After his trusted subordinates began to arrange and deploy.

After thinking for a while, Chen Anguo dialed a top-secret number and called his old classmate from the West Factory.

"Old classmate, have you noticed the situation in Sakura Country?"

On the other side of the phone, the old classmate from the West Factory also sounded a little solemn, "Old Chen, have you noticed it too?"

"We are preparing to convene some authoritative experts in related fields in China to do further intelligence analysis and deduction."

"About that eight-headed and eight-tailed monster snake?" Chen Anguo asked immediately.

"Yes." The old classmate from the West Factory responded, "After completing the intelligence analysis and deduction, we are also preparing to form a detailed written report as quickly as possible and submit it to the Speaker of the Parliament."

"This matter is of great importance."

Chen Anguo also knew the sensitivity and importance of this thing.

He did not ask him what he could share immediately, but just said, "Then you should not have summoned the top biologists or physicists in the country yet?"

"I just ordered my men to summon this group of people to come to a meeting to discuss it."

The old classmate from the West Factory was silent for a moment, then smiled rarely, "Then you are a step late."

"This group of people are now on their way to a temporary base meeting room in the West Factory."

"This is of great importance, I specially arranged people to invite them in person early, and specially opened a green channel for them to travel throughout the journey."

"Then when you hold a meeting later, please save a seat for me." Chen Anguo responded quickly.

If the mountain does not meet me, I will meet the mountain.

After a few words with his old classmates, the plan was finalized, and then a special plane was arranged to rush to the meeting place.

A temporary base of the West Factory is located below an early air defense base in the central region, not too far from the location of the Dragon Palace Base.

Taking the special plane, Chen Anguo arrived near the base soon.

After that, as usual, he got off the plane and got on the car of the West Factory and was taken directly to the meeting place.

A base meeting room full of science fiction, which is like two worlds apart from the shabby and dusty environment outside.

At that time, several figures who were very familiar to him were already seated in the meeting room full of science fiction.

The person in charge of the West Factory and the host of this meeting, Liu Qubing.

The second in command of the West Factory and Liu Qubing's deputy, Huo Ping'an.

The dean of the Dragon Country Zoological Research Institute, who has been actively involved in the scientific research work related to Shenlong, is Zhao Yang, an academician in the field of zoology research.

Qin Wuli, director of the Longguo Institute of Physics and academician of the School of Applied Physics.

Xia Wenyuan, academician of the Longguo Academy of Sciences and leader of paleontology research.

Fang Zhibai, academician of the Longguo Academy of Sciences and leader of Longguo applied physics research.

"Old Liu, Old Zhao, Old Qin, Old Xia, Old Fang..." Chen Anguo took the initiative to greet them upon seeing this.

"Old Chen." Everyone also nodded with a smile.

Liu Qubing was even more straightforward. After simply greeting him, he pointed to an empty seat at hand,

"Since you are here, please sit down quickly."

"Everyone, hurry up and start the discussion."

After Chen Anguo sat down, he nodded to Huo Pingan beside him,

Then, Huo Pingan turned on the ultra-high-definition projector in the middle of the conference room and played a video material that Chen Anguo had never seen before.

According to the information, it was a very small eight-headed monster snake that circled around a wooden house for a few times and was discovered by a dog. After the dog barked at it, it suddenly bit the dog's neck and entangled it.

Later, the dog's body gradually shrank, and two children, a boy and a girl, wearing island-style clothes rushed out of the wooden house.

When the boy saw that something was wrong, he immediately looked for something around him that could be used as a weapon and prepared to hit the monster snake, while the little girl rushed over to stop him...

Chen Anguo was a little surprised and immediately looked at his old classmate.

But his old classmate Liu Qubing looked a little serious. He waved his hand at him and said before he could speak, "Don't worry, read it first."

"We spent a lot of effort to get these materials."

"There are five sections in total."

"If you have any questions after reading it, you can ask them in one go."


[Numb, won the prize, new influenza, the same experience as the first time I had an erection, now the white and fine

The cells and viruses are playing a high-level game in my body, and I am confused...】

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