Unlike usual, Ye Yu cooked a bowl of noodles for Bidili.

This villa is indeed much more comfortable than his family, spacious, luxurious, luxurious, not only that, there are a lot of high-tech equipment for people to use, convenient, fast, labor-saving, but in addition to hardware facilities, there is basically nothing else.

Of course, this is also inevitable, who let this place often be uninhabited, if not for this time the door was kicked by Satan’s guy, he and Bidili would not live here.

To put it simply, Ye Yu doesn’t like to live in other people’s homes, so in the past few days, he has to arrange for someone to change the door of his house.

At that time, it is better to move back.

Bidili is willing to follow him, then follow, if he is not, he doesn’t care. At least, Bidili cannot be forced.

Moreover, in Ye Yu’s positioning, this disguised form of eating soft rice.

Even if this is not a soft meal, but if it is not your own, it is not your own.

In Ye Yu’s train of thought, only the things he bought with his own money were his own. It doesn’t matter where the money comes from, but that’s it.

It was also said that Bidili asked someone to prepare some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar yesterday, and Ye Yu also bought some noodle ingredients to reserve, otherwise, he really had to spend some effort to buy some food for Bidili tonight.

As the saying goes, although the outside things are delicious, in the love during the warming period of feelings, the other half makes food for themselves, even if the taste is average, but it can make people satisfied.

Especially the process of eating and after eating, that feeling cannot be replaced.

I don’t know when it started, Bidiri was also used to it, and began to expect Ye Yu to prepare food for her.

This is the main reason why she has been waiting for him to return.

She didn’t go to eat anything else to fill her stomach, just silently hoped that after Ye Yu came back, he would make her food as before.

But she was embarrassed to speak, so while her stomach was hungry, she could only hide it embarrassingly.

A bowl of tomato beef noodles, Bidiri ate not even the soup left.

It can be seen that her qi has disappeared, otherwise she would not have eaten so cheerfully and appetizingly.

After the meal, Ye Yu accompanied Bidili to sit on the sofa and watch TV.

Bi Di Li was already impatient to prepare to cultivate qi, but was stopped by Ye Yu.

Just after eating, cultivate, although it is not a big deal, but after a little rest, it is best to wait for the body to be in the best state before cultivating.

The body of an ordinary person is different from the body that has great strength.

Even if Bi Di Li has a certain foundation, in Ye Yu’s eyes, it is still just the body of an ordinary person.

To cultivate in the process of digesting food with full digestive function in the body, the effect is definitely not as good as after a while.

Earthlings, most of whom are like this, can imagine that eating a full stomach and exercising vigorously will cause stomach pain.

In contrast, Saiyans do not.

Extremely strong digestion ability, you can completely digest food in one breath, otherwise you will start to exercise vigorously after eating the original, how can the body eat well.

For more than ten minutes, enough rest, Bi Di Li condensed his qi again under Ye Yu’s signal.

This time it took only a few seconds.

It can be seen that Bidiri herself has been secretly cultivating, and a day ago, she would definitely not be able to do it so quickly.

It also confirmed that she was a genius, otherwise, how could she have made such great progress.

At the same time, it also made Ye Yu roughly affirm that the reason why Bi Di Li could not completely control the qi to achieve a suspended state was that his heart was too chaotic.

“Very good, just follow the current feeling, follow the flow of qi in the body, and then gradually control the diffusion of qi to the whole body.” Ye Yu nodded and guided Bi Di Li’s use of qi.

“Hmm.” Bidili replied softly and nodded.

She stood in front of the sofa, her hands clenched into pink fists down, her expression serious, and a few drops of sweat were clearly visible on her forehead.

Sensing the change in qi, Ye Yu frowned, shook his head slightly, and said: “Stop, continue to use your thoughts like this to forcibly use brute force, unless your qi meets certain requirements, you will definitely not be able to levitate yourself, let alone learn the art of dancing the void.” ”

Listening to Ye Yu’s words, Bidily took a deep breath, and the big eyes of the water spirit stared at Ye Yu’s face, as if they were about to ooze water.

“Then you say! What should I do?! Bidili asked seriously.

Asking if you don’t understand on top of cultivation is also Bidili’s advantage.

“I already know what your problem is, because you have never been in contact with qi before, even if I tell you, plus I helped you perceive qi and condense qi, but you always misunderstand the existence of qi.” Ye Yu spoke, telling the form of qi.

“Qi is the most fundamental energy in the living body, and with practice or training, you can freely manipulate this energy, but it is not essential, although it can be roughly used, it cannot achieve much effect, unless, after years of cultivation, as I said in the past, some people have practiced for decades before they can barely learn some advanced techniques.”

“The casting of the Void Dance Technique requires a very refined degree of mastery of the Qi in order to fully display it, so that when the breath suddenly appears disordered, it will not cause the Void Dance Technique to fail halfway, which is life-threatening.”

“Your body, in disguise to protect yourself, is one reason why you are not successful! Another is that you think that qi is your strength, but also a breath held in the stomach, so you can indeed simply control qi, but your body is not actively accustomed to accept, the hidden energy in the life body, is not a person’s strength, but hidden in the depths of your body, the purest life energy, can make the flesh beyond the limit, qi also means a person’s vitality, in the final analysis, is also a person’s life. ”

“I told you, everyone has qi, although they can’t perceive it, but it does exist! For example, you may be able to sense my qi through your qi now. On the other hand, when I say that qi equals life, it is because once the qi is gone, it means that the person’s life has also come to an end. ”

“Actually, after you succeeded before, I was very surprised. It should be said that it was your competitive inner work, forcibly allowing your body to accept the baptism of qi, and thus levitating. The success after that is nothing more than this factor. ”

“But after that, you have not succeeded again, the reason, I believe you now know after listening to what I said, the understanding should be more correct and deeper.”


Saying that, Ye Yu looked at Bidili, who was listening to her, and did not disturb her.

Epiphany this kind of thing was something that Ye Yu did not dare to think about before.

And now, he did see it.

Epiphany, it really exists!

Bidiri’s current qi is very calm, much more stable than before.

Moreover, Bidili closed her eyes in front of him like this, and her body was directly suspended under the action of qi.

Dance the air technique, that’s it!

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