Heading to Hell

057 Too Cool

At 20:57, it was already dark.

In the suburbs of Xinhai, Nanyu Hospital Complex.

Two armed special agents were patrolling the security zone, just to prevent smuggling in the secret realm.

But if there were really powerful scouts who broke in, they would definitely not be able to deal with them. They would most likely let them go and then ask for armed support.

What they were really guarding against were those secret realm fanatics, people like Han Chun who would do anything to become scouts.

However, with the increasing sophistication of monitoring technology, the probability of ordinary people accomplishing this is comparable to robbing a bank. Even if someone really smuggled in, it would most likely trigger the alarm of the monitoring AI before entering the security zone, and it would be difficult to approach the entrance of the secret realm before being killed.

As for the secret realm in front of them, there was almost no need to guard against smuggling.

Because the α2-2103218 cleaning team had already assembled.

The two special agents couldn't help but look more at the temporary tent in front of the hospital building, hoping that the six scouts would complete the registration quickly and go in to clean up.

At the same time, in the tent, the young security bureau clerk had also completed the identity verification and had the final presentation with the six people:

“α2-2103218, the secret realm team is in place.

“Leader, Zhao Xin.”

“Member, Hu Zirui.”

“Member, Zou Jie.”

“Member, Shen Liqi.”

“Member, Yin Li.”

“Member, Li Qingming.”

“A total of 6 people, with a total strength of about 143, meet the secret realm entry requirements.

“Combined with the strength and scope of the secret realm, your cleaning time limit is 180 minutes.

“If the cleaning is not completed within the time limit, the agency will send a rescue, and the relevant costs and losses will be borne by the person in charge, Zhao Xin.

“At the same time, the secret realm is approaching the last time point for cleaning, and the fines incurred by the overdue will also be borne by Zhao Xin.

“Note that the secret realm cleaning is a high-risk behavior. Based on your situation, the algorithm estimates that the probability of death is 0.1% and the probability of disability is 0.4%.

"Finally, please confirm that all six of you are willing to enter the secret realm voluntarily and are willing to take responsibility for your actions.

"Please also confirm that you understand and accept the Secret Realm Cleanup Agreement."

"If everything is confirmed to be correct, please scan your eye patterns here."

As soon as the clerk finished speaking, Zhao Xin nodded and was the first to step forward, slightly bent over, and put his eyes close to the retinal scanner.

After a "beep", the screen displayed the certification information--

[Zhao Xin, formal vanguard (free), strength 31. ]

After the clerk nodded, Zhao Xin stepped aside and waved to the apprentice behind him.

A young man with tattoos on both arms and a big side-parted hair stepped forward.


[Hu Zirui, formal vanguard (free), strength 30. ]

"It should be 31, but I haven't taken the test yet." He blew his bangs and snorted.

"Subject to the certification of the Pioneer Management Office." The security officer waved his hand, "Next."

A sturdy bald young man stepped forward. He had small eyes and a big face. Although he always had a smile on his face, he always made people feel vulgar.


[Zou Jie, official Pioneer (free), strength 26. 】

"Alas, there is still a big gap with Zi Rui." He smiled and gave up his position, bending his body to invite, "Li Qi, come, just stand here."

"Yeah." A young female Pioneer came up nervously and smiled shyly, "Sorry... This is the fourth time, I'm still a little nervous."

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Li Qingming didn't care about other people's looks, but this woman was obviously trying too hard.

The heavy makeup and long eyelashes made it difficult to judge her true appearance. In addition, the short skirt and slippery stockings made her look more like someone who went to the dance floor to seek a romantic encounter, not like a Pioneer who was about to brave the secret realm.

She was indeed flirting the whole time, flirting with Hu Zirui and Zou Jie after meeting, and even now she deliberately opened her eyes wide and pretended to be innocent when brushing her eye wrinkles.

However, the data system obviously didn't buy it, and after a beep, it ruthlessly exposed everything about her.

[Shen Liqi, official pioneer (enterprise), strength 11]

Seeing this, Shen Liqi herself pouted unsatisfactorily.

"It's okay." Hu Zirui smiled, "You will be thirteen or fourteen after today, and you are growing the fastest now."

"It must be." Zou Jie agreed, "Fast forward to the idol debut and stunning the audience!"

"Hey! The reality show selection behind is very intense, it's not that easy." Shen Liqi smiled and hit Zou Jie, then made way and asked the lady in the tight nightgown behind to come forward.

This lady has neat half-long hair, a whole circle of tool waist bag around her waist, a pure black matte material mechanical crossbow behind her, and I don't know what special boots she is wearing, and she walks silently.

She was obviously more professional than everyone present, and her body management was the most perfect except for Li Qingming. However, due to her natural gender, some parts of her body had a certain degree of convexity, which resulted in a meaningless increase in the surface area, which was very unfavorable for dodging attacks and performing physical skills. Even this tight night suit could not overcome these problems.

But none of this mattered.


She had a black blindfold wrapped around her head!

Just like the demon hunter in the game!

It might be a treasure, or a decorative collection, or it might enhance vision, or it might shoot a death laser, or it might just be to be cool.

Anyway, if she puts on this thing, others will never see her eyes again, which perfectly hides her emotions and intentions, and can catch people off guard whether it is assassination, kidnapping, or gangster-eating-gangster.

It's just that this eye mask is obviously a bit troublesome when brushing eye wrinkles.

She tried several times but failed, and finally had to turn sideways and cautiously pry open a gap, as if she didn't want Li Qingming behind her to see her eyes.

But Li Qingming didn't want to see it at all, and he didn't even bother to look at her stinky face that was always as stiff as an ice sculpture, all because of the cool eye mask.

After this lady took such a self-indulgent effort, the scanner finally "beeped" out.

[Yin Li, Official Vanguard (Organization), Strength 29]

She then tightened the blindfold and politely stepped aside, inviting Li Qingming to come forward.

Li Qingming was naturally very good at hiding, and he did not show any intention to kill or rob her blindfold. He just looked at everything as usual, put his hands in his pockets, and leaned in front of the scanner with his chest slightly hunched.


[Li Qingming, trainee pioneer (free), strength unknown. ]

The word "unknown" may seem a bit mysterious to laymen, but to insiders, it is just because this new recruit is too young, so young that he has just obtained the qualification of trainee pioneer and has not even tested his strength.

Newcomers of this level are generally taken care of by the team, and there is no need to discriminate or bully them.

But the premise is that he is not wearing all black clothes, with his hands in his pockets, and ignoring others.

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