Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 438: Extra 63

This feeling made Xin Lei feel like she was about to start thinking more.

The two drove to the outskirts of the cemetery. Xin Lei and Gu Nanci spent some time before they arrived at the tomb of Gu Nanci's mother.

Gu Nanci visits the tomb here every year. He looks at the picture of his mother on the tombstone, and sometimes finds his mother's approach very difficult to understand.

Gu Nanci was a child back then, but even so, he knew the bad relationship between his parents, so whenever his mother was sad, he would always tell his mother.

It's better to divorce.

If divorced, his mother can have a new life, can get rid of the caregiver, and will not be as sad as she is now.

But after his mother heard it, she always scolded him loudly, and then cried in her arms.

It seems even sadder than before.

Later, he realized that his mother was afraid that he would lose his inheritance rights to Gu's family after the divorce, and he was even more worried that he would have nothing.

Perhaps this is the only love his mother has for him.

But in the end, his mother still couldn't bear all this and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

He will never forget how his mother resolutely jumped downstairs until she fell to the ground with a smile on her mouth.

As if really relieved.

He will never forget the blood as if spreading a small river beside her, so coquettish red that burned his eyes.

Gu Nanci closed his eyes, as if trying to throw all the previous pictures out of his mind.

Xin Lei noticed the strangeness of Gu Nan's Ci. She had heard of Gu Nan's childhood experience from other people, and she couldn't help holding his hand secretly.

This was the only way she could think of comforting Gu Nan's words.

"Don't think about it, it's all over."

Xin Lei's voice was like a warm current, making Gu Nan's words relieved from the memory.

The warmth of her palms seemed to warm his heart.

"Well, it's all over."

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Nanci's lips, and Xin Lei's eyes were a little deeper.

In fact, he went back to the room alone last night and thought about his relationship with Xin Lei for a long time. Xin Lei gave him a special feeling.

This woman is the only one who can make his emotions fluctuate so much.

Even Lin Xi couldn't do this.

So he felt that this meant that he was different from Xin Lei, and he should have taken care of this woman.

In fact, Lin Xi had reminded him before that he might like Xin Lei.

But at the time, he felt that it was just nonsense.

But now it seems that he was wrong.

Xin Lei looked at Gu Nanci as if he had recovered, and when he wanted to take her hand out, Gu Nanci held her hand tightly, not giving her a chance to withdraw.

"Mr. Gu, I..."

Xin Lei wanted to remind him that the two of them were still holding hands, but when he looked at Xin Lei, his eyes were calm.

This made Xin Lei not know what to say, and could only swallow the rest of the words.

But when her hand was pulled, she felt a tingling current flowing through her hand, which was a bit strange.

Xin Lei looked at the photo on the tombstone. Gu Nanci’s mother was very beautiful. Gu Nanci’s appearance was mostly inherited from his mother, with delicate features.

After the two had incense according to the custom, they placed the flowers they bought on the road in front of the tombstone of Gu Nanci's mother.

At this moment, Gu Nan said indifferently: "Let's go."

He is not an emotional person, especially at this time, he doesn't know what to say.

The two of them left the cemetery in this way. When they first got on the car, Xin Lei looked at Gu Nanci's serious appearance, feeling a little worried.

"Actually, I think your mother should love you."

Xin Lei knew that Gu Nanci’s mother had always been the heart of Gu Nanci, and it seemed that every time he mentioned his mother, Gu Nanci’s mood would become bad.

"She chose to leave that way back then, perhaps because she hoped that Mr. Gu owed you something in her heart, so she left so decisively."

A mother who committed suicide in front of her child should be heartbroken.

But such a cruel method is easier to attract Gu Boqian's attention.

Although this explanation is far-fetched, Xin Lei feels that there is no mother in this world who does not love children.

Gu Nanci's mother should love him.

"Love or not, I know very well in my heart."

Gu Nan's words looked down, and he knew that Xin Lei was comforting him. With those past events, perhaps his mother loved him, but his mother loved Gu Boqian more.

Otherwise, she would not force her to get sick just to make Gu Boqian look back, so that Gu Boqian would go home and take a look at them.

These things, he didn't want to tell Xin Lei that those painful pasts should be treated as if they never happened.

"Mr. Gu..."

When Xin Lei wanted to say something, Gu Nanci corrected her name.

"Nan Ci or Gu Nan Ci."

Xin Lei's face turned red when she heard Gu Nan's words, she really couldn't say it.


She tried for a long time, but still couldn't call him that.

"Forget it, what are your plans for a while?"

Gu Nanci turned her head and looked at her. She seemed to be busy with her online shop besides bringing children at home.

But because he forced her to come back last time, the online shop didn't open, and the whole person was focused on the child.

As if everything else is superfluous.

This feeling made Gu Nan's words a little unpleasant, as if he had been completely ignored.

"Go home with Yuanyuan, she is still so young."

Xin Lei naturally said that if the child is so young, of course she is with the child, otherwise what else can she do?

Gu Nanci saw her innocent eyes, and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

"You don't have a life of your own?"

Gu Nan's words were a little surprised, and Xin Lei was even more helpless: "My child is my life, otherwise?"

Xin Lei's words left Gu Nan speechless.

Gu Nanci decided not to ask her. Otherwise, he could really be **** off by her alive.

Looking down at the time on the watch, it was almost noon. At this point, it was time for lunch.

He simply drove the car to the door of a French restaurant. When Xin Lei looked at the restaurant, his face was very surprised.

"Mr. Gu, don't you want to go back? Why did you come here?"

"You hungry?"

Gu Nanci parked the car, got off directly to Xin Lei, and pulled her out of the car.

"There are also meals at home, butlers will prepare them."

But wouldn’t it be better to eat at home? There are children at home...

"Today I want to eat out with you."

Is this woman really that stupid?

He wants to be alone with her, she can't even see this?


When Xin Lei was still there, Gu Nanci finally couldn't help it.

"To shut up!"

He must use stronger means to calm this woman down.

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