14:01:22, inside the playground command tent.

Bai Tian was still looking at the screen motionless, and the number was still 46.

But more information came like raindrops.

"Zhou Bureau, it has been 42 minutes since the secret realm broke out, and no one has collapsed so far... It can only be said to be a miracle."

"Do you want to answer the mayor's call? If this happens, he may have to contact the General Administration directly..."

"Public opinion is criticizing us, thinking that the reason why we are standing still is to use the third and fourth classes of high school to refine our gu."

"Otherwise, let's let the top soldier go in... Although the success rate is only 67%, we are not responsible even if it fails."

"Director Zhou, although you have transferred your command... you will still be held responsible if something goes wrong, and so will we..."

Under this heavy pressure, Zhou Cheng finally took a look at his watch.

It's already 2 minutes past the agreed time.

He has already given Class 3 and Class 4 excessive time, and if he delays it any longer, he will only get himself into trouble.

Zhou Cheng took a deep breath and silently patted Bai Tian: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"..." Bai Tian trembled. After staring at the number for a moment, he turned around stiffly and said in a dazed manner, "No matter how weak the master is, he can't defeat him without secret powers or treasures. The children are outstanding, but they have indeed... It’s reached its limit, and if it continues any longer, it will explode.”

As she spoke, she raised her trembling right hand: "Fat fly, I thought I was always the kind of person who... sacrifices dozens of lives without blinking an eye, but it seems that's not the case anymore... I'm starting to be afraid. ”

"Very good, that incident taught you a lesson, and the value of life in your eyes has increased." Zhou Cheng then ordered into the microphone, "Soldiers, carry out the rescue."

He waited for a long time before hearing a slow and hoarse response.

"Ten million." The soldier with yellow teeth replied calmly, "I heard it all. The people inside are about to explode. You can't wait for the next soldier, right? Ten million, here. I’ll go in if I have ten million.”

Zhou Cheng's face darkened: "Are you threatening the agency?"

"Hehe, guess what, after I was scolded by you just now, I really figured it out!" The rotten-toothed soldier laughed, "The profit from killing a first-level master is hundreds of thousands, how can it be compared to The funding of your security bureau is so high!"

"Think it over before you speak." Zhou Cheng exhaled and said coldly, "Failure to fulfill your rescue obligations is illegal. You will be revoked as a top soldier and prosecuted."

"Haha... Anyway, I'm totally in debt, what else can you do to me?" The man laughed hoarsely, "But you are different, Director, you have a bright future."

"You can still be saved." Zhou Cheng clenched his fists and whispered softly, "If you complete the rescue mission excellently and have this honor and merit as a foundation, I can go through the process and apply to the bank to waive part of your debt. You There is still a chance to start over.”

"Stop talking nonsense, Director, give me 10 million yuan to make a new life." The man chuckled, slowly lit another cigarette, and took a deep breath, "I heard that secret realms are so frequent recently, so I just spent all my money renting them. I got a Noble Phantasm, and then wandered around the city all day long, just to rely on rescue missions to make a comeback... Compared to more than forty lives, ten million is not a big number, just one life... anyway. It’s not expensive, right?”

"What the hell..." Zhou Cheng couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Haha, there are more bad people than me. I just want more income from my labor. Who let your agency always exploit little people like us~"

Hearing this, Bai Zhou, who had already given up, suddenly cheered up and nodded to Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng immediately understood and said into the microphone: "In this case, we can only wait for the next top soldier. The law will judge you, and the above recording will be used as evidence in court."

"...Sigh...don't...five million is fine."

"Cut this guy's line."

After disconnecting, Bai Tian and Zhou Cheng looked at each other.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

"As you can see, God forced me to do this." Bai Zhou tightened the microphone on his collar again, and his eyes became magical again:

"Medical personnel are prepared and ready to enter the hospital at any time. There is a high probability that a mass death will occur next.

“But everyone survived, and the possibility of perfect cleanup still exists!

"Nakata, as soon as there is space, rescue immediately.

"There is only one principle for the next task -

"Life is priceless!"


β1-2103257, 43 minutes and 37 seconds after the outbreak.

In this last class break, everyone has indeed reached the critical point of collapse.

Everyone was already at peace and convinced that their fate would be left to Li Qingming.

However, the sea urchin head said, "The goal cannot be accomplished."

As a teacher, he was the first to give up teaching.

But that squad leader, that tyrant, that Li Qingming, still just sat there with his pockets in his pockets, without saying anything about it.

It's over, it's all over.

There is no solution to the secret, we are doomed.

The room fell into a complete silence.

Like dark clouds before a heavy rain, before the real collapse, no one screamed, no one made a sound, and no one even showed much expression.

Boring, only boring.

In such an atmosphere, Zheng Ruixing couldn't help but speak up and asked bravely: "Qingming, can your shield... be able to deal with the master?"

"It's impossible." Cai Zhixin swallowed hard and rushed to answer, "No matter how weak the master is, he can't be killed by a toy shield... I originally expected him to give him an offensive Noble Phantasm... Now it's all over."

Zheng Ruixing gritted his teeth when he heard this, and asked Li Qingming: "Then do you know the target?"

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking about something else." Li Qingming waved his hand and said, "Everyone, sit still and don't say anything until the secret realm is over. This is an order."

Hearing the cruel orders of this tyrant, everyone became more and more depressed and uneasy.

Collapse is imminent, just waiting for a thunder.

At this moment, that man, Cai Zhixin, stood up again.

"I...I thought of a way..." He stared forward and breathed heavily.

Zheng Ruixing was so frightened that she quickly winked at him.

Li Qingming just told everyone to shut up!

Disobeying his orders is breaking your oath. Are you looking for death? !

"I know, of course I know this...but I thought of a way, I should have thought of it a long time ago!!" Cai Zhixin said, took two steps, picked up the unclaimed saw sword on the ground, and stared around. :

"It's been more than 40 minutes, right... This is the city center, rescue should have arrived long ago...

"But so far, no top soldiers have entered the scene...

“Then there’s only one possibility.

"This secret realm is already full...so full that no top soldiers can enter...

"So...we...have to make room...for them."

As Cai Zhixin spoke, he raised his saw sword and pointed at the sleeping little man next to him. He subconsciously tilted his mouth slightly and said while suppressing his inexplicable excitement:

"It's these people who...are taking up space...impeding rescue...

“Get rid of a few.

"Just a few will do...not too many...

“As long as help can get in, fuck the secret target!

"A professional soldier can kill a sea urchin head in one second!!"


There was thunder and shock.

They wake up like stinging insects.

Those eyes were ignited again.

This is the terrible thing about life.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, life will never be hopeless.

Just crazy.

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