The crowds were so excited that they were shocked.

Many staff members who were visiting the scenic area were suddenly in an uproar.

And many tourists were even more panicked.

"Wang Defa???!!! What's going on?"

"Is it so dangerous in Shennongjia Scenic Area?"

"It's okay to have rich species and abundant wild animal and plant resources, but there are actually scenes of beast kings confronting each other?"

"Is this modern society or the prehistoric world?"

"Is this scenic area so exciting?"

"I've never heard of it before I came here!"

The staff members of the scenic area hurried to maintain order and told everyone not to be nervous.

At the same time, he explained with a bitter face, "It's not just you who haven't heard of it, even those of us who have worked here for so long have heard of it for the first time."

"We know that there are several beast kings in the Shennongjia primeval forest, but before this, except for the golden monkey king who is more naughty and likes to tease some tourists and move around the periphery of the scenic area, the other three beast kings only move in the depths of the Shennongjia primeval forest, within their own territory."

"Like the wild boar king, he is usually very lazy. Unless he encounters provocation from his own kind, he usually doesn't come out to cause trouble and sleeps after eating."

"And the South China tiger king, not to mention, has always hunted and patrolled within his own territory, usually They don't run around. "

"As for the golden eagle king, it is more special. It usually only moves in the sky and on the cliffs. When it hunts occasionally, it is also a quick battle. After catching the prey, it returns to the sky or its own nest again. It basically does not move on the ground. "

"These three beast kings suddenly ran out of the reserve and confronted each other. This is the first time since the scenic spot was opened for so many years. "

"In short, now that this kind of accident has occurred, everyone should obey the command of the scenic spot leaders, get on the car in an orderly manner, and prepare to evacuate. "

"Lest those beast kings clash and cause any harm to us. "

While maintaining order, the staff quickly organized everyone to get on the car and prepare to evacuate.

In the live broadcast room, more than 300 million viewers were all shocked.

"Damn, is the Shennongjia scenic area so rich in heritage?"

"Not only are there rare protected animals such as the South China tiger and the golden eagle, but it also gave birth to the four beast kings."

"I checked some official information on Shennongjia, and the combat effectiveness of these four beast kings is quite extraordinary."

"The wild boar king is more than three meters long, with thick skin and flesh, and its skin is covered with a layer of thick silt accumulated over the years. When it is very angry, a brutal charge can even break a tree as thick as an adult's waist. If you convert it proportionally, a collision It is comparable to the impact force of an off-road vehicle at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. "

"The South China tiger king is also more than three meters long, and its explosive power is ominous, but there is monitoring data showing that during a hunt, this tiger king pounced and slapped a giant python as thick as an adult's thigh, and the body and bones were directly smashed into meat paste. Roughly estimated, the force of a slap is at least tons!"

"And the golden eagle king, the king of the sky, according to video data, is extremely fast, and its beak is also very hard and has a strong impact. It can not only peck to death with its beak in an instant When building a nest, a prey animal weighing more than 100 kilograms can peck out a nest on a rocky cliff with just a beak. "

"As for the golden monkey king, although it looks the most ordinary among the four beast kings, it has the highest IQ. According to some zoology experts, its IQ is comparable to that of some seven or eight-year-old children."

"These four beast kings walked out of their respective protected areas and suddenly gathered in the Peace Tree Square, and confronted each other. There must be some unknown accident. "

"And, it must be An extremely rare scene in the history of zoology!"

"I wonder if the scenic spot will prepare video materials for future zoology research."


The scenic spot dispatch center and the scenic spot manager were extremely anxious and could not help but urge their subordinates, "Have you contacted the relevant experts in the field of zoology at Huazhong Agricultural University and the specially hired experts of our scenic spot?"

"Also, have drones been sent over to find out why these beast kings suddenly rushed out?"

"Have you contacted the higher authorities?"

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