The news was not released until the end of the day.

"It seems not good to post such secrets on the video platform, right?"

Several experts from the Academy of Sciences proposed jointly.

"Then tell me, what can you find out from this video?"


Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, everyone already knew that the dragon could fly.

As for the dragon's movements, they couldn't figure out the reason.

These movements are also very common combat movements and are not considered secrets.

The only troubling point is that they didn't teach Shenlong these things, so how could he do them?

But this point cannot be reflected through the video.

"This video is much more exciting than the previous two videos and can arouse the enthusiasm of the people."

"In addition, this matter has fermented abroad. We have to come up with some real materials to prevent them from acting rashly."

After the plan was approved.

He sent the video to Tao Yingying.

Tao Yingying also immediately understood that the first video of somersaults was uploaded on the Orange Girl account.

Now, after the spread of the second video.

The number of fans of the Orange Girl account has reached more than 35 million.

And this growth rate has not slowed down because there are no new videos.

You know, this is 2015.

It's not the era of TikTok.

With 35 million fans, this account alone can be worth hundreds of millions.

【Oh my god, this is too cool! 】

【Don't you think it's cool? As a biology guy, I think this is too cool! It completely fits my imagination of mythical creatures, fierce and domineering! 】

【He is really, so skilled! Is this the dragon! ]

[But, isn't this the flying posture of a fighter jet? Why can he do that? ]

[This... it's normal for animals to do somersaults, right? The Monkey King can do somersaults! ]

[Okay! ]

The follow-up to the video, of course, was on the hot search.

Nowadays, as long as the Orange Girl posts a video,

it can paralyze the hot search list of major platforms for two days.

#Follow-up to the flying dragon, a shallow somersault! #

#Vote for your favorite animal this year, mine is the dragon! #

#Although he is still very young, I can already feel his domineering! #

#Sisters, protect the best dragon! #

The latest hot search is related to Chen Jiu's growth.

People are beginning to expect, expect to see how domineering Chen Jiu will be when he grows up!

#Please, please, the dragon will grow up quickly. #

Chen Jiu and Lin Youchu just took a simple look.

They tacitly ignored it.

No matter how many hot searches you have.

We just want a peaceful life!

They are busy planting watermelons now.

In this season, most of the watermelons in the village have reached the middle of the swelling period, the most critical moment.

Lin Youchu did not dare to leave for a moment, and looked after her watermelons like guarding a treasure.

In addition, the early-maturing melons in the greenhouse next door have fully matured.

Villagers in the village are rushing to sell melons.

The current purchase price of watermelons can reach more than four yuan.

When the watermelons outside the greenhouse are ripe, there will only be a few cents left.

Lin Youchu also built a greenhouse.

But the area is not large.

Building a greenhouse is expensive and laborious.

She has neither of these two things.

But grandma said that she couldn't let her learn things in school become rusty, so she supported her to build a small one.

Lin Youchu sat on the mat and let Chen Jiu lie on her thighs.

Now Chen Jiu is big, and she can no longer hold him easily.

Lin Youchu touched Chen Jiu's head and talked to herself.

"When I sell this crop of watermelons, I'll save the money, part of it for grandma to buy medicine, and the rest for me."

"Next year I'm going to build a bigger greenhouse, so I can grow more valuable watermelons, sell more money, and build a bigger greenhouse."

"Year after year, I can own my own farm."

"Little guy, do you think my dream can come true?"

Lin Youchu rarely talks so much, maybe because Chen is the only one there.

She was very relaxed and said everything that was in her heart.

Before Chen could react.

Lin Youchu stood up.

"Don't fly around, I'll get you some watermelons."

Then she walked into the greenhouse next to her.

Chen smiled inwardly, "Don't move around" became "Don't fly around", this little girl is quite considerate.

At the same time, he thought of the melon field where he peed every day.

"You must help me, and try to let my future wife have her own farm as soon as possible!"

As for directly cashing out to Lin Youchu to build a farm, Chen had thought about it.

But if such a farm is built, Lin Youchu will definitely not be happy from the bottom of her heart.

Instead, it will make her feel even more inferior.

Soon, Lin Youchu came out with two watermelons, one large and one small, in a plastic bag.

She took Chen to the kitchen and washed the watermelons skillfully.

Peel the big melon from the outside.

Once, once, and again.

She smiled until the whole ball was red and there was no trace of green.

Then she cut the small melon in half, cut the flesh from the middle and put it in two plates.

"Yingying, your watermelon."

"Grandma, eat watermelon."

Back in the kitchen, she put the whole red big ball watermelon in front of Chen.

Softly said, "You eat this."

She ate the small layer of red flesh left after the flesh was cut.

One bite, one bite, and another bite.

Even the green skin was eaten by her.

But she still had a smile on her face.

Chen Jiu was shocked.

"Damn, how could this woman be so stupid!"

As if sensing Chen Jiu's gaze, Lin Youchu touched Chen Jiu's head again.

"Hehe, the watermelon I planted is delicious!"

Chen knew that Lin Youchu would never eat his big, red, spherical watermelon.

He had no choice but to eat the whole watermelon with tears in his eyes.

"It smells so good! It's worthy of being planted by my future wife!"

After eating the watermelon, Lin Youchu collected the remaining watermelon rinds and carefully removed the outermost hard rind.

The remaining green rinds were neatly placed on the bamboo mat outside to dry food.

After drying, they can be fried with bacon.

This is what her grandmother told her.


After Chen Jiu's popularity decreased, Tao Yingying timely released the second video.

That is, the more exciting Imaman round.

[Why did the video get reposted? Did the official post it by mistake? ]

[What the hell, look carefully, the action in the middle is different! ]

[Oh my god, it seems to be really different. Why can't I understand this! ]

[It's normal not to understand. This is a tactical action of a fighter jet, the Imaman turn. You just need to know that it's very cool! ]

[As expected of a dragon, it's really cool! ]

[It's really domineering! ]

[Didn't you say that animals can do somersaults? ! Which animal can do the Imaman turn! ]


[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast...]

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