Heading to Hell

042 Blocking the way


As soon as the door closed, Zhou Cheng instantly regained his usual calm demeanor.

"Kadath." He lowered his voice, "You heard it, didn't you?"

Bai Zhou lowered his head silently, staring at the large piece of plaster nervously, and remained silent for a long time.

"Why don't you just stop worrying about this." Zhou Cheng raised his hand and said, "In your situation, you should just apply for retirement."

"What a joke." Bai Zhou laughed, tied up his messy ponytail again, and raised his head again, "Today is my lucky day, and I'm counting on this case to climb back."

"Bai Zhou, I've never doubted your ability. I didn't doubt it when I first saw you at school. I'm just... afraid that you won't have enough time..." Zhou Cheng sighed as he looked at the plaster, "I've inquired about your situation. You could die at any time, at most in three years."

"Why don't you seize the time to enjoy your life?"

"That's what I mean... After retiring, go traveling, isn't it good to hang out in the gigolo shop over at Su Qing's place?"

"Gigolo? Whose gigolo can be as good as you!"

"...I'm too lazy to care about you!"


In the corridor in front of the door, Li Qingming ran into a big guy as soon as he went out.

"Toy gun, curse, no?" Nakata asked with concern.

"What?" Li Qingming was puzzled.

Irina came over with a wry smile, poked Nakata and said, "Brother Hideo thinks that he was too slow to snipe, causing you to be hit by the treasure, and there is a risk of being cursed."

"No, it is a treasure without any lethality." Li Qingming, out of respect for Nakata's strength, explained seriously, "In order to deal with the secret realm, Han Chun got a broken thing from the black market and hid it in the podium, hoping to defeat the master with it, but he didn't expect that he was possessed by the master and had no chance to participate in the secret realm, so he had to come back to destroy the evidence afterwards. The whole thing is so stupid. Auntie has been trying to keep him alive, but you shot him. This is where you should be ashamed."

"Oh..." Nakata breathed a sigh of relief, "Team leader, call me, don't shoot, but... the order of life is priceless has a higher priority."

"If you can't speak, say less." Li Qingming waved his hand and walked towards the corridor.

Nakata angrily chased after him: "If you have the guts, use our Suqing language!"

"Go away, damn it." Li Qingming said.

Nakata's expression was shocked: "Can you speak Suqing language? Li-san!?"

"Don't be so conceited, I only know that one sentence." Li Qingming shook his head and said, "I have no interest in Suqing culture. I just mastered the 'go' in 18 mainstream languages ​​to deal with people like you."

"... Damn it!"

"Hahaha." Irina laughed and chased after Li Qingming and said, "I just received the news that you are now an intern in this group. Strictly speaking, Nakata and I are your bosses, so be careful when you speak."

"Call me senior!" Nakata also chased after him fiercely.

"Don't you two have anything else to do?" Li Qingming said as he walked down the stairs.

"Our job now is to take care of you." Irina chased after Li Qingming and said, "I just sorted out your memo, can you take a look?"

"No need."

"Then shall I introduce you to some rules of the agency?" Irina still chased after him.

"I'm familiar with the academy." Nakata directly pressed the handrail and jumped to the side of Li Qingming, looking like a great senior brother, and beat his chest hard, "From now on, you, big brother, protect me."

"You said it the other way around!" Irina punched him, "It will be looked down upon to worship a junior who you just met as your big brother!"

The attitudes of the two of them inevitably made Li Qingming's nose itch and his whole body uncomfortable.

It was an allergic reaction.

Li Qingming had to wipe his nose and stop for the time being, turning back to warn:

"It seems necessary to make a statement.

"We are not a team, let alone friends.

"Our only relationship is - informant and black police.

"Cooperate if there is interest, stay away if there is no interest.

"Can you stay away from me now?"

Looking at Li Qingming's emotionless expression, Nakata stopped on the spot and looked disappointed: "Oh..."

Irina frowned even more: "Li Qingming, I don't like you, but Hideo is not good at speaking, it's rare to meet someone who gets along with you."

"No, he doesn't." Li Qingming gestured to Nakata, "I, have no friends, hate friends, don't need friends, forever, understand?"

"I understand." Nakata turned his head and adjusted his sunglasses, "It's just that I can't say it fluently..."

"Then say less." Li Qingming then turned to Irina, "Can I go home?"

"It's up to you." Irina also frowned, "Your parents are waiting in the auditorium, I hope we don't have to cooperate in the future."

"Amateur." Li Qingming turned and left.

After he walked a long way, Nakata Hideo sighed: "I am still not liked..."

"That's not true, you are very cute, Hideo." Irina comforted, "I guess there is already a female high school student who has a crush on you!"

"You are lying." Nakata Hideo lowered his head and covered his chest and said, "It's so uncomfortable here... Unless someone pays attention to Lele."

"No way! Go to hell!"

"Damn! Stingy!"


In the school auditorium, after half a day of suffering, the classmates were finally reunited with their families.

Some hugged and cried, while others pretended to be relaxed.

Some left quickly, while others introduced their best friends to their parents.

But more people seized the opportunity and surrounded Ji Xiaoxiang, who was alone.

"Xiao Jixiang, add a private message!"

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you before..."

"Mom, the great hero I just mentioned is her!"

"Great Guide, don't forget me in the future!"

"Come on, come on, let's make a video together! You can show it off when you become famous, haha!"

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Being surrounded by countless people was like being strangled by countless dead vines. Ji Xiaoxiang felt suffocated.

She was trembling, closing her eyes tightly, unable to open them even if she wanted to, and unable to say anything she wanted to say.

She felt someone was touching her, someone was filming her, someone was commenting...

Unable to break free...powerless to resist...

Just when she was about to collapse.


came a familiar voice.

Like metal, like wood.

right! It's the sound of metal and wood rubbing against each other!

It can only be that one!

Ji Xiaoxiang squinted and opened his eyes, and saw that Li Qingming had unsheathed his sharp blade and swung it left and right towards the crowd.

"It's blocking the road," he said.

After a brief period of sluggishness, everyone suddenly dispersed.

Several parents even screamed on the spot and ran away with their children.



"Help!! Monster?!!"

"The secret realm has not been cleaned up!!"

"Guard!! Guard!!"

The children, however, were quite calm about it.

"It's okay, Mom, it's just Li Qingming who is passing by."

"Just don't look at him, he doesn't bother to pay attention to you."

"Dad, don't cause trouble, you will be on the hit list."

Seeing this wave of panic, the investigators present were helpless.

"Li Qingming...we are still here...just calm down..."

"The secret realm is over, please respect the law..."

"It's okay, it's okay, that one is a top soldier and has the right to carry the treasure with him..."

Here, although Li Qingming sheathed his sword, his expression was not very good.

It's like your dessert is surrounded by a bunch of damn mice.

Even if they are driven away, the delicacies are still injured.

Otherwise, let's kidnap the crooked ponytail now, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Just as Li Qingming stepped forward to carry Ji Xiaoxiang, the two ladies came over with smiles.

"Hey." The lady with short curly hair in the lead stepped forward and slapped Li Qingming on the shoulder, "Are you feeling good now?"

A lady with long hair and a white dress followed closely and rubbed Li Qingming's hair: "I couldn't find you at first, but you just showed up!"

These two voices made Ji Xiaoxiang feel a warmth, and she dared to look at them.


Li Qingming was hugged by two aunts reluctantly!

One is an aunt with short curly hair wearing black-rimmed glasses. She is wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. She looks cool.

The other aunt was wearing a white dress, with long hair shawl, and even more charming eyes. She was the most feminine woman Ji Xiaoxiang had ever seen.


Only then did Ji Xiaoxiang understand.

It turns out he really has two mothers!

Moreover, they were so open-minded that they were not worried about Li Qingming's condition at all. Instead, they felt a sense of accomplishment that "our child has finally realized his dream."

Li Qingming became shy, blushed and turned to Ji Xiaoxiang and said, "I changed to five adoptive families. In the end, to save trouble, I had to live with them."

"Ouch." The long-haired mother raised her hand and pinched his face, "When we couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to send you back, who held my thigh and refused to leave?"

"!" Li Qingming became angry, "I agreed not to mention this part. I was only 7 years old at the time."

The short-haired mother next to her also couldn't help but laugh: "Don't you claim to have a mature personality at the age of 3, so you can't take responsibility for the behavior of a 7-year-old by turning your face?"

"Stop talking." Li Qingming gritted his teeth and turned around, extending his right hand to Ji Xiaoxiang, "Go home."

Ji Xiaoxiang's eyes lit up and he subconsciously reached out his hand, but soon felt it was inappropriate and curled back.

Naturally, the long-haired mother noticed this small gesture and hurriedly squatted in front of Ji Xiaoxiang and asked, "Are you okay?"

"...No...it's okay...Auntie...goodbye..." Ji Xiaoxiang said hard.

When the long-haired mother saw this, she immediately gave her short-haired mother a questioning look.

The short-haired mother then looked around and said, "Your parents aren't here?"

"Mom is still at the factory...the line leader must have taken away her cell phone...I sent a message but didn't reply..."

The short-haired mother was shocked: "She doesn't even know something happened to you?"


"What a stupid company." After the short-haired mother scolded her, she leaned over and stretched out her right hand and said, "Come to our house for dinner first. I will contact your mother to pick you up later."

"No, no, no..." Ji Xiaoxiang didn't dare to raise his head, "I'm rude...I'm sorry..."

"Oh... this child..." the long-haired mother's voice suddenly softened, and she stroked her crooked ponytail lovingly, "I probably understand your state, but coming with us is better than being besieged by others here, right? "


These words also touched Li Qingming's heart.

My delicious food can no longer be harmed by rats.

On this day alone, Crooked Ponytail had been exposed to so much fearful energy that it was already too much to bear.

We must not squeeze her anymore, we need to feed her quickly.

"You have already played your role, and now it's my turn to fulfill my obligations. If you keep hesitating, I'll get annoyed." Li Qingming waved his hand straightly, "No room for negotiation, let's go now, eat, and then play with meow."

Hearing "meow", the crooked ponytail seemed to "chirp".

This is really attractive.

The long-haired mother giggled and helped Ji Xiaoxiang up.

"What do you like to eat? I'll order it for you on the way."

"...I dare not, dare not, dare not..." Ji Xiaoxiang leaned on the long-haired mother's chest and actually mustered up the courage to say, "Eat whatever you have!"

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