——A love letter to Mr. Xu

Dear Xu Jian:

Hello there.

In the past two decades, I have received countless love letters, but it is the first time I have written a love letter to someone. I have never read a love letter from someone else, so I don’t know if the one I’ve written now counts as a love letter, but in order to make this The letter is more like a love letter. I chose the pink envelope. You can't laugh at me when you see it.

I just wrote the beginning of the love letter, but I am already looking forward to your expression when you receive it. I want to watch you play with your eyes and laugh.

Today is your twenty-fifth birthday. The weather was not very good when you got up early in the morning, and it was dark and gloomy. The reason why I wrote this letter is when I was making eggs in the kitchen in the morning. Write a love letter for you.

It’s the first time to write, you have no experience and you are not used to it.

Ever since I was little, I have always thought that I was luckier than most people in the world, but when I hugged you to sleep, I often thought that if I could meet you, it must be God’s help. If you didn’t panic that day, I didn’t go downstairs to eat. Then I will miss you when I don't know it.

When I wrote about ‘missing you’, I paused for about two minutes and made a hypothesis in my heart what I would be doing if I didn’t meet you, and then I found that I couldn’t accept this assumption in my heart.

You may feel hypocritical, but this is indeed my true feelings at the moment. Probably people are greedy. After having the sun that gives them light and warmth, they are not willing to lose again, even if it is hypothetical.

When I first saw you, you were not afraid of me at all. It surprised me and surprised me, so I hurried to take you back home without asking if you would like to go with me. Now I ask you the same question without waiting for you to answer I already have the answer in my heart. Thank you for your trust and love. I love you too.

When I first saw you in person and heard you say that you are milk, two thoughts popped up in my mind at that time:

The cat I raised has grown up.

It turns out that you are also naked, and I really don't deserve to have fluffy when the animals hate me.

Yes, that's right, I saw you wake up naked in my bed at the time. After listening to your explanation, I was a little bit lost. After living for so many years, I thought I finally had a cat, but all this is fake.

Of course, it turns out that for me, the plush in the whole world can’t add up to you, and I don’t know when the plush control becomes severe.

I don’t know if you paid attention to when you were tempted. Anyway, I didn’t pay attention. When I didn’t know, I already fell in love with you, so when I saw you that I was only allowed to hold in the next play, I was so cute. When I was in Shen Xi’s arms, I was very, very unhappy (ps: climbing the wall in front of me, and now I feel angry when I think about it), you explained afterwards that Shen Xi is your idol, and you think he has good acting skills. Thinking:

Isn't my acting skills bad? Why do not you like me?

In fact, I understood at that time, I selfishly hope that you are full of eyes with only me, it is me in your eyes, and me in your heart, and of course only I can hold you.

You occasionally say that I am a petty and naive ghost, but I think there is nothing wrong with it. My petty and naive side is only shown to you, just like I can only see you let the milk cat fur fall all over the bed and get up early with a guilty conscience. very fair.

We are the closest people to each other, and I can show the softest meeting in front of you, and so are you.

You always say that I am teasing you because you don’t know how cute you are when you fry your hair. Of course, I’m not encouraging you to continue to chuckle. Xu Milk’s weight loss and fitness work must continue, and Mr. Xu’s weight gain also Please keep working hard.


When writing this letter, you are playing with your phone on the sofa, and you don't know who you are chatting with. You are still smiling happily. Looking at you like this, I suddenly feel that the weather today is actually pretty good.

God is probably on the side with me, you smile, the weather is better.

I wrote a few hundred words unknowingly, and the topic is far away. Today is your 25th birthday, and it is also the first of countless birthdays that we will spend together in the years to come, although you have never spoken , But I know you have been expecting birthday gifts for a long time.

You certainly can't think of what I will give you, or from your expression this morning, you thought I was not prepared for anything, and honestly said that I did it on purpose and wanted to surprise you.

After being together for so long, you brought me the most precious treasure that was missing in my original life, but I haven't given you any gift seriously. I review and hope that you can like today's gift.

Everything is in the past. I hope that my Mr. Xu will be safe and successful from now on, always remain sincere, and more importantly, love me forever.

From now on, whether it is a bright future or a thorny road, I will always be with you.

Angry and happy, 25-year-old Mr. Xu.

Happy birthday, I can always celebrate the milk of Children's Day here.

——Mr. Qin who loves you wrote in July 15th.

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