The monologue was said by Shuel’s father, Kendrick, the day before his death.

In other words, the day they died was on Shuel’s birthday.



When Shuel’s name was called, the child who was previously tracing the windows with his fingers, turned his head around. His eyes gleamed with a pink hue. 

I had urged him to use an eye-colour changing potion, but he refused.

“When is your birthday?”

“July 28th!”

The answer came right away. It was in a month and a few more days.

If the date of the Ducal couple’s departure was roughly estimated to be two weeks ago, it would be July 14th.

On July 30th, four days from today, businesses will start delivering local specialties from the Broschte estate to the Capital.

Such timing!

Great, then we would just have to hold on for four more days. After that, Shuel and I can sneak onto the wagons loaded with staples. 

Since Shuel and I were both small, the large wagons would hide us well. My parents wouldn’t be able to follow us since all the wagons would have already travelled uphill by the time they knew I was gone.

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They were also reluctant to injure me since a woman with a scar was less valuable in the marriage market.

If I was hit, the mark would be about the size of my cheek or forehead, and I didn’t care too much if my eardrums fell off since I was in the wrong.

Once I brought Shuel back to his parents, I would return with the excuse ‘I wanted to visit the Capital’ and with that, my mission was over.

I could finally feel my messy plan coming together.

“Oh, right. My name is actually Shuel. Shuel Sebrirua!”

My thoughts were interrupted by a clear voice.

I reflexively turned to where the voice had come from and only then did I grasp what Shuel had said to me.


As I tilted my head and hardly opened my lips, Shuel was taken aback for a moment.

I relaxed my expression at the sight of his mouth quivering.

Yes, I’m sure you didn’t mean to reveal your identity on purpose…

“Really, Sebrirua! Shuel Sebrirua!”

He wouldn’t…

“You know, the Duchy of Sebrirua! That’s my house. Hehe.”

Hey, you little punk.

I sighed. That innocence was very cumbersome.

The name Sebrirua was a great shield, but sometimes it would also become a double-edged sword that would stab you.

For example, if the child who was powerless to protect himself was revealed to be a Sebrirua and if people who found out about it were Viscount Broschte.

As brazen as it sounds, my parents were blinded by money, power and fame.

If I revealed it to them, Shuel would be able to return safely and comfortably to his parents’ side rather than hiding in a wagon, but the problem would come in the aftermath of his return. 

My parents would, undoubtedly, demand for a reward in return for saving the child.

They would demand things such as wealth, advancement into the central society circles, and the favour of the Duke of Sebrirua.

Of course, the Ducal Couple would grant them their wishes at first, but if it repeats endlessly, that is where the tone would change.

No matter how generous the Duke and Duchess of Sebrirua were rumored to be, in the end, they were still powerful nobility. 

It was obvious they would choose to either silently wipe out the low-ranking aristocrats who endlessly clung onto them, or return back the favour by ruining their reputation.

And in the process, Shuel, who was soft-hearted, will give up his backbone to help save Viscount Broschte’s reputation.

It was bad for both Shuel and I.

Even if it wasn’t a special case like this, Shuel, who was left alone, should never have revealed his name so recklessly like this. 

And if he wasn’t, the surname Sebrirua still wasn’t considered a light matter to confess to me, who he barely knew for a day.

This child needed a strong warning regarding this matter.

Since Shuel didn’t understand the weight of his family’s name yet, I had to inflict a very cruel and ruthless punishment to make sure the lesson sticks.

“Stand with your hands up for ten minutes.”


Shuel squeaked at my firm words, but I didn’t take back what I said.

Instead, I continued calmly.

“There are no parents, family knights, or servants to protect you here. Instead there are plenty of people who would take advantage of you. More than you can count.”

“Yes. I know.”

“But Shuel, I don’t think you take this matter very seriously.”

“But you-”

“Shu. It’s the same here. How can you be sure that no one outside of my room would overhear what you just said?”

Shuel shut his mouth at my words. The sight of him staring at me pouting was very cute, but I ended the conversation mercilessly. 

“So raise your hands.”


Shuel whimpered at the sharp command and raised his arms.

At first I thought he’d be alright, but in less than a minute, he started to twist his body.




Is he a human or a puppy?

I couldn’t help but wonder when I saw him struggling with his curly hair.

It’s admirable to see him twisting his body yet not letting his arms down until the end….


I was starting to feel guilty for both child and animal abuse.

It was unsettling. I felt like I became a bad person for no reason. 

However, if I let him lower his hands, it would all be pointless. So I clenched my fist and hardened my face that was about to loosen. 

“What I just said. I mean, have you listened to what I said?”


“That’s not what I meant.”

“With both ears…..”

“…That’s not what I’m saying.”

Shuel whimpered in response.

I would be mad if he was joking around but Shuel’s clear eyes were so transparent that it was impossible to find any lies.

“Fine, I was wrong…”

His eyes actually lit up.

How do you discipline a child like that…

“Like I said, this-”

Thump, thump, thump.

I was about to continue speaking but froze at the sound of rapid footsteps quickly approaching.

When Shuel had a curious look on his face, I hurriedly grabbed the child’s arm and shoved him under the bed. 


“Get under the bed! Hurry up!”

From my urgent tone, Shuel immediately slipped under the bed. 

Due to his small size, not a single hair was seen when he hid under the bed.

When I rose up after confirming that Shuel wasn’t visible, the door slammed open with a bang.

“Arwen! Did I not tell you to come down for dinner last night?!”

Brown hair that contrasted with my silver locks, raised eyes, and a sharp voice.

It was my mother.

I quickly erased my startled expression and drooped my eyes.

“I’m sorry, mother. I forgot and fell asleep…”

“Ugh, really. And you ate up all the food the maid sent you!”

My mother, who was clicking her tongue, glanced at the empty bowl on the table and fussed.

At the same time, my stomach rumbled.

Eugh. My stomach hurts.

I gave my entire dinner to Shuel, so that was a given.

“Tsk, Tsk.”

My mother clicked her tongue as she heard the loud rumbling from my stomach.

She strode over to me and raised my arm.

“Is there a beast in your stomach?! Hey, look at this fattened thing. What’s the use of a girl who only knows how to eat?!”

I ignored the words calmly. I seldom felt anything anymore.

Instead, I mumbled to myself, “Is my age the age when I shouldn’t be fat?”

When I lowered my head, my mother put my arm down.

“Ugh, enough. Hurry up and get ready.”

Fortunately, my mother didn’t ask me about Shuel’s whereabouts and I was inwardly relieved.

To begin with, I hid him under the bed in a hurry, but it was difficult to guarantee that he would not be seen at an adult’s eye level.

I guess we didn’t get caught.

“What do you mean get ready, mother…?”

“Oh my, oh my, look at her!”

My mother trembled furiously at my absent-minded question. It was a tone that sounded like annoyance.

It wasn’t that surprising

She pointed out a lot of my actions, rebuked me, and despised me for how I was.

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Most of the time, it was small matters like forgetting to go to the boutique or being a little late for the etiquette class.

So I accepted my mother’s fuss calmly, thinking it was the same case again.

“Today is the day your father and brother return from the academy!”

So I never would have thought it would be a huge matter.

I froze, forgetting to control my expression. 

“Yes. No matter how hopeless you are, even for you it would be too much to forget something like this!”

My mother retorted, snorting while I strenuously raised the corners of my lips and asked.

“…….I thought the semester wasn’t over yet, but he’s already back! When will they arrive?”

“Well, the letter says they should arrive early this morning, so they should be here soon. We are going to have lunch together.”

Oh my god. Dear god.

If you have a conscience, you really shouldn’t be doing this to me.

I cursed god again with a look of despair, forgetting that I was standing in front of my mother.

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