat, and it even looks very tasteless.

If the surrounding is too bright, sometimes even the opponent's hit rate cannot be reduced.

Seeing this, the profiteer Shan Nan could only target the next batch of tourists.

The three of them, led by Pikachu and Mu Shougong next to them, began to walk towards the depths of the stone cave...


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