The news of the incident was a hot topic.

There was a heated discussion in the live broadcast room with more than 800 million people online.

Although there was no official news on the Dragon Country Internet, countless live broadcast videos and screenshots of the stolen country live broadcast room were also spontaneously searched on social media by netizens.

Not only the Dragon Country Internet, but also the Internet of many countries was dominated by the news of the ambush of the Dragon and Sakura Country.

Inside the Dragon Palace base, Chen Anguo also rarely couldn't control his emotions, and quickly said to Liu Qubing on the other end of the phone, "Old Liu, it's time for us to fight back."

"Damn it, I've been frustrated for so long, someone exaggerated the crisis, Shenlong was ambushed, and the satellite monitoring footage of the Lighthouse Country was hijacked and broadcast live."

"Behind all this, I knew there was a problem a long time ago, but because the ambush between Shenlong and Sakura Country has been unresolved, we have not been able to act rashly."

"Now, finally..."

"I understand your heart Love. "On the other side of the phone, Liu Qisu's voice was difficult to hide his excitement. Easy, he took a deep breath, "Then, let me boost everyone's confidence." "Stabilize the heart of our Dragon Kingdom." "Let's go." Liu went to the call. Ningci, thanks to all the high -definition satellite monitoring pictures of the ordinary fishermen of the Dragon State passed on to me. "" Next, I want to let this video information spread all over the world! " "I have saved and sliced ​​this video material a long time ago."

"In addition, I also made a special edited version."

"I have edited the scenes of Shenlong severely punishing Okamura Ningji and rewarding ordinary fishermen from Longguo. Do you want me to send them to you?"

"My Shenlong is so strong and so bad. I like him so much."

"..." Chen Anguo did not expect that this staff member of the Beidou Satellite Chain Global Dispatching Center has also become a little fan of Shenlong.

Hearing the other party's excited and fanatical voice, he smiled in his heart and shook his head slightly, "That couldn't be better."

"After getting those video materials, the staff here will definitely process them."

"You've saved us a lot of trouble by doing this."

"Hehe~" A slightly embarrassed voice came from the other end of the phone, "I actually have selfish motives for doing this."

"Leader, when I come back from vacation, can you let me enter the Dragon Palace Base once?"

"I like my dragon and want to take a closer look."

"Just look at it for a short while."

This is not a particularly difficult request. Under normal circumstances, Chen Anguo can make it convenient by just raising his hand.

However, when it comes to Shenlong, Chen Anguo put away some of his casualness and said seriously, "If you want to enter the Dragon Palace Base, you can. We can help you arrange it."

"But the necessary review process cannot be omitted."

"This is the bottom line."

"I understand~" The contact person of the Beidou Satellite Chain Global Dispatch Center on the other side of the phone was also very relaxed, "It would be great if you can help me arrange it."

"Don't worry, leader, I absolutely don't have any other thoughts, I just want to see my Shenlong."

"I used to be its fan, and now seeing its performance in this battle, especially the means of punishing Okamura Ningji in the end and the scene of nourishing our Longguo fishermen, I like it even more."

"I want to see it up close in my dreams."

Chen Anguo probably understood.

This is not an ordinary Shenlong fan, but a fanatical fan.

Hearing that she didn't mind being reviewed, his tone softened a bit, "In that case, please contact the Dragon Palace Base before you go on vacation, and I'll arrange for an early review."

"Okay, okay, thank you, boss~" The other party's tone was very brisk, and after a while, he sent a pre-edited video.

As for the original high-definition video material, because the file was too large,

It will take a while to be transmitted.

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