The watermelon was sent to the whole country! #

The doctors in the hospital saw this trending search.

They walked to the window and looked at the entrance of the hospital.

They didn't have much hope. After all, this watermelon not only has magical medicinal effects, but is also related to Shenlong.

It is definitely a top priority for national research!

On the Internet, some countries even bid hundreds of millions to buy one!

If it weren't for the girl named Lin Youchu in the live broadcast who said the donation, and Shenlong's consent behind it.

They wouldn't have had such an opportunity!

"Shenlong, whether it is the hope of Dragon Country or not, now, at least it is the hope of us doctors and patients!"

"And that girl, what an angel!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Wei's condition deteriorated sharply.

The last emergency rescue began.

At the same time, many reporters wanted to rush into the hospital.

But they were all stopped at the door.

"It is forbidden to carry any professional tools, it is forbidden to use mobile phones for live broadcasting, and only text records are allowed."

Under the warning of the hospital, these reporters were divided into two groups.

One group entered the hospital to inquire about the latest situation.

Another group broadcast live at the door of the hospital.

[At present, the condition of firefighter Zhang Wei has deteriorated extremely! ]

[Ten minutes of life and death, firefighter Zhang Wei, I am afraid he can't hold on until the watermelon arrives! ]

At the same time, some medical media also questioned.

[Watermelon, does it really work for this level of severe burns? ! ]

If it weren't for the data from the Young Dragon Research Institute.

Ordinary people would never believe that watermelon has this effect.

But, that's a dragon!

The dragon in ancient legends!

"Here they come, here they come!"

An armored vehicle stopped steadily at the door of the hospital.

The fully armed special forces jumped off the car, holding steel guns in their hands.

Soon they spread out into a battle formation.

The team member in the middle was holding an aluminum box, which was tightly protected.

It was filled with watermelons shipped from Taoyuan Village.

The doctors who were nervously waiting at the window.

Seeing this scene, their hearts were finally relieved.

"The watermelons are here! Hope is here!"

After Zhang Wei's condition worsened, it was not just a simple burn.

Various complications, each of which is a death line for ordinary people.

Under the cover of the special operations team, the watermelon was safely sent to the ICU.

"This is a confidentiality agreement. Every step and every data of the treatment needs to be recorded and submitted by you, and not disclosed to anyone."

"Because it has not yet entered the drug trial stage, we cannot guarantee its efficacy. We can only guarantee that it is harmless to the human body."

"Zhang Wei's follow-up treatment needs to be in our military hospital."

"Within ten years, Zhang Wei cannot go abroad or participate in any medical activities. All physical examination items are the responsibility of the military hospital."

After signing the agreement, under the supervision of the special operations team.

The treatment began.

The treatment plan is also very simple.

The relevant proteins in the watermelon are purified and then injected into Zhang Wei's body.

At the same time, in order to buy time for treatment.

A small amount of watermelon juice was fed to Zhang Wei.

After confirming that there was no abnormal reaction, a group of experts gathered in front of various instruments for real-time monitoring.

Such scenes also occurred in 23 hospitals across the country.

As for the remaining watermelons, they were all handed over to the Shenlong Research Institute.

The protein was purified and stored.

At the same time, the eyes of the whole country were on the media reports.

The efficacy of watermelon made them feel a little uncertain.

[Can watermelon really cure diseases? ]

[It sounds a bit far-fetched, but the mouse experiment was successful! ]

[But this is a living person! What if something unexpected happens? ]

[The country attaches so much importance to it, it shouldn't be a problem, right? ]

In Taoyuan Village, Lin Youchu was also watching the news in real time.

"It must work!"

After swiping the phone a few times, there was no latest news update.

Lin Youchu looked at Chen Jue next to him.

"Little guy, do you think my watermelon can save people?"

Chen Jue stretched out his paw and placed it on the palm of Lin Youchu's hand.

"You, do you mean it can?"

"That's great!"

The warmth of Chen Jue's paw gave Lin Youchu great confidence.

"Alas, silly woman."

Chen Jue couldn't help but sigh.

If the watermelon can't save these seriously ill patients.

Lin Youchu will probably be sad for half a month and remember it for a lifetime.

I won't think about it at all.

, she didn't have to donate the watermelon.

On the other side, intelligence organizations of various countries.

Originally, they planned to steal watermelons from Taoyuan Village.

Unexpectedly, all the useful watermelons were shipped out!

"Damn it, our plan is messed up!"

"Now all the watermelons are protected, and our people can't touch them at all!"

"The bounty is useless. We tried to contact those hospital doctors, but they were all arrested."

"We are not having a good time, so don't even think about having a good time!"

This group of intelligence personnel familiar with the work of Internet fishing reels quickly found the attack point.

[Can watermelons cure diseases? Is there anyone who believes this counterintuitive thing? ]

[We cannot rule out the possibility that watermelons can cure diseases, but is it okay to use this drug that has not been clinically tested directly on humans? ]

[Questioning the professional level of these hospitals, following the Internet to make a fuss, completely disregarding the lives of patients! ]

[I think they just want to get first-hand test data. Only they can do experiments on living people! ]

Various offensive views are rampant.

Then, through a series of means such as buying traffic, these views were widely spread on major websites.

When people read too much, it is easy to form rigid thinking.

[What they said seems to make sense. ]

[From a scientific point of view, it is wrong to have not undergone clinical trials. ]

[It can be seen that the relevant departments are also eager to save people, and the management is very chaotic. I hope it can be rectified. ]

With the cooperation of intelligence organizations of various countries, the comments on the Internet soon took a big turn.

Many people joined the attack team.

But soon, more than 20 family members of critically ill patients spoke out.

"If it weren't for Shenlong, if it weren't for these watermelons, would my son still have a chance to survive?!"

"You only know how to criticize from a moral high point. Don't we know that there is no experiment? But what can we do! Can the current science save my child?"

"My daughter is dying. Shenlong's watermelons are our family's only hope. Are you going to deprive us of this little hope?!"

"Even if my daughter dies, I thank the relevant departments, Shenlong, and the girl named Lin Youchu!"

The appearance of the patient's family.

This brought the fishing boat storm to a climax.

The attention of the incident soared, and the official TV station also began to conduct exclusive interviews with the patient's family.

For a while, those big Vs who were having a good time were silent.

"I don't want this 30,000 yuan. If you want more, I will have to wear a silver bracelet!"

"Don't ask me for this kind of work in the future. What are you idiots thinking!"

Looking at the red exclamation marks showing that the social account was blocked by the other party one after another.

Intelligence organizations in various countries were in a panic.

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