Conference Room 1, Kingdom of Amelia

"Ha? Explain it again!"

King Amelia - the agent Edward Lotto Amelia reported - asks grassroots.

"Count Kusar is attacking the Akinashi realm where His Highness Rosemary is staying, employing the blood of the snakes, hindered by the three main forces behind him."

"That's not it! No, that's not it, but after that!"

Edward hits the armrest of the throne with frustration and his index finger on the "grass" to repeat the report.

"The three main forces behind [House Tao], [Lost Forest] and [Raven (Open Raven)] challenged and crushed the resurrected evil dragon Deborah under the command of Her Highness Princess Ferris.

Depending on Deborah, an unidentified dragon of another world appears in his late life, but the Royal Guard of His Royal Highness Rosemary, Kai Heineman, has slaughtered the worms to crush them.

Her Royal Highness Ladyship Ferris, the representative of the three major forces behind and the wind cat, hereafter expresses her humility to Her Highness Rosemary. "

The noise whirls through the frozen conference room.Rather than surprise, I don't know why the grass, which has a reputation for being so hateful and accurate, makes such a joke.I'm sure they're all trying to do that.

But Edward couldn't afford to think of such powerful men.So when I tried to silence you out loud,

"Noisy, quiet."

Johannes Roosevelt, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Amelia, a black-haired giant man who had been holding back by the King's side due to the immobility of the upright, raised the voice of restraint.

The volume of the voice itself was not a big deal, but it traveled strangely into the room and calmed down in an instant.

"Grass, I trust you.At least until now.I'm going to ask you again. Is the report true? "

It was Edward who threw grass on the Akinashi realm.The reason is Rose's escort. Rose is abhorred by the traditional nobles of this kingdom of Amelia.It is also possible that an untouched person like Frankton will run wild.So I decided to put Rose's guards on standby in the neighboring city, not just in the grass.

In this regard, it is best to send Arnold from danger, but hate, he is now absent from the World Conference against Demonic Strategies, a neutral city - [World Magic Institute (Babel)] - together with the Warlord Edward.That's why I entrusted the kingdom's mightiest Knights of Magic to protect Rose in an emergency.

Kai Heineman is stronger than Gerald.Then we can hold the kingdom's mightiest Knights of Magic until they arrive.

However, anything like this is flying too far.

"Yes, I swear by the gods of heaven and earth!"

It doesn't even look like the grass is lying.Above all, it is the greatest taboo to lie as an agent.There is no point in taking the risk on him.

"Johannes, what do you think? Do you think that's possible?"

"Your Majesty, this is not a matter of possibility or impossibility, it is an event that has already occurred."

"But it's the resurrection of the legendary dinosaur that has been sealed by the sea lions for 300 years!? And it's in the middle of the occasional visit of that half-wife daughter to the sea lions.Such a coincidence! "

"Yeah, so it was all Rosemary's plan."

"The resurrection of the evil dragon that once destroyed the kingdom itself was a plan!?"

"Windcats are the only people who can become residents in the East End.However, they have attacked the Earl of Kusar many times, robbing him of food supplies.If the sun is clear and exempt, Count Kusar is guilty of the great crime of deducting bow money from the kingdom, and Lord Ferris will forgive his foolishness.Look, this is exactly what it looks like right now. "

Certainly, if Ketzer Kusar tried to kill Rose, it would be an intervention by the Royal Government.Originally, it was dusty territory.If you bring up the most plausible reason to protest the sin, the lords cannot say anything.Besides, the legendary dragon extermination is a huge achievement.Indeed, the grounds for immunity are sufficient.

But that assumes that Ferris and the others can beat the evil dragon.As a workaround, it's broken from the edge.

"I don't think you're very sane."

"For those who made this plan, the legendary dinosaur was nothing but an elephant lizard."

"Kai Heineman...."

"Yes, it is a very disrespectful remark, but His Highness Rose is not yet capable of drawing up and implementing a brilliant plan for the time being."

"Of course! It was a legendary dinosaur who had chased the kingdom to the brink of extinction! If I had a normal nerve, I would have thought of hitting that dinosaur with three infamous forces!"

"Your Majesty, that is a misperception.None of the three major forces knows the boundaries of race.They alone will not be able to crush the evil dragon Deborah.For Kai Heineman, they are, after all, stall toys.Secure personnel for the future management of His Highness Rose's territory.It can only mean that much. "

"The skeleton of the plan is Ferris' Titan.But that spirit must have been extremely difficult to control.Very well, did Ferris convince you to use Titan? "

Titan, the spiritual king of earth, the corner of the four great spiritual kings.It has enormous power, but requires a lot of vitality (mana) to control it.Ferris had once stubbornly refused to use Titan after a power struggle in the kingdom caused a maid girl from her childhood to devote most of her mana to Titan and wander between life and death.I don't think I would use it to the extent that Kai Heineman taught me.

When you look at the grass,

"As far as I'm concerned, Ferris didn't feel guilty about controlling Titan."

Say it clearly.

"The report says Kai Heineman is also a top Summoner.Is that how much he's offering? "

Consideration is indispensable to making a high-ranking presence operational.This must be the absolute truth of summoning in a sense.

"No, it's not. I don't think it's worth it... what should I do..."

"If it wasn't for consideration, what was it?Answer me quickly! "

Grandpa, the court magician in a dark blue robe, leaves his usual coolness and asks in a strong tone to the grass.

Grandpa is usually gentle and is not like scolding others like this.I hear that summoning is extremely important to magicians.This is, in a sense, a matter equal to that extreme, and that may be so.

"Titan is scared of Kai Heineman.I had that impression. "

And these words of the grass shall dwell in the throne like a bird cage.

"That's ridiculous! If the Spirit King likes you, we can talk!Don't scare them!? There can't be such a race! "

To the court magician chief who screams to throw up.

"That's a word you can say because you don't know anything called Kai Heineman.That is no longer a person.The view convinces Titan's attitude. "

Challenge with a strong tone.There will be more noise, but Prime Minister Johannes stares at me and silences me.

"I don't know, that's what we talked about.What will you do, Your Majesty? "

Johannes is pulling back the subject.

"Evidence of dragon crusade?"

"The torso is used for dependency and has disappeared, but the head of the lucky cut debore remains."

If you have a head, you have no doubt.

"Then there is no other way to acknowledge the victory of the evil dragon with the presence of Deborah's head."

"So you approve the democratization of the Windcat and the three major forces behind it to the East End?"

"Ah, it's a crusade against the evil dragon.I can't afford to take advantage of it. "

At all events, the democratization of the three major forces, each of which is supposed to be comparable to even one division of the army, is a good place to sleep.Originally, the country was supposed to be making a lot of noise up and down.It was the extermination of the evil dragon Deborah that completely hid in the shadows.

I don't think Kai Heineman even read this.

"But how do we prove Ketzer Kusar's involvement in the Rose murder attempt?Even if Ketzer's hired man confesses honestly, it's hard to punish Ketzer if he doesn't know what he's doing. "

"I have received a secret book from Kai Heineman."

Johannes takes the letter out of his pocket and sends it to Edward.

A malicious and extraordinary smile that sticks to the colors of a man like the usual noble face.Run this Steel Spirit Monster Prime into ecstasy.Broadly speaking, it must have written a plan for the bad destruction of the chest manure.

Honestly, I don't want to see it.

Now I can assure you with certainty.Johannes and Kai Heineman are intrinsically similar in that they prefer this malicious hobby to three meals.

Never cut the seal, open the letter, and read through it.

"Is this the truth?"

Ask Johannes while realizing that he is about to forget himself in madness and anger.

"The letter from Kai Heineman to me stated that he wanted His Majesty to confirm it."


I'll manage to talk about it. Of course. I'll make sure of it.

If this is the truth, then I need Ketsor Kusar to know from my soul that I'm not worthy of it.

No. The dust won't stop the anger.

"Johannes, tell Kai Heineman. You're going to have to accept this offer to play."


With his hands on his chest, Johannes bowed his head respectfully.

This may be the first time in the history of the kingdom that a royal spit has ever been made.Very well. If the contents of this letter are true, I will not forgive whoever it is.Even if other princes and princesses were involved, there would be no one left, and I will punish you severely.

(No, I don't think so. We have to keep it down somehow)

Only Edward's closest associates are in this conference room, and the conversation will not leak outside.Still, it's not absolute. You can't afford to be perceived as an extremely disrespectful bandit.You have to behave as usual.

I managed to put my face back and send my gaze to Johannes next door.

"Now, let's get to work."

By the decree of Johannes, government resumed.

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