The situation was not good.

"Keep tracking!"

"Coordinate with the Civil Aviation Administration!"


After confirming that Chen was not aggressive, the Air Force sent the latest fighter jets to escort him at high altitude.

At the same time, the situation was shared with the Shenlong Research Institute working group in real time.

"Hurry up, Shenlong has left Taoyuan Village!"

"He is moving southwest! The speed is not low!"

"Unlike the previous aimless moves, this time Shenlong seems to have a very clear purpose!"

"Hurry, draw the predicted route."

On the big screen in the conference room.

A long red line runs through the map.

The solid line area is where Chen has already flown.

The dotted line part is predicted according to the previous route.

"This is the current situation. We will update it in real time according to the flight trajectory of the dragon."

"Wait, is the city of Wanjiang ahead?"

"What?! The city of Wanjiang?"

"How many meters is the dragon flying at now?"

"More than a hundred meters, twenty meters lower than the tallest building in Wanjiang!"

"Quick! Contact the staff of Wanjiang!"

[Do you want to start the emergency plan A! ]

[Start! Call everyone to the meeting! ]

Within ten minutes, all the key members of the Dragon Research Institute were present.

"Now, the dragon has flown away from Taoyuan Village and is moving towards Wanjiang City. Do you want to drive it away?"

"No! We can't drive it away."

"Unless we use missiles, we can drive it away at close range. I'm afraid our fighter jets can't do it."

"Using missiles is even worse. Once the dragon gets angry, civilians will be hurt!"

"What should we do now?"

The meeting room was silent.

No one dared to come up with a specific plan.

Things related to the dragon, if you are not careful, you will be doomed!

Chen Anguo, who was sitting on the main seat, suddenly stood up.

He waved his hand and said, "There is no time."

"Let them all go, don't intercept."

"Notify Wanjiang City that the dragon is about to fly over Wanjiang City, let them be prepared."

The people below wanted to say something.

Chen Anguo said again: "I will take all the responsibility, you go quickly."

Pushing the door open, Chen Anguo looked at the sky.

The blue background board and the cotton-like clouds complement each other.

This time, he chose to believe in the dragon.


At the same time, Leigongqiao Village.

Luan Peng was busy in his own field.

The large acre of cotton field has begun to bloom slowly.

He has to pick cotton in the field.

"Alas, in this life, one must be born into a good family. Why didn't my father give birth to me in Taoyuan Village!"

"I heard that their broken watermelons can be sold for eight yuan a pound, all because of the dragon."

"If the dragon appears in our village, my cotton must be sold for at least eighteen yuan a pound!"

Suddenly, he felt another shadow passing over his head.

"Is it going to rain? No, it's so sunny."

He subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Then, he saw a domineering figure.

"Fuck, dragon!"

"It's the dragon!"

"The dragon came out of Taoyuan Village!"

Luan Peng quickly took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and took a short video to send to Moments.

"Oh my goodness, this is too domineering!"

"These claws, these scales, it's different to see them in person!"

But soon, Chen flew away.

Luan Peng knew that he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

I simply added my own watermark to the video and sent it to my friends, relatives and classmates.

The focus is on the brotherhood group.

The five people who grew up together, the other four have successful careers in big cities.

Only he is still picking cotton in the village.

Pull out the video and click send.

[Brothers, let me show you the dragon. ]

[I just took it, it's clear! ]

This message instantly blew up the other four people.

[Oh my god, Brother Luan, are you serious! Is this really the dragon on the hot search? ]

[The dragon that donated watermelons? ]

Luan Peng: "Can your brother Luan lie to you? Just now, the dragon flew over our house and hovered for a while, which scared me."

Luan Peng exaggerated the incident.

[Fuck, Brother Luan, you must post it! ]

[The dragon favors you, Brother Luan is awesome! 】

Luan Peng: "Fuck, I won't talk to you anymore. I just sent this video to the village group and Lin Qianqian called me!"

[Lin Qianqian? The Lin Qianqian we had a crush on in high school? ! ]

[Lin Qianqian

! ! 】

A brother broke down on the spot and said in the group voice.

[Damn it, damn it! You damn it! It's more painful than killing me, woo~]

Luan Peng was far from the only one who filmed Chen Jiu.

Soon, various videos appeared on the Internet.

But without exception, they were all Chen Jiu's domineering posture in the air.

#The first time the dragon left Taoyuan Village! #

#Come and see the domineering posture of the dragon in the air! #

#Love it, is this the dragon! #

#He's really, so good! #

#This dragon can fly, and it really flies! #

The large-scale dissemination has made every video of Chen Jiu have a playback volume of more than 10 million.

This does not count the traffic disseminated in the group.

The hot list has completely exploded!

The popularity of the watermelon incident has just subsided, and Chen Jiu has become a hot search in another way!

Wanjiang City.

General Meeting Room.

Looking at the hot search that can't be suppressed.

All the leaders have a headache.

"According to the latest flight path, Shenlong will pass through the sky of Wanjiang City in 20 minutes. What should we do?"

"The working group means to protect the safety of Shenlong."

"We can't control the current situation."

"Then, activate the emergency broadcast, contact the TV station, and inform the whole city of this news!"

"Arrange the traffic department to maintain road traffic! Prevent stampedes."

"Notify the security department to prevent Shenlong from hurting people and make protective preparations."

"Notify the urban management department that from now on, no drone is allowed to appear in the sky of Wanjiang City!"

"If there is any emergency, deal with it first, then report it."

"Ensure the safety of Shenlong while ensuring the safety of citizens!"

Soon, all communities and villages in Wanjiang City began to broadcast with small loudspeakers.

[Shenlong is about to appear in the sky of Wanjiang City. Please don't get excited, residents, and don't go downstairs unless necessary! 】

【If you really need to watch, please queue up in an orderly manner! 】

【From now on, the use of drones is prohibited! 】

【Don’t drive out unless necessary! 】

In the broadcast.

The whole Wanjiang City was activated!

This small fourth-tier city with serious population loss seemed to have arrived at the Spring Festival!

Everyone’s face was full of smiles.

The children, with candies and melon seeds, quietly looked at the white clouds in the sky under the guidance of adults.

They are waiting——

Waiting for the appearance of the dragon! !

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