The two sides of the phone were busy, and the two sides were busy.

"Understood!" On the other side of the phone, Hausen also responded immediately, and then passed on Mike Ain's order.

Soon, almost every leader of the National Security Agency in the entire Lighthouse Country received an emergency order and began to enter the second-level alert state.


At the same time, at the Dragon Palace Base of Dragon Country, Chen Anguo, who was still a little worried about Shenlong, was slightly relieved when he saw this.

The arrival of the fishing boats and reminders of Dragon Country at least shows that some of Liu Qubing's related deployments must also be in the rear and can arrive at any time.

He did some things for Shenlong in the Dragon Palace Base to the best of his ability.

And since Liu Qubing said before, 'It may take a certain price to destroy Yamata no Orochi', it means that Longguo's deployment is sure to destroy Yamata no Orochi.

The situation is not too bad.

Seeing the pictures synchronized by the Beidou satellite chain global monitoring system, Chen did not rush back to recuperate after receiving the reminder from the 'Dragon Country Fisherman', but helped the 'Dragon Country Fisherman' to clean up his injuries and shelter from the wind and rain. He immediately said to the other end of the phone, "Old Liu, can you contact the Dragon Country fisherman again and ask him to call the dragon back to recuperate first?"

"Now that the Yamata no Orochi has deployed such a large formation to attack and encircle, I speculate that its real intention should be at least three levels."

"The first level is to use these armed forces to test the true combat effectiveness of the dragon; the second level is to continue to consume its physical strength and internal energy while testing the combat effectiveness of the dragon; as for the third level, it may be to create opportunities for it to attack and cut into the battle while testing and consuming."

"It is unwise for the dragon to stay and fight it when it has just done so many things and consumed so much."

On the other side of the phone, Liu Qubing should have the same idea. After thinking for a while, he said, "Then how to persuade the dragon Dragon, will it be easier to accept it? "

Chen Anguo thought about Chen Jue's usual style, and after a moment's consideration, he answered, "There is an old saying in Dragon Country, 'If you keep the green mountains, you will never worry about lack of firewood', let it come back to rest first. "

"Anyway, what it did today is very popular and inspiring. "

"It has cleaned up the entire East China Sea with its own strength, saved billions of marine life, and removed the nuclear power plant that continuously discharged nuclear wastewater into the East China Sea. Its series of actions , which can be regarded as a great merit for the benefit of the people. "

"Also, when it roared like a dragon and was furious, the mountains collapsed and the thunder shook the sky, which was like the end of the world, which also proved its strength. It doesn't need to be angry with Yamata no Orochi anymore."


"The overall situation revolves around two core points. One is that what it did today has already inspired all its fans and followers; the other is that everyone believes in its strength and admires its strength, right?" Liu Qubing quickly summed up the key points.

"Yes." Chen Anguo thought about Chen Jiu's previous childish behavior and couldn't help laughing. "Although the dragon is noble, it sometimes has a childish temper."

"Since we want it to accept our words, we have to follow its preferences."

"Just persuade the dragon according to my words. At least it won't be angry."

"Understood." Liu Qubing responded and said directly, "Then I'll ask the people below to try to contact the 'Dragon Country fishing boat' and let the 'brother' on the 'fishing boat' persuade the dragon according to your method."

As he said, he seemed to convey something to the people below.

Not long after, on the fishing boat flying the Dragon Country flag not far from the East China Sea coastline of Sakura Country, the 'fishermen' who felt quite magical and like they were reborn received a satellite call.

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