The news of the incident was not confirmed.

A message was also sent out from Uchiha Shiqiang's mobile phone.


At the same time, no one on the Internet of Dragon Country knew all this.

At this moment, almost all netizens' attention was focused on one and only one target, that is, their dragon, the dragon of Dragon Country.

The same was true for Taoyuan Village, Dragon Palace Base, Chen Anguo, Xia Wuyi and others.

After confirming that the Taoyuan River, where Chen Jiufu had passed, only needed some river water to cure the new flu that had been suffering for a long time, Xia Wuyi and Chen Anguo no longer looked at him as if he was looking at a dragon.

Instead, it was more like looking at a life-saving straw.

After greeting Chen Anguo, Xia Wuyi asked Chen the first question with a little excitement, "Excuse me, Shenlong, does the water of Taoyuan River have the effect of curing patients with new influenza now?"

This question is also of great concern to everyone present, including more than 100 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

At the moment when Xia Wuyi asked the question, everyone held their breath and concentrated.

The barrage in the live broadcast room, which was like a landslide and tsunami, also calmed down temporarily.

Because everyone knows that the answer to this question is also closely related to them.

If the water of the entire Taoyuan River can cure diseases, then not only the 3,000 lucky patients in the Dragon Palace Base, but also thousands of patients far away from home will have the opportunity to be cured or enjoy the blessing of Shenlong!

And in the expectation of everyone.

Shenlong did not disappoint everyone and nodded slightly.

"The water of the entire Taoyuan River can cure diseases!" The scene was boiling!

The live broadcast room was like the New Year. "This river is at least a hundred meters wide, and you can't see the end at a glance. It must be at least several kilometers long!"

"The capacity inside is at least enough for millions of patients to drink enough, right?"

"In other words, the 'Shenlong Oral Liquid' stored here can at least cure millions of patients!"

"What's the matter with the sudden excitement?"

"I, Hu Hansan, seem to be back to life!"

Beside Taoyuan River, Xia Wuyi was also happy and asked the second question quickly, "Excuse me, Shenlong, how long is the validity period of the water in this river for curing diseases?"

"Affected by necessary links such as transportation, if these things are to enter thousands of households, we must know all this first."

"Otherwise, if the river water is sent to the patient's home after the validity period, it will not only make the patient happy for nothing, but it may also have a negative impact on your reputation, Shenlong."

The people present and the people in the live broadcast room heard the voice and quickly became quiet again.

Indeed, the second question raised by Xia Wuyi is not without reason.

For such a large river, mining, bottling, transportation, and distribution to thousands of households alone will require an astronomical amount of work in each link.

If you do not consider the effective period of good drinking water in treating diseases when doing these tasks, you may work hard for a long time but end up with nothing.

If the effective period of drinking water in treating diseases is very short, then I am afraid that everyone's previous beautiful vision will also be in vain.

All eyes are on Shenlong again.

However, Chen Jue did not answer immediately.

Because in fact, it does not know how long its faith power can last, and he himself is not sure.

Anyway, it only remembers that if this thing does not encounter some special circumstances to consume it, it seems that it can exist forever?

At least since he woke up, this thing has been like this.

Now Xia Wuyi asked him how long the shelf life is.

He thought for a long time and could only give a vague number, "Probably, at least it can last as long as I woke up."

Xia Wuyi and others were overjoyed and quickly arranged for medical staff to write it down, "In this way, it is enough to bottle the drinking water, transport and distribute it to thousands of households."

"Excuse me, Shenlong, how much river water should be allocated to one patient?"

Chen immediately looked at the old man with dissatisfaction.

This guy, why do you have so many questions?

And they are all not easy to answer.

I am a dragon, and I have not received nine years of compulsory education. How can I answer such a specific question you ask me?

I don't know what milliliters and containers are.

Do you want me to show you?

After scratching his head, he could only think of a solution that was not a solution.

With a thought, a silver snake-like stream of water was drawn from the Taoyuan River, divided into several small water balls the size of pigeon eggs.

"Almost, this much, that's enough."

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