Heading to Hell

020 The True Master

After that, he pulled out a Chinese textbook from the table, flipped through it and explained:

"Now, I'm studying."

"And Article 23 of the school rules is: Do not disturb others' studies.

"That is to say, if I hold the Chinese textbook and study all the time, and anyone interrupts me in the middle...

"He is a bad student.

"I could have killed all of you with this trick.

"If anyone doesn't believe it, we can do an experiment on the spot to see if this trick works.

"In the next 5 seconds, I will focus on studying, and you are welcome to interrupt me."

In silence, Li Qingming really began to study seriously.

As for interrupting him...

No one dared to bet on this.

At least there was no such madman among the only twenty or so people left on the scene.

After 5 seconds, Li Qingming stuffed the Chinese textbook back in boredom and spoke gently to everyone:

"Okay, I'm done studying, and it's a pity that no warriors sacrificed themselves."

"This is just a sample demonstration. I have thought of seven similar ways to play.

"At least two of them, you can't resist them at all. You will become a bad student if you close your eyes and do nothing.

"Look, I've been so patient, you should understand now--"

At this point, he put his hands in his pockets again, leaned back in his chair as usual, put his right leg on his left leg, and looked around with satisfaction.

"For you."

"My current self."

"Much more terrifying than the master."

Looking at the increasingly horrified faces.

Li Qingming finally showed a satisfied smile.


13:48:07, in the command tent.

Bai Zhou stood in front of the screen, staring at the "46" without saying a word.

The others were still communicating meaningless content.

"Director Zhou, reporters and parents are already outside."

"That bastard scout, he stirred up emotions on social media, saying that he had been in place for a long time, and we were delaying the rescue."

"People outside are losing control, and the mayor has also expressed his concern about this matter."

"In the secret realm within the urban area within the level 3 intensity, the average rescue time is 27 minutes, and we have exceeded this time."

"The time for people to be trapped has approached 30 minutes, which is close to the limit of the collapse of ordinary people's rationality."

Faced with these contents, Zhou Cheng, who was standing next to Bai Zhou, just nodded.

If nothing else, he still has some self-control, otherwise he would not have reached this level.

But soon, a piece of news came from the headset that made him unable to hold back.

"Director Zhou... the second Zero-level pioneer who came to rescue... seems to be drunk..."

"???" Zhou Cheng tightened his earphone in astonishment, "How drunk is he?"

"He crawled to the cordon, shouting 'The pioneers are free, fight! Fight!' It's no good... Can you send two people to control him?"

"Damn... Is there no reliable one among these free pioneers! When will the next Zero-level pioneer arrive?"

"It will take more than ten minutes..."

"..." Zhou Cheng looked at the monitor fiercely and said in a deep voice, "Bai Zhou, I can't stand it anymore, let's stop here."

"Shh." Bai Zhou stared at the screen and said, "No one was killed. The children have figured out the rules. It's almost time. I can feel that they are about to break out of the ground."

"I think they will be buried soon..." Zhou Cheng raised his hand and grabbed the microphone on Bai Zhou's collar, "Let's stop here. I can't play anymore."

"Don't grab my things!" Bai Zhou angrily threw his hand away and pulled Zhou Cheng away with a snap. But she realized that she was wrong in an instant, and turned around and pleaded exaggeratedly, "You promised me to give them 40 minutes. You promised it, didn't you?"

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As Zhou Cheng's face changed, the man in the hat with rotten teeth also rushed into the tent.

"Isn't the guy who just came here a drunk? Shouldn't I be allowed in? What are you waiting for?"

"Listen to my command!" Zhou Cheng turned around and scolded, "Wait at the entrance!"

"No way, boss..." The man in the hat raised his baseball bat bitterly, "I rented this treasure. If I can't get rid of the master, I will lose everything... Look, I spent so much money, isn't it all to help you rescue the citizens?"

"Don't give me that shit." Zhou Cheng snorted coldly, "I've read your information. You're a gambler and drug addict, and you're in debt. You were terminated by the company five years ago, and you forced yourself to You are not very good at gambling in secret realms, and you are counting on killing the master to get something good to turn things around. Who doesn't know what you are thinking? "

"... Then aren't our goals the same?" The man in the hat spitted and snorted, "Get it clear, boss, only a rubbish vanguard like me can enter this secret realm. Now it's your turn to beg me. If you get impatient, I won't do it anymore!"

"Stop making noises." Bai Zhou waved his hand with his back turned, "Nakata, get him out."

"Yes." The man in sunglasses walked over and made a gesture of invitation.

"You useless agency guy, don't touch me!" The man in the hat cursed and walked out, "Think carefully, everyone outside supports me, your behavior is basically the villain, I am the righteous one!"

"Fuck." Zhou Cheng turned around and cursed, "I will fight him! Grade 3 and 4, cheer for me!"

"They can't hear it." Bai Zhou just stared at the screen and said coldly, "Don't flap your wings, fat fly, so-called leaders, most of the time, doing nothing is the best."

"... At least... turn off the microphone first..."

"Ah... I'm sorry..."


β1-2103257, 36 minutes and 15 seconds after the outbreak.

In the room, after a series of discussions, Zheng Ruixing and the girl with glasses had to jointly admit two facts.

First, the rules of the secret realm can only be school rules.

Second, the current Li Qingming can indeed use the rules to easily trample on everyone.

What is even more bizarre is that Li Qingming can make up rules at will.

Because no one knows what the school rules are, or even how many there are, this also gives Li Qingming the sole right to interpret the school rules. He can completely make up some specious rules to play with others.

But this is not the most discouraging thing.

In order to block their retreat, Li Qingming even took the initiative to expose a lot of privacy.

For example, he just held the pocket watch and said: "It can fire three poison needles."

He also touched the table leg and said: "There is a blowgun hidden in it that can take away 7 people."

He even pointed to the ceiling lampshade: "There is poisonous powder in it."

Just when everyone thought the last one was a bit far-fetched.

Li Qingming took out a gas mask from his schoolbag.

Well, the school rules require him to be honest with others.

Finally, any school rule absolutely has "no fighting".

But there are very few "no killing".

Perhaps due to different national conditions, some places that are too free need to add this rule.

But for this secret realm, for Li Qingming.

His behavior of firing poison needles with a pocket watch is probably difficult to define as fighting.

This means that Li Qingming not only has the right to interpret the rules, but also the right to execute.

At this point, everyone has to admit...

As Li Qingming said, he is now much more terrifying than the master.

Looking at this cruel and playful Li Qingming, many people miss the voice and smile of the sea urchin head. The master has even gradually become kind and amiable.

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