He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 970 Xiaozhi vs Dawu!

"Armor bird...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes are serious. This is not a Pokémon from the Fangyuan area. He has come into contact with it as early as in the Chengdu area.

It seems that the opponent does not plan to use all his strength...

Before entering the cave, Xiaozhi had a premonition that he might encounter the league champion next time, so Xiaozhi checked Dawu's information in advance.

As a public figure, the Pokémon information that Dawu carries is naturally clear at a glance.

The strongest one seems to be a shinning Fangyuan quasi-god...

Although the armored bird in front of him is also one of Dawu's six main Pokémon, it is usually used more by Dawu as a means of transportation for flying.

Another tool bird.

Even so, the strength of this armored bird is by no means weak, and it is still more powerful than the king of heaven.

Looking at the armored bird reflecting the silver light under the red light of the surrounding caves, it felt oppressive, and Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless.

His own comparison does not have an advantage in terms of level.

The battle begins.

"Bi Diao, fly up, use the air blade!"

Xiaozhi took the lead in launching the attack.

I saw Bi Diao fluttering its wings. Although the bottom of the cave was completely sealed, the spacious stone chamber still gave it a lot of flying space.

Whoosh! !

With a flap of the wings, countless blue and white air blades shot out, piercing the air.

There was no extra expression on Dawu's face, he just secretly observed everything about Xiaozhi and Bi Diao.

"Use metal claws!"

The armored bird understood, the taupe claws under its body were covered with silver light, and it made a cross gesture in front of it.

Whoosh! !

The powerful metal claws easily chopped and shattered several air blades in front of him.

"Fly up, use the steel wings!"

This time it was the armor bird's turn to flutter its wings, and the steel wings composed of four steel leaves on each side, covered with a cold metal light, rushed straight towards Bi Diao.

"Don't lose to it, we also use steel wings!!"

Xiaozhi said without showing any weakness.

Now he is no longer a rookie trainer, even a powerful king trainer, why can't he confront a league champion head-on?

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Bi Diao screamed loudly, and his wide wings were also covered with a cold metal light, and he rushed up suddenly.

Bang! !

When the steel wing met the steel wing, countless flashes of sparks burst out at the junction, and there was a dull and heavy metal explosion sound.


It's just that in mid-air, before the steel wings collided with each other for a long time, the armored bird suddenly made a loud cry, and the second stage of the steel wings exerted force, unexpectedly flying backwards that was hit by Bi Diao abruptly.

It wasn't until he was about to hit the side rock wall that Bi Diao readjusted his posture.

"Damn it, is it stronger in terms of strength..."

Xiaozhi clenched his fists.

There is not much difference in strength between the two, but the armored bird still has the bonus of this attribute.

Champion's Main Pokémon...

Thinking of this word, Xiaozhi put away his luck and concentrated on the battle.

"Since this is the case, use speed to determine the outcome, Bi Diao uses high-speed movement!!"

Xiaozhi changed his thinking. The armored bird with thick metal armor should not have an advantage in speed.

Whoosh...! Whoosh...!

Bi Diao's swift and high-speed figure moved quickly in mid-air, dazzling his eyes.

However, Dawu just instructed unhurriedly:

"Armor bird, use the light weight of the body!"

The armored bird nodded, and its steel body shook in mid-air, and a lot of scraps of iron could be barely seen shaking out.

And a ferocious amplified red light also appeared on the surface of the armored bird's body.

The speed of the armored bird has been greatly improved!

Whoosh...! Whoosh...!

This time it was the armor bird's turn to move at high speed, its silver-gray body flashed in the air again and again, its speed was no less than that of the eagle.

"What kind of move is this?!"

Seeing that the armored bird was instantly equal in speed, Xiao Zhi frowned.

"Didi. The body is lightweight, and the unique steel attribute moves can not only reduce its own weight, but also greatly increase its own speed."

The illustration book reminded in time.

"Armor bird, use metal claws!!"

Dawu didn't give Xiaozhi any extra time to think, and suddenly attacked.

After the armored bird's speed was greatly increased, its sharp claws glowed with cold light, and it turned into a bunch of silver sharp arrows, piercing the air, and rushed towards it in an instant!

The raised metal claws even left three infiltrating claw marks in the air!

Whoosh! !

It's just that this dangerous blow directly penetrated Bi Diao's body.

"Use Yan Fan!!"

The afterimage disappeared, and the next moment, Bi Diao appeared under the armored bird.

Whoosh! !

The sharp beak was covered with white light, and it suddenly hit the chest of the armored bird!

General effect.

But the powerful force still rushed the armor bird out, leaving a round black mark on the armor part of its chest.

"Bi Diao..."

It's just that Bi Diao's beak was also hurt for a while.

The armor bird's physical defense is extremely terrifying.

But after this quick fight, Xiaozhi's self-confidence rose again.

"This time, the winner will only be me...!"

Although the level of this armored bird is indeed higher than that of the vulture...but not by much.

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth raised, and he suddenly raised his right hand.

The mega bracelet on the wrist, the surface of the keystone inlaid in it reveals a strange luster.

Because his Bi Diao can also mega evolve!

Once the mega evolution is completed, then the level gap at this point can be completely made up... Even if it is impossible to overtake this armored bird, it is enough as long as it is equal.

"Then Bi Diao's Undefended Absolute Zero can also be used!"

Xiaozhi's fight was just to test whether this lore move would work.

One hit kills, attribute restraint and so on don't make much sense.


"Oh~ is it the mega evolution of Dabiri?"

Dawu showed a look of anticipation, this mega bracelet should be the work of his cousin.

Dabiri is a bird from other places. This is the first time Dawu has seen this kind of mega evolution of Pokémon.

On the other end, Xiaozhi had a thought and concentrated his mind on the keystone of his bracelet.

"Let's mega evolve, Bi Diao!!"

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Feeling Xiaozhi's fettered emotions, Bi Diao immediately flapped his wings and rose to the highest point of the rock wall, singing loudly!

The next moment, a strange colorful light connected the keystone in the hands of Bi Diao and Xiao Zhi, and the light soared, turning the former into a ball of energy dome.

As the energy was completely broken, a slender red feather like a ribbon grew on the forehead, and the new posture of Mega Bi Diao also appeared above the cave.

Whoosh! !

With a sudden flap of the wings, a gust of strong wind was aroused, and it was blown away in all directions.

"What a beautiful big bird."

Even Dawu had to admire Bi Diao's new posture.

He is a native of Fangyuan, and he is more accustomed to calling Bi Diao Dabi Bird.

"So this is what you rely on, it's not enough..."

But the eyes of Dawu and the armored bird above their heads were restrained and deep, and they didn't shake anything because of this.

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