【Ding!!! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden achievement mission, and the friendly relationship established with Son Gohan successfully advanced, progress: make friends. Reward a low-level combat power improvement card, and a copy of Son Gohan’s combat experience before the age of 8. 】

There was a voice of the system in his ears, and Ye Yu looked confused.

It came too suddenly.

He also just said casually, and after chatting with Sun Wuhan for a few words, he actually went directly from ordinary friends to close friends.

Yebihan, this kid, is also too good to fool.

Another low-level combat power improvement card, and a copy of Son Gohan’s combat experience before the age of 8.

Although it is not worth saying before the age of 8, I have to say that how many bosses did Son Gohan fight before the age of 8?

Except for the enemies that the android chapter did not encounter at the beginning, he has more or less fought with each other in the Z period of the great universe era.

And after the age of 8, the only thing that can be said is the artificial human chapter, his cultivation with his father Sun Wukong in the Spirit Time House and the battle with Shalu, and the rest, even if there is, there are not much….

A huge amount of information appeared from his mind, and this moment almost made Ye Yu faint.

But for a short moment, this feeling came and went quickly.

Directly turned Ye Yu into a martial arts master.

A master is not a master, one is to look at strength, and the other is to look at combat experience.


Unconsciously five minutes later, as the class bell rang, Ye Yu also returned to his senses.

The only thing she didn’t notice was that Bidili seemed to have arrived at the class before the last minute.

Looking at her tired appearance, it is really a little pitiful.

Don’t think about it, it must have happened during this time in the morning, so that she didn’t sleep well, and the physical exertion was very large.

Sister paper, who is straightforward and likes to take the initiative to take responsibility, is often very hard.

But the more serious you are, the more beautiful it is.

Maybe for others, Bidili’s appearance is not particularly outstanding, and it is even average in the class.

But I have to say that Bidiri is very beautiful, and she has always been in line with Ye Yu’s three views.

The reason why others think that Bidily does not look good is because Bidily is not good at dressing herself, unlike other girls, at this age, she either wears makeup or spends time to beautify herself.

In the original book, because Bidili cut her long hair, which made her beauty public, and finally even playboy brothers like Sharpler were attracted to worship under their skirts.

During a lesson, only a few are listening attentively, and the vast majority are waiting for the bell to ring.

Unlike Ye Yu’s previous life, the school curriculum in this world is completely different and not so heavy.

Two lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon.

Each lesson lasts an hour and a half, so the first lesson starts at eight o’clock until nine-thirty, then there is a half-hour break, and the second lesson starts at ten to eleven-thirty.

After half-past eleven, it is lunch break, and students can also leave school to eat out, but they must enter the classroom at one o’clock in the afternoon, because one o’clock is the time for the first class in the afternoon.

Classes end at half-past two, then classes at three until half-past four.

As for the time when school ends every day, sometimes it is at half-past four, sometimes it is delayed for a while, but it is not more than one or twenty minutes at most.

Today, it was also the first time that Ye Yu did not listen to the lecture seriously.

Because his mind was stuffed with Sun Wuhan’s combat experience when he was a child, the piles of experience were like mountains that required Ye Yu to spend time absorbing.

In fan fiction, it is said that the things that are rewarded by the system can be completely absorbed in the blink of an eye, which is pure nonsense.

Ye Yu’s spiritual power is considered to be outstanding, and now he has a certain strength, so that he can quickly absorb these experiences and strengthen his own quality, otherwise, it will take at least three or five days according to the past.

After a class, Ye Yu, who was relieved, planned to rest and rest, he only absorbed a small part, and at the same time, he had to combine himself to see which experiences were useful to him and which were not.

After all, everyone is different, and if all of them can be the same, cultivation will not be so troublesome.

After class, Ye Yu leaned back on the chair tiredly, and his breath was a little heavier.

This kind of performance made Sun Wuhan on the side cast a curious gaze: “What’s wrong Ye Yu?” Is it physically uncomfortable, your appearance, a little hard. ”

Hearing this, Ye Yu’s heart stirred: “It’s okay, I had some chest tightness just now, but now it’s much better.” Don’t care, take a break and you’ll be fine. ”

“Is that so? If you are really uncomfortable, it is better to go to the infirmary to rest. Son Gohan said with concern.

This kid has already treated him as a friend.

This feeling also made Ye Yu very gratified.

At least, he deliberately had a good relationship with Sun Gohan, and this kid was not bad and knew to care about him.

Nodding slightly, Ye Yu snorted and did not speak again.

I closed my eyes until ten minutes later, and I completely recovered my mental power and opened my eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the strange look cast by Bi Di Li, which made Ye Yu muttered in his heart.

This woman seemed to have been secretly looking at him since the first class, as if his face had blossomed.

Because he had intimidated her, he had a special idea for him?

Ye Yu felt that it was not so simple.

According to Bidili’s personality, she is not a woman who will easily become interested in men, and she worships the strong, likes to practice martial arts, and Ye Yu can’t fight together.

At least, this is the case now and before.

Ye Yu also has self-awareness, otherwise, he really has to be narcissistic.

It is no joke to pursue a girl, but also to pursue within three months, so that the other party can truly become his own woman.

In exchange for any woman, Ye Yu has countless ways, after all, he was also an adult in his previous life, and he has been wandering the flower field for many years.

But treating Bidili is not simple.

The point is, there is also a Son Gohan!

If the memory is correct, I don’t know if it is this morning or afternoon, a bus gang robbery will break out at the station of Satan City, which is also the beginning of the first time that Bidili and Son Gohan really work together to fight the robbers, making Bidili curious and curious about the Super Saiyan Superman played by Son Gohan.


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