At the same time, on the other side.

The next morning, the entire Institute of Animal Science at China Agricultural University was in an uproar!

Mr. Zhao stood in front of the test box with mice, watching them eat nervously.

"Mr. Zhao, are you saying that the wild boar meat we brought back yesterday can treat trauma?"

Mr. Zhao nodded.

"These five mice were eliminated from the laboratory. These three had their claws broken in a fight, and these two had their skin severely burned. Normally, they would not survive tomorrow."

"After returning yesterday, I fed this burned mouse a small piece of meat to determine whether wild boar meat was toxic."

Wang Wenjun's eyes flashed with unprecedented joy. He leaned forward to look, as if he wanted to stuff his head into the glass box.

Two burned mice.

One was burned on the thigh of its hind leg, and the skin had ulcerated, with pus and blood flowing out from time to time.

The other one was more seriously burned, and the burnt part was next to its head.

The eyes and ears were all burned.

Under normal circumstances, this mouse would have been on the ground with a fever and motionless.

But now, its wound is actually starting to scab over!

There are obvious signs of improvement!


"How is this possible!"

Wang Wenjun's eyes were full of shock.

Severe burns, even for humans, can only be repaired by skin grafting.

There is no possibility of natural healing.

Not to mention improper care, which may cause wound infection.

Once it is serious, it will cause organ failure!

Even gods can hardly cure it!

Another little white mouse is an example.

Wang Wenjun took a breath: "Is this the effect of the wild boar meat?!"

General Zhao put down the notebook in his hand: "Preliminary judgment, it should be, but further repeated experiments are needed."

"This morning, I fed a certain amount of wild boar meat to all five little white mice. Now, we just need to observe the results."

This discovery quickly spread throughout the institute.

Office on the third floor.

Several professors who didn't grab wild boar meat yesterday discussed together.

"Really? It's just some wild boar meat. I don't know what's the point of researching it."

"It's not dragon meat. It's just killed by a dragon. What can be researched?"

"If you ask me, I still have to continue applying. Can I get some dragon urine?"

"Professor Li is right. Let them research the wild boar meat. It's a waste of time."

After writing the application form, he was about to send it to the working group.

Just then, there was a burst of hurried footsteps at the door.

Several people looked at it together.

"Professor Zhou, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Why are you still here? Professor Zhao's wild boar meat has made major scientific discoveries!"

Without a few people replying, Professor Zhou rushed away again.

He was afraid that there would be no place if he went too late.

Professor Zhao's laboratory was soon crowded with people.

There was a whole circle around the glass box where the mice were raised.

They didn't look like a group of experts and professors.

Instead, they looked like undergraduates who came to listen to the experimental class seriously.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone

Old Zhao did not hold back and told everyone about his discovery.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The crowd soon became excited.

"If this effect is true, it is definitely a miracle drug!"

"Miracle drug? If this is announced, it will probably make a sensation in the world!"

"If there is a pharmaceutical company that can produce a drug with this effect, they can invest as much as they want!"

"But this is just a wild boar killed by a dragon?!"

"If you are killed by a dragon's claws, you can get such an effect. If you are eaten by a dragon and then excreted, what will happen?!"

"Wouldn't you be immortal?!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with expectation.

If this experiment is confirmed.

They will be the first "veterinarians" to develop drugs for humans!

"It would be great if we could get the poop of a dragon."

A professor sighed.

Others nodded repeatedly.

But judging from the current situation, this idea can only be left to time.

When Chen is willing.

The most urgent task is to quickly determine the efficacy of wild boar meat.

Then start to study the reasons for such efficacy.

"In order to prevent the accidental nature of a single experiment, you all take your own wild boar meat to do experiments, and then we will have a meeting to unify them."

Soon, the whole building was busy.

All the laboratories were doing the same thing.

An experiment.

All the prepared mice were snatched up.

Experimental animals such as rabbits and monkeys were also arranged.

Professor Li and his group, who had just mocked the uselessness of wild boar meat, were now collecting experimental data in various laboratories.

"Just take a look, take a look."

"Don't be so stingy, I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

"I submitted an application for the urine of young dragons, and I'll give you a copy when the application is approved."


The preliminary research report was quickly submitted to the Shenlong Protection Working Group.

In order to get the working group to approve more research items for them, this group of old professors can only continue to produce scientific research results.

In order to get the support of the working group.

So this time, they directly gave up their previous rigorous scientific attitude.

Just send the preliminary results.

Let's paint a pie for the working group first.

After reading the entire report, Chen Anguo also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

If this kind of thing can be made into medicine, it will be a blessing for mankind!

At the same time, it is also a great contribution of his!

"Great! Great! This is also the first achievement of our working group!"

"Simplify this report, I will submit it."


At this time, Chen Jue didn't know that his small activity had caused such a big shock.

If he knew that this group of old professors were studying wild boar meat, he would probably laugh out loud.

The wild boar meat can have such an effect, not because it was killed by him.

But because it ate the watermelon he fattened with urine.

After the village's compensation was approved, Lin Youchu went to the town alone.

"It's time to come back."

Grandma looked at the clock in the living room and looked at the path in the distance.

Sure enough, a thin shadow appeared at the end of the road.

It was Lin Youchu.

She was wearing a white dress and pink low-heeled sandals.

Her ponytails swayed behind her.

She was holding a large white plastic bag in her hand.

It contained the things she bought in the town today.

"Grandma, you're back."

Lin Youchu put the plastic bag on the ground with great effort, and her dry little hands were all bruised with red marks.

Grandma came over hunched over.

"Why don't you take a motorcycle?"

Lin Youchu said weakly: "No, it's okay, I came over to exercise."


Lin Youchu took out the things in the big plastic bag one by one.

Most of them were daily necessities such as washing powder.

There was also a bag with the words Qingcheng Town Health Center written on it.

After sorting out all the things, Lin Youchu took out a candied haws wrapped in paper from the plastic bag.

Walked to her room.

At this time, Chen was lying on the bed and sleeping.

With the channel of short videos, his faith is now soaring.

There is no need to go out for exercise at all.

Lin Youchu gently put the candied haws in her hand on the bedside table.

Then she sat on a chair beside her and looked at Chen quietly.

This string of candied haws cost her five yuan.

It also costs five yuan to take a bus back from the intersection.

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