“Not good!!!”

The situation was critical, something was wrong, Vic opened his mouth and shouted, directly exploding.

The power hidden in his body erupted in one breath, and the breath of hundreds of billions of combat power set off a fierce hurricane roaring around.

Klin was shocked, and Tianjin Fan and Sun Wuhan were also shocked.

There is no doubt that this is meant to be shot.

Ye Yu on the side, his expression was calm, he finally appreciated a spirit that everyone in the Z warrior possessed, that is, no matter how strong the enemy was, as long as the companion was in danger, even if there was no absolutely powerful force, he would rush up to fight without hesitation.

Vic would make a move, Ye Yu had already guessed.

In the first time he saw Hildegang, knowing how strong Hildegang was, Ye Yu knew that Vegeta would lose, and Sun Wukong would also lose if he remained unchanged, and after they lost, Vic and the others would all be dispatched.

“Oops!! Vic alone is by no means an opponent for this monster, let’s go together!! Tianjin Rice!! Seeing Vic attack, Klin opened his mouth and shouted, bursting out his own power.

As soon as he moved, Tianjin Fan showed his full strength at the same time, and the two of them, one left and one right, assisted Vic and fought against Hildgang.

Only Sun Wuhan did not move, he seemed to notice something, his eyes did not focus on Hildegang’s body, nor did he pay attention to the attacking Bicklin and Tianjin Fan, but on the body of the demon mentor He Yi.

“Ye Yu, did you find out?! The actions of the phantom demon Hildegang seem to be controlled by that guy. Sun Wuhan’s words made Ye Yu slightly stunned after hearing it.

He understood what Son Gohan was planning to do, but he was obviously mistaken.

It is true that it should be the magic mentor Hoy who controls Hildegang’s actions now, but it does not mean that without Hey, Hildegang will be unable to continue to act like robots.

After all, Hildegang is not a robot, but a living being.

“Do whatever you want, and I’ll cooperate with you on the side.” Without interrupting Sun Wuhan’s thoughts, Ye Yu calculated the plan.

To be honest, he wanted to see how powerful the phantom demon Hildegang would be without the control of the Demon Master He Yi.

Even if Hield is strong, it is like that for him, but at least it is an expectation.

“With your help, I’m more sure. The two of us took advantage of Uncle Vic to contain Hildegang and kill that guy!! If my guess is correct, once there is no control over him, Hildegang will not be at his mercy as he is now. Sun Gohan spoke, and as soon as his words fell, he changed into a Super Saiyan in an instant, and reached the second level of Super Saiyan in one breath.

After the defeat in the battle with Vic, his overall strength has been improved, at least the current combat power has reached nearly 20 billion, a full 19.5 billion.

According to the 150-fold increase span of the super second peak, this also means that Son Gohan’s potential has been improved because of the battle, and the normal has reached 130 million points.

And, it can get stronger at any time.

Ye Yu looked sideways slightly, nodded, and did not speak.

Watching Sun Wuhan make a move, Ye Yu mobilized the power in his body to reach the level of hundreds of billions, and then followed Sun Wuhan to attack.


At this time, Bike, Klin, and Tianjin Rice were being played with by Hildegang, who was controlled by Hey.

No matter what kind of attack the three people launched, they could be dodged in an instant.

That special ability seems to be able to disappear directly in the instant before withstanding the attack, and then appear in another direction.

Even if the three people attack continuously, grabbing every dead corner, but each attack can be cleverly avoided.

To put it simply, the speed at which Hilde just dodged was far above their attack, and even if they predicted in advance where Hilde would just appear, the attack would not work.

“Abominable!! What the hell is going on?! Except for Vegeta’s first punch, which actually hits, other attacks, no matter what kind of strike, can be dodged. Vic said as he levitated in the air and shot out his waves.

On the other side, Klin and Tianjin Fan are also clueless, and the only feeling of the two is that they are being played by each other between applause, and they may be killed at any time.

“Damn, what the hell is this ability?! All the enemies I have encountered in the past have never encountered such a tricky move. If you can attack…” Before the words were finished, Tianjin Fan was stunned, and instantly turned around and sent out a qigong bomb attack.

The threat was indeed eliminated in the nick of time, but his attack still did not work.

Hilde just appeared from time to time and disappeared from time to time, along with the magic mentor Hey.

He Yi’s voice was accompanied by the transmission to the entire battlefield: “桀桀桀桀~~~!” Ignorant mortals are unaware of the horrors of death. Do you think you can play in front of my Hildegang with far superior strength?! Amusing!! Hildgang’s power is far from as simple as you think. This trick alone can’t be cracked, and you don’t even have the qualifications to go head-to-head with Hilde. ”

The provocative and arrogant words made the three grit their teeth.

At this moment, the mountain in the distance suddenly exploded, and a rich golden light rushed straight forward.

This is Vegeta’s final flash.

Having experienced for the first time, knowing that this trick needs to be cracked by sneak attacks, Vegeta has been holding back for a long time.

I thought that this move could kill the phantom demon Hildegang, but he was still shocked, and in the end, the flash cannon directly skipped the body of the phantom demon Hildegang and slammed into the distant 10,000-meter mountain.

‘Boom~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! The explosion in an instant, like the explosion of tens of millions of tons of nuclear bombs, the earth shakes, the mountains collapse, the tsunami rises, and the mushroom cloud tens of thousands of meters high is terrifying.

It’s really terrifying, but it doesn’t work at all.

“Impossible!!! Even this attack can be avoided?!! Vegeta frowned, unable to believe it.

In the next second, a shadow struck behind him, and his entire body was directly bound by Hildegang’s tail.

“Idiot!! Do you think sneak attacks are still useful?! The life is quite hard, since you are in such a hurry to send to death, then start with you first. Hoy’s voice came from Hildegang’s shoulder, causing Vegeta to clench her teeth.

In the second tier of Super Saiyan, he has unparalleled power.

His strength is no longer comparable to that of seven years ago, but with his current strength, he can’t even break free.

“Vegeta !!!!” With a loud shout, Sun Wukong seized the opportunity to strike at this time and launched an attack on the phantom demon.

The power capable of shattering the mountains condensed on the fist and bombarded Hildegang’s back directly.

However, it is still in vain.

Hield is just so strong???!

Ye Yudu frowned, after all, the original mature Hildegang could not dodge all the attacks. Especially if you attack continuously, you can’t do it.

At the very least, it has to be a complete Hieldegang to get to where it is now.

Although the blow did not work, Son Goku’s shot also helped Vegeta break free.

Attack and dodge can’t be used at the same time, and the flaw in Hilde’s ability to do this move is here.

“Are you all right? Vegeta. ”

Sun Wukong’s kind concern was met with Vegeta’s disdain: “No need for you to interfere!!” ”

The cold Vegeta is still the same conceited, even if he knows that he underestimated the phantom Hildegang, but he still doesn’t want to admit it.

“Vegeta! You should have discovered this guy’s weakness, right? Just now…” Sun Wukong did not continue, but only reminded Vegeta.

At this time, Vegeta, after experiencing repeated failures, and with the help of the changes just now, already had a plan in his heart: “Still use what you say?!” My fighting intuition is not as weak as you think. ”

While the two were communicating, Bikklin Tianjin Rice approached.

At the same time, everyone discovered the flaw.

If Vegeta hadn’t been trapped and Monkey King attacked, they wouldn’t have figured out what was going on.

“It must be shot at the moment he turns into a physical attack! Vegeta’s first success was because the previous phantom Hilde was just attacking, so it worked! Sun Wukong remained calm and spoke.

When everyone heard this, they nodded one after another.

The strategy has come out, but people may not give a chance.

He Yi stood on the shoulder of the phantom demon Hildegang and let out a disgusting laugh: “It’s really slow to react now.” But I have to say that you are amazing, but it’s a pity! What if you find out?! You are still no match for my Hildegang. ”

The confident words have just been spoken.

‘Huh~~~!!! A sound.

A golden pillar of energy pierced through Hey’s body, causing his face to be stunned, his eyes moving downward, looking at his attacked body in disbelief.

“No… No way…… How…… How could it be?!! His eyes widened, blood spurted out of Hey’s mouth, and his body faltered on Hildegang’s shoulders.

“You’ve been talking about other people, and that’s all you do. Too focused on confronting dad and them, didn’t you notice that there were still the two of us watching from the sidelines all the time?! Son Gohan’s voice spread.

In the instant just now, he approached with the help of concealment means and gave He Yi a fatal blow.

Seeing this, the Z warriors on the opposite side showed their joy one after another.

This person who controls Hildegang, they have long wanted to deal with it, but because they can’t hit Hildegang, they can only endure it in disguise.

Now that Sun Gohan has succeeded, He Yi is finished.

“But, damn it… Abominable stinky boy… Hildegang… Give it to me…” Before the words were finished, he was greeted by another wave of destructive energy.

I don’t know if it’s because it wasn’t Hildegang who attacked, so he didn’t blur, and He Yi didn’t use Hildegang’s ability to dodge this move, and directly turned into nothing under the energy.

“It’s verbose. Gohan, you’re still too merciful to shoot. This kind of goods should be directly killed, so that he doesn’t even have a chance to speak. If he says any spell, it’s us who are in trouble. Ye Yu said.

This time, it was Ye Yu who did it.

He also took the initiative to see what rewards there was for killing the demon mentor He Yi.

As a result, he was shocked, and what he got was only a high-level combat power improvement card and a mental power enhancement that belonged to He Yi.

For Ye Yu now, there is no soft use.

It’s like pouring a bottle of mineral water in the ocean, and even a huge wave can’t be set off.

“Taught, Ye Yu. But now, Hilde just should…” Son Gohan nodded, looking ashamed.

Halfway through the words, everyone was shocked again.

‘Roar, roar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! A fierce roar erupted from Hildegang’s mouth.

He did not lose his mobility at all because of Hey’s death, but on the contrary, he seemed to become more brutal and powerful.

The late arrival of the Realm King God witnessed this scene, and was horrified, and opened his mouth to warn: “Everyone, the phantom demon Hilde is just a monster with the ability to think independently!!” The demon master just now has the ability to control Hildegang, and now that he is dead, it means that Hildegang is now wild! ”

As soon as the words fell, the Z fighters were attacked by Hildegang for the first time.

The terrifying pillar of flame erupted again, sweeping directly in a circle.

Although it did not let the Z warriors get hurt, but it was out of proportion.

The ferocious attack swept directly in, and Hildegang’s way of fighting was like directly turning into another person.

No longer rely on the ability to blur, retreat into progress.

One punch and one Z fighter.

Klin, Tianjin Fan, Bike, and even Vegeta and Monkey King were all knocked down with one punch.

Even if they deliberately hide, the gap in strength is so large that it is difficult for them to resist.

In the end, Sun Gohan and Ye Yu were left.

Without complaint, Sun Gohan was destroyed by one punch, and Super Two directly degenerated into normal, and he fell to the ground.

At this point, only Ye Yu was left on the field, as well as the Eastern King God in the distance, Jebit, and the warrior Tapien, who had just been healed by Jebit.

Standing firmly in place, Hilde just raised his head and roared, but did not make a move on Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was surprised and puzzled, and he was also very curious about why everyone else had done it, but he didn’t.

How could Ye Yu know that ordinary people could not feel the huge sea-like energy pool in his body, but the phantom demon Hilde was just a demon man, and he could feel it.

Just like the Great Demon Buu in the original work, he can sense the great threat hidden in the distant and even in the future, and on Earth, he senses the threat brought by Sun Gohan, whose potential is being developed in the Realm King God Realm.

“Although I don’t know why you didn’t make a move on me, everyone else fell, and I had to strike!!” His expression became serious, and Ye Yu took a deep breath and mobilized the power in his body.

In fact, to be honest, although he was shocked by the mature Hildegang, he was not interested, after all, it was too weak.

His combat power value reached 1050 megabytes, and it was necessary to second Hildegang, and he played with it.

It’s just that now there is no choice, even Sun Wukong fainted, and there is no chance to become a super three, so only he will solve it.

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