The 32 national treasures of the Dragon Kingdom were packed and transported to the plane under the reluctance of major museums. "What a pity!" "This is a huge loss for our country!" Everyone was reluctant to part with these treasures. "Don't sigh, compared with our Victorian Parliament scepter, these are nothing, right?" "You are right, our scepter is supremely glorious! These antiques are just some valuable objects." "As long as we can get the scepter back, what are these things? They are just ancient rags of the Dragon Kingdom." The plane took off, heading for Zhongjiang Province. On the Dragon Kingdom side, the damaged warship was being towed on the Yangtze River. After calculation.

It is much more convenient to go by water transport on the Yangtze River than by land transport.

"Team Leader Chen, it takes me three days to get to Zhongjiang from here, I am afraid I can't catch up with the exchange ceremony."

Chen Anguo laughed and said, "Exchange ceremony? Why should we catch up with the exchange ceremony? It has nothing to do with us."

"But, are those treasures of John Country still on our ship?"

Chen Anguo waved his hand: "The water here is very deep, don't ask."

After that, he sent a message to the yacht captain Luan Zhilong.

[Request Shenlong to participate in the exchange ceremony of national treasures with John Country! ]

Chen didn't want to go at first, after all, Zhongjiang is too far from the sea.

It can fly, but it also consumes physical strength to fly over.

But thinking of John Country's rogue face of not returning the national treasure before.

He still decided that he must go to this exchange ceremony!

In addition, this is a good opportunity to become famous.

Maybe the power of faith in his body will surge.

No matter how you calculate it, it's not a loss.

After arranging Lin Youchu, Chen soared to the sky.

Back to Zhongjiang!

Three hours later, Chen appeared at Zhongjiang International Airport.

In another two hours, John's transport plane will land at Zhongjiang International Airport.

This unprecedented national treasure exchange ceremony was held at the international airport!

In order to express fairness and justice.

A huge open-air exchange platform has been set up.

Under the stage, reporters from major TV stations around the world gathered.

The excitement was even more than the speech of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There was even a fight between an Indian TV station and a Lighthouse TV station.

They said they took their place.

The security personnel of the armed police dispatched a full 200 people to surround the whole place.

Only then did these reporters calm down.

On the stage, the other people from John's country had not arrived yet, only one diplomat.

On the Dragon Country side, Chen stood with a middle-aged man in an executive jacket.

A group of reporters took pictures of Chen non-stop.

"Oh my god! This is so cool!"

"The dragon of Longguo is really handsome!"

"It would be great if our country's mythical beast could appear!"

"Other countries' , I can't envy them!"

"My angle is so good! I must give this photo to my child, and let him come to this mysterious oriental country to see it in the future!"

The reporters who stole the country were mixed in.

He wanted to say that the dragon was actually stolen from them.

But seeing this group of fanatical foreign colleagues, he chose to shut up tactfully.

Just when everyone focused on Chen Jiu.

The middle-aged man in the executive jacket spoke.

"Thank you all for coming to participate in the national treasure exchange ceremony between our country and John Country. Longguo, as a responsible big country, has always advocated the principle of fairness and justice. John Country wants to return the national treasure of Longguo, and we also took the national treasure of John Country."

Hearing the speech start, the reporters in the audience reluctantly took the close-up shot away from Chen Jiu.

Started to record the whole picture.

The diplomat of John Country sitting next to him straightened his clothes.

Only then did he feel a sense of existence.

The middle-aged man continued, "The ownership of these national treasures of John Country is not in our hands, but in the hands of Shenlong. This exchange was only possible because of Shenlong's support!"

This statement once again drew the focus to Chen Jiu.

There was applause from the audience.

[Shenlong is magnanimous! ]

[You don't understand. Do you remember what Shenlong wrote on the paper before? ]

[Shenlong said that he picked it up with his own ability, why should he return it? ]

[He agreed to the exchange now because of the 32 national treasures that were lost in John Country! ]

[If it weren't for the 32 national treasures, why would Shenlong agree to the exchange? ! ]

[Oh my god, it's clear now that you said that! ]

[It turned out that

That's it! Tears! ]

[Shenlong really sacrificed himself for the greater good! ]

On the stage.

Chen didn't hear what everyone was saying.

The power of faith in his body surged again!

This time, it was more intense than any other live broadcast!

The power of faith consumed in salvaging the sunken ship before was now fully replenished in just over ten minutes.

The total amount is still growing further.

It seems that there is a trend of breaking through another level!

After absorbing for more than an hour, this power gradually decreased.

The power of faith in Chen's body also reached an unprecedented height!

At this time, the plane of John Country arrived.

Under the filming of a group of cameras.

Several representatives of John Country walked down from the plane.

The cabin of the transport plane was also slowly opened.

There were fixed wooden boxes one after another inside.

As soon as the cabin was opened, the security personnel who had been prepared long ago walked up in an orderly manner.

The well-trained wooden boxes were carried out.

One after another, they were piled up in the center of the exchange table.

Several representatives of John wanted to say something.

But they were stopped by the leading representative.

"The whole world is watching, they can't rob."

"Let's start the handover."

Several people sat down.

They took out documents from the briefcase one by one.

Professionals from Longguo also sat down one by one.

And brought a silver briefcase and a pile of documents.

Under the gaze of people all over the world.

This unprecedented exchange ceremony began!

The old professor sent by the Longguo Museum appraised the 32 collections one by one.

"Report, all the collections are real."

The middle-aged man sitting in the middle and Chen nodded together.

The girl on the side pushed the silver box on the table over.

"What is this?"

The representative of John was confused.

The representative of Longguo pointed to the box and said, "Please open it."

The representative of John hesitated for a moment, but still opened the box.

There were actually stacks of banknotes inside.

Looking at these banknotes, the representative of John Country was even more confused.

"What do you mean by this?"

The middle-aged man said easily: "This is 563,200 yuan and 31 cents. It is the storage fee given by our experts after analysis, as well as the freight you sent this time. It expresses John Country's protection of Dragon Country's national treasures over the years."

Hearing this, the representative of John Country breathed a sigh of relief and said with joy: "Dragon Country is indeed a great country! A country of etiquette, we admire it!"

Then he accepted the box of money with a smile.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Your John Country is also a traditional great country. The fees you should pay to our Dragon Country will not be less, right?"

The representative of John Country nodded without thinking: "Of course, our great John Country is most concerned with the spirit of contract!"

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