The news was so important that the whole country was in chaos.

"What is the most important news? What is the most important news that can make our Lighthouse Country stand out in this national panic?"

"Mike, it's already this time, just reveal the answer directly."

"To be honest, I can't think of any other way for us to defeat the monster in the East except to reveal some of our Lighthouse Country's most advanced secrets."


Many senior members of the Lighthouse Country were surprised and curious.

And Mike Ain didn't mean to keep it a secret.

Hearing everyone's curiosity, he said directly, "The answer is actually in the information sent by some puppets we support in Sakura Country."

"The top-secret intelligence we received shows that the Yamata no Orochi in Sakura Country is very interested in the monster in the east."

"After recovering for a while, the Yamata no Orochi will go to the east to trouble the monster and even devour it."


As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence in the High Council Hall, and then there was a landslide-like sensation.

"Yamata no Orochi wants to devour the dragon of the East?"

"Doesn't that mean that Dragon Country, which seems peaceful and prosperous now, will be the first target of Yamata no Orochi's conquest of Sakura Country?"

"If that's the case, then once this news spreads, our Lighthouse Country will really become the biggest winner after the appearance of Yamata no Orochi."

"After all, once the risk factor of Dragon Country becomes higher, then Lighthouse Country will be the only country in the world with a strong military force and a mysterious giant beast, and it will also be the safest shelter in the world in the true sense."

"With such news, coupled with Congressman Mike's strategy, Lighthouse Country can win without any effort."


All the senior members of Lighthouse Country looked at Mike Ain and Baister on the main seat of the parliament hall with great excitement.

"Mike, is the information true?"

Mike Ian just smiled and nodded, "It's true."

"The news is that after the Sakura Country High Council was enslaved, some of the puppets we supported found a way to send them across the border through some dead soldiers."

"We have also verified the authenticity through various technical means, it is absolutely true."

"Then what's next..." In the High Council Hall, almost all the high-ranking members of the Lighthouse Country were excited.

Everyone's eyes were burning.

Mike Ian also smiled and spoke slowly, "Let's play to our advantage of discourse power."

"The first step is to start building a mysterious giant beast base to protect the Grand Canyon in a high-profile manner."

"After everyone knows it, we will reluctantly come out to publish some information to let everyone know the gentleness, strength and wisdom of this mysterious giant beast."

Some high-ranking members hurriedly wrote it down.

Mike Ain continued, "The second step is to announce the current situation in Sakura Country and the detailed information of Yamata no Orochi from its appearance to its enslavement of the entire Sakura Country when the heat of the mysterious behemoth in the Guardian Canyon begins to decline and everyone's attention begins to shift to the comparison between it and the monster in the east. And appropriately arrange some minions to fan the flames and set the pace, preferably to cause global panic..."

"When global panic is formed and everyone's attention begins to focus on the three countries of Dragon Country, Sakura Country, and Lighthouse Country, and once again begins to compare which of Dragon Country and Lighthouse Country is the safest shelter, release our most bombshell news..."

After almost all senior councillors voted unanimously to pass the plan and signed the highest level of confidentiality agreement, he immediately mobilized some personnel from the Security Department and began to prepare for the high-profile construction of the Guardian Canyon Base.

At the same time, countless resources began to be mobilized openly and secretly, and many revelations and related news also appeared in the Internet world and authoritative news screens of Lighthouse Country.

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