He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 980 The second battle with Absolu!

Kaina City South Beach.

Xiaozhi and his party, who sailed for half a day from the Haizijin ruins, finally set foot on the mainland today.

The area of ​​land and sea in the Hoen area is comparable, so there are naturally many seaside and sandy scenery here.

Among them, the most famous large-scale beach is the seaside beach in Kaina City, which attracts countless tourists all year round.

Taking back Chenglong, standing on the beach, watching the crowds around, with sun umbrellas and blankets inserted almost a few meters away.

The black dense head even gave people a feeling of suffocation.

"A lot of people..."

The three of them exclaimed in admiration as if the countrymen were the first to enter the city.

This scale is much larger than that of the Kanto region.

Now is the peak season for tourism, and the big sisters in bikinis who walk around from time to time make Xiaogang's eyes shine, and he can't forget to leave.

"Well, let's rest here on vacation today..."

Xiao Gang suggested.

"Let's hurry to Kaina City! Sister Bilan is already waiting for us!"

Xiaolan hurriedly dragged the two of them towards the city ahead.

After repeated sea trips, it is indeed necessary to rest for a few days.

Although I don't know what method Bilan will use, but at this moment, a super luxurious hotel must have been booked to welcome them!

Xiaolan would rather lie on the soft presidential bed than on the chaotic beach...

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly sensed something and stopped.


Pikachu on the shoulder had the same expression, his ears trembling.

One person and one mouse slowly turned their heads, looking in one direction of the beach.

Through the countless people passing through the middle, and the gaps between the sun umbrellas... I saw a beast-shaped Pokémon covered with snow-white fur standing on a high slope of a sand dune.

There is a black and blue crescent moon sickle on his forehead, and his cold red eyes are also staring in their direction.


Xiaozhi blurted out, recognizing the Pokémon in front of him.

When he first set foot in the Fangyuan area, he was attacked by this Absolu.

Hmm, it should be the same one, this kind of Pokémon seems to be very rare.

As a result, Absolu turned around and fled after hitting a set of combined punches. The aftermath of the battle blew up Xiaoyao's bicycle on the spot.

"This Absol is very strong...!"

Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became full of fighting spirit, and he and Pikachu walked slowly in that direction.

Although Pikachu was slashed at that time and was kicked from the stable position of the king of battle, his strength was far superior to that of ordinary Pokémon, but he was still firmly beaten by this Absolu...


Pikachu's cheeks were running with electricity, and he also showed a look of wanting revenge.

"Ah!! Wild Absolu!!?"

"It's a Calamity Beast!! It's a Calamity Beast!!"

"There must be a disaster here!!"

Soon, the surrounding tourists and passers-by naturally also noticed the existence of Absolu.

Compared to Absolu's official name, they prefer to call it the Beast of Disaster.

A Pokémon that brings disaster wherever it goes.

Xiaozhi and the others seemed to be in high spirits, but this group of locals was not like that. They all looked panic-stricken, as if the terrible doomsday was coming in the next second.

Looking at Absolu's gaze, it was more like seeing some big monster, as if he would be tainted with bad luck if he looked at it any more.

"It's a tsunami! It must be a tsunami!!"

"The disaster beast appeared on the beach, there must be a big tsunami here!!"


All of a sudden, the crowd around them became agitated, and with the extremely noisy and chaotic panic shouts, they rushed towards the direction of Kaina City.

In less than a while, the seaside beach, which was still crowded with people, has already dispersed.

In Nuoda's space, only Xiaozhi and the others were left, as well as countless messy footprints on the beach, and garbage placed indiscriminately.

People in the Fangyuan area are still very superstitious about this kind of metaphysics...


"Damn, these guys...!" Xiao Zhi frowned at this scene.

The rioting and panic-running crowd was in stark contrast to Absol who stood among them.

The latter had no expression on his face, and his cold blood eyes just quietly watched him being disgusted by humans.

It seems that it has long been used to it.

"Isn't it just a little unlucky, and I don't want to see a ghost!"

Xiaozhi tried to defend Absolu's injustice.


His voice reached Absolu's ears, causing the latter to frown, resisting the urge to hit Xiaozhi with the Whirlwind Knife on the spot.

"The Calamity Beast...it's not a legendary Pokémon, how could it possibly bring about such a big tsunami!"

Xiaolan is also complaining about Absolu.

The people here are too superstitious!

The tsunami is already the power that only Kaioka can erupt.

"If this Pokémon is really related to disasters... I think it's more about the ability to perceive disasters..."

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin, but came up with a new idea.

The causal power that produces disaster... This is too outrageous, at least it has to be the power of the legendary Pokémon.

But if it is a perceived disaster, even if it is placed in an ordinary Pokémon, it is not impossible.

Perceive the disaster, and appear in front of human beings to remind... But in the eyes of passers-by, it is indeed easier to have the association of "it brings disaster".

Anyway, it seems really bad luck.

However, appearing in front of the three of them one after another, is this Absol trying to tell them what disaster is about to happen...?

"None of this has anything to do with me!"

Xiaozhi shook his head indifferently, and took a step forward at the same time as Pikachu.

"Hey! The last time our battle was not over, this time we must decide the winner!!"

Nuo's large and uninhabited beach happens to be their best battle venue!


Pikachu leaped vigorously and landed in front of Absolu. Last time he was hit with a set of punches for no reason, so he had no chance of revenge.


Absolu howled to the sky like a lone wolf, with a sense of loneliness in his long voice.

Finally, he closed his mouth and jumped down from the high slope of the sand dune, facing Xiaozhi and Pikachu head-on, with firm eyes.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and said:

"Have you accepted the battle...then preemptively strike, Pikachu uses lightning flash!!"

Pikachu understood, his figure was immediately covered with white light, and he sprinted forward on the sand at a super high speed.

However, Absolu's movement was one step faster.

When the limbs were running, the whole person turned into a flash of white light lightning, which also rushed towards Pikachu.

Whoosh pound! !

In terms of speed, Absol was even better, knocking Pikachu into mid-air immediately.

"Damn it, is it another surprise attack...?!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists tightly. This move does not mean that the opponent is faster than Pikachu, but it will definitely be one step ahead of Pikachu.

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