The live broadcast room of Dragon Palace has been open for only five minutes, but the number of people online in the live broadcast room has exceeded 50 million. And this number is still rising at a rate of hundreds of thousands per second! The number of barrage interactions and rewards in the live broadcast room is so fast that the platform can hardly display them in time. Countless netizens are nervous and expectant. In the Dragon Palace base, Chen Anguo, Lin Youchu, and the 2,900 lucky patients who were selected are also the same. Many of these patients are loyal fans of Chen Jiu, who just watched Chen Jiu live broadcast healing the 100 lucky patients in the ward. Seeing Chen Jue bringing them to the Taoyuan River, everyone was excited and looking forward to it.

"What do you think Shenlong will do next?"

"Will he use his cool magic power like he did to other patients just now and heal us all at once?"

"Or does he need to use something else to heal us?"

"After all, there are nearly 3,000 patients in our batch."

"The number is too large!"

But just as the patients were boiling and discussing, as Chen Jue stood firm by the Taoyuan River, a scene beyond everyone's imagination appeared.

The originally calm Taoyuan River suddenly seemed to be boiling.

The water surface was surging.

Countless fish flew out of the river and began to rush to Chen Jue's location from all directions.

Some lobsters, crabs, turtles, soft-shelled turtles, and even water snakes in the river all gathered towards Chen Jue.

But in just a short while, countless shrimps and crabs crawled ashore in front of Chen Jiu like shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Some of them were even freshwater crayfish that had turned black and looked very old, including freshwater turtles with shells as big as pot lids that had also lived for at least a hundred years!

Looking around, the shrimps, crabs, turtles and tortoises in the Taoyuan River, as well as the large and small fish floating within a radius of nearly one kilometer with Chen Jiu as the center, were like believers who came to worship.

Each of them was very humble!

Those patients who had seen Chen Jiu's miracles on the Internet on weekdays stopped talking about it when they saw such a magical scene.

Everyone even forgot to cough.

They were all stunned, looking at Chen Jiu as if he were a god.

Even Chen Anguo and Lin Youchu were surprised again.

In the live broadcast room, more than 50 million online viewers were the same.

"This is too shocking."

"Looking at the aerial footage, the dense sea of ​​fish on the river and the shrimps and crabs crawling in front of the dragon, my scalp is a little numb!"

"Those who always say that the dragon is exaggerated should really take a good look!"

"If you don't see this kind of scene with your own eyes, I guess no one can imagine it in their lifetime!"

"This is definitely a river of fish, shrimps and crabs coming to see their Dragon King!"

"Meet the Dragon King! (No crooked smile!)"

"I grew up by the Yangtze River, a fisherman's child, I can tell you very clearly that the freshwater lobsters that are as long as an arm and have black and even a little rotten shells that are kneeling in front of the Dragon King have lived for at least 20 to 30 years, and are rare among freshwater lobsters; as for the turtle A freshwater turtle with a shell as big as a pot lid, not to mention that it can't grow so big without a lifespan of more than a hundred years! "

"These, in the legends of our fishermen, are all things that are about to become spirits!"

"You can only encounter them when you encounter them!"

"But when the dragon came to the river, they all took the initiative to go ashore to worship!"

"This is probably the suppression of the dragon from the depths of its blood on aquatic creatures!"

"Today's live broadcast is a big profit!"

"Even if the dragon can't cure too many patients at once in the future, I am satisfied."

"Just the scene of all the fish, shrimps and crabs coming out to worship the dragon is enough for me to savor for at least three months!"

"All aquatic creatures stand up and salute the Dragon King!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room even caused the live broadcast room screen to freeze again.

However, in the Dragon Palace Base, next to Taoyuan River.

When Chen saw such a scene, he heard a dragon roar.

Immediately, many fish that were still on the surface of the river, and the fish, shrimps and crabs that were lined up waiting for his inspection, quickly returned to Taoyuan River.

At the same time, a ball of golden energy condensed in Chen's mouth.

With its dragon roar, the golden energy

The golden energy was shot towards Taoyuan River.

Finally, the golden energy turned into billions of golden light spots, as if thousands of stars appeared on the surface of Taoyuan River.

After shining on the entire Taoyuan River, it became one with the water of Taoyuan River.

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