The fisherman on the fishing boat was alert at the same time.

In the Manhattan area of ​​New York State, in the Lighthouse Country, Mike Ian has entered the villa with the highest level of alert, and the heated discussion has stopped.

Including Mike Ian and many paleontologists such as Ma Haide, almost everyone has focused on the surveillance footage synchronized back by the Eye of God.

Even Sunny and the puppy on the ground are the same.

The scene is quiet.

Everyone is waiting for the reaction of the mysterious beast.

It was not until the mysterious beast maintained the sensing state for a while and seemed to sense something, the light blue fluorescent energy flowed back to the body again, and it opened its eyes and looked in the direction where the dragon disappeared before, and turned into a light blue hurricane again to chase in that direction, that someone at the scene spoke again:

"This big guy, it seems to be going to find the dragon in the east."

Everyone subconsciously looked at that person.

Mike Ain also frowned slightly, and said in a tone that was neither light nor heavy, "Professor, I must correct you."

"It's not the dragon in the east, but the monster in the east."

"This is a very serious position issue."

The professor was slightly dissatisfied when he heard such a correction.

But seeing Mike Ian's expression, he didn't dare to refute, but hurriedly corrected, "Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue."

"It's the monster in the east."

"Yeah." Mike Ian nodded lightly, "Go on."

The professor also continued, "I'm doing paleontological research on Mayan civilization."

"This mysterious beast we found in the mysterious Grand Canyon, I found some similar records in a mural about 5,000 years ago in a Mayan civilization ruins that I discovered not long ago."

"According to the records of the Mayan civilization murals, this This kind of giant beast in Mayan civilization seems to be similar to the image of "goddess" and "angel" in today's mythology. "

"It has several special abilities, one is to launch a special energy wave to attack and detect, the second is to communicate across races, the third is to attack with wings and scales, and the fourth is to treat..."

"For example, its behavior just now is quite typical. It is using an energy wave to explore and find the traces of the monster in the east."

Mike Ian nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, "Then I have two more questions to ask."

"One, in the Mayan you found Are there any records about the entanglement between this mysterious giant beast and the monster in the east in the murals of civilization? "

"Another thing, why did this mysterious giant beast go to find the monster in the east? Moreover, it just rushed over in such a hurry."

"This..." The professor shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know."

"In the remains of Mayan civilization, I have only deciphered some records about similar mysterious giant beasts, and I am not sure whether it is this mysterious giant beast."

"As for why it went to find the monster in the east, it is even more difficult to say."

"Judging from its previous behavior, it is very likely to be looking for its own kind or for some other purpose."

Ma Haide and other paleontologists also nodded, "So far, there is still too little information about this mysterious giant."

"And it rarely moves."

"Without information and its past behavior as a reference, it is difficult for us to draw effective conclusions."

Mike Ain was somewhat dissatisfied with this answer, but seeing that a group of paleontologists said so, he could only stop asking questions and focus on the satellite monitoring screen again.

At this time, the light blue hurricane transformed by the mysterious giant was still chasing in the direction where Chen Ju disappeared.

And above the sea, in a cloud like a giant marshmallow, Chen Ju also noticed the movement of the mysterious giant.

After realizing that the guy was following him, he immediately stopped his action, poked his head out from a cloud, and waited patiently on the spot.

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