Today, I was enlightened by the dragon.

Once I opened my spiritual wisdom, I was able to see the world with wisdom.

Suddenly, the golden rope was untied, and the jade lock was torn off. Only then did I know that I was myself.

This enlightenment is absolutely no less than rebirth.

The golden monkey king was sincerely grateful and sincerely convinced.

At this moment, after completely opening his spiritual wisdom, he already knew that Chen Jue had great magical powers.

He also fully realized the truth of why he suddenly flew out after attacking Chen Jue, but he was unscathed after breaking so many branches in succession.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

After kowtowed three times to Chen Jue, it thanked him and made requests.

It wanted to serve Chen Jue.

Of course, the most important thing was that it wanted to become Chen Jue's disciple.

But Chen Jue shook his head.

He understood what the Golden Monkey King meant, and also understood the gratitude and loyalty of the South China Tiger King, the Wild Boar King, and the Golden Eagle King.

He roared with a dragon and conveyed his meaning in dragon language, "I give you the ambergris so that you don't have to argue again and hurt others. Don't repay kindness with enmity."

"You got my benefits, and you still want to be my followers and let me support you. Is that reasonable?"

"Go away!"

As it roared, the South China Tiger King, the Wild Boar King, and the Golden Eagle King all showed aggrieved expressions.

They just wanted to be loyal to the dragon to express their gratitude.

Why did the dragon only think that it would be responsible for raising them?

They can go out hunting by themselves.

Seeing that Chen Jue didn't seem to be joking, the three beast kings retreated obediently, although they felt very wronged.

Around them, the birds, beasts, snakes, insects, rats and ants also left in an orderly manner like a tide.

Only the golden monkey king still knelt in front of Chen Jue, with an extremely firm look in his eyes.

"Squeak squeak squeak~"

It actually wanted to fight for it and continue to stay with Chen Jue.

"This naughty monkey." Chen Jue looked at it and inexplicably thought of the plot in Journey to the West where the Great Sage became a disciple of Bodhi Patriarch.

That time and that moment were so similar to this moment.

It couldn't help but think a little.

The golden monkey king in front of him was already very smart before taking ambergris, and his IQ was comparable to that of a child of a few years old.

Now that he has only taken a quarter of a drop of ambergris, his intelligence has improved by leaps and bounds, and is not much different from that of an ordinary teenager.

Such a smart and loyal guy, if trained for a while, will definitely be a very loyal and useful subordinate.

However, thinking of the character and style of the Great Sage, he suppressed this idea.

Some monkeys cannot be locked up.

The Great Sage should belong to a wider world, not his own.

If such a smart golden monkey king is allowed to be his servant, it will only restrict it, which is not good for its future development.

Let it experience the ninety-nine and eighty-one differences in the world to practice its own "seventy-two changes".

Thinking of this, Chen simply shook his head again and said in dragon language, "You are different from the little tiger, the little pig, and the little eagle."

"You are smarter than them."

"Study hard and work hard in the future."

"If your performance can make me shine when we meet next time, I will give you another drop of ambergris to help you with your fortune."

And the golden monkey king obviously understood what it meant.

After looking up at the dragon for a moment, he kowtowed to it three times, then stood up and turned away without hesitation.

At this point, the battle between the four beast kings and the tide of beasts in the Peace Tree Square of Shennongjia Scenic Area was completely settled.

The four beast kings all got their own opportunities, opened up some spiritual wisdom, and became more powerful.

Especially the golden monkey king, whose wisdom reached the level of human teenagers.

Due to the gift of the dragon, the gears of fate of these beasts, who were originally confused all day long, began to turn.

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