Heading to Hell

$065 is already very impressive

"Very...very valuable." Zou Jie wiped his sweat as he looked at the shiny scalpel, and nodded to Hu Zirui, "Let's go down together and ask Uncle Xin to take a look."

"No hurry." Hu Zirui stood in front of the door motionless, and said to Zou Jie in a deep voice, "Big Zou, this is what we have been waiting for all our lives, don't you think about it again?"

"What are you thinking about..." Zou Jie wiped his sweat again in panic, and muttered to himself, "This treasure is worth about 3 million, 500,000 or 600,000 each, isn't that good?"

"That's it? This is our lifetime luck, 500,000 or 600,000 is a lot?"

"This Not much? You can live a comfortable life in the future! "

"It's your useless mentality that has kept us here for our whole lives!" Hu Zirui glared and pointed at the scalpel, "Give me this treasure, I promise I can walk around in the level 3 secret realm, and even have a chance in the level 4 secret realm! Soon there will be a higher level team wanting me, and then there will be more treasures and experience, and when the strength is increased and a coat is saved, this is not an elite pioneer!"

"Zirui, calm down, it's not that simple..." Zou Jie wiped his sweat and gestured, "Uncle Xin's former teammates, few people borrowed money to rent treasures What? Always thinking about going to the advanced secret realm to turn over, what's the result? Either dead or bankrupt, how many people can finally wear the role? "

"You have been brainwashed by the old man! ! "Hu Zirui stepped forward angrily, and pressed his hands heavily on Zou Jie's shoulders, "Zhao Xin is afraid that we will become outstanding and no one will use us, so he scares us every few days. We should have moved up a long time ago!"

"It's your business if you want to move up." Zou Jie turned his head and trembled, "I am at this level. If I am lucky enough to share 500,000, I will be satisfied. "

"Can't you be a little ambitious?"

"What does this have to do with ambition? We have already agreed to split the profits equally!" Zou Jie clapped his hands and said, "Hasn't it been like this for us with Uncle Xin for so long! He will cover the losses! You can't have evil thoughts just because you have something good!"

"Zou Jie, this is not just a good thing!" Hu Zirui pressed Zou Jie's shoulders harder, his eyes were red, "This is something God gave us to change our fate!"


At this time, Shen Liqi finally understood, and her hands clenched a little, panting and said:

"Wait a minute..."

"Since you two can't reach a consensus, why don't we divide this treasure equally among the three of us.

"This way everyone will have 1 million.

"Brother Jie can relax his life in the future.

"Brother Zirui can pursue higher intensity.

"I also have the capital to exchange for better treasures and decorative collections.

"Isn't this good?"

"Okay." Hu Zirui agreed immediately, pointing around and said, "Let's hide this treasure first, hide it from the people downstairs, and come back to get it."

"Don't try to get yourself killed..." Zou Jie hurriedly advised, "All treasures have special radiation. After the cleanup is completed, the Security Bureau will thoroughly investigate the scene. They have professional scanning equipment. Toys below one star may still slip through the net. Treasures of the strength of the scalpel cannot escape. At that time, not only will the treasure be confiscated, but we will also be fined and convicted."

"Then hide it on your body, after all, it's just this small." Shen Liqi looked at the scalpel infatuatedly, gritted her teeth and said, "Or someone will sacrifice, this It's a size, and I should be able to stuff it into my body after wrapping it with a bandage..."

"Don't... you'd better not..." Hu Zirui said blankly, "Let Big Zou do it, stuff it in."

"Why is it me who has to do this? ? ? "Zou Jie couldn't bear it anymore and started to curse on the spot, "Do you think the Security Bureau is stupid? Our bodies will be scanned after we go out, and I can't hide it even if I eat it!"

"Ahhh! So annoying!" Shen Liqi scratched her head like crazy, "It's obviously my treasure that exploded... It's fine if we three share it, but I don't want to share it with the three people below... They didn't do anything, why ahhh! ! "

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"Wait a minute..." Zou Jie suddenly remembered something and said, "Li Qingming and Yin Li signed a tax reduction contract, right? Are they not eligible to share the excess profits?"

"I don't know, you have to ask Master, but if you ask now, you will definitely be suspected." Hu Zirui shook his head and said, "Besides, no matter how the contract is signed, they will still take away hundreds of thousands. We have been through life and death for so long, how many hundreds of thousands can we have?"

"I haven't even got one!" Shen Liqi stared at the floor and cursed, "And let alone hundreds of thousands, I don't want to share a penny with the three people below."

"Hehe, the people below, it's not necessarily There are three. "Hu Zirui blew his bangs and sneered, "Maybe one or two people will be reduced?"

"???????" Zou Jie was so scared that he stepped back on the spot, "Don't make trouble, Zirui... If there are casualties, the Security Bureau will conduct a thorough investigation, and the murder will definitely be caught... Calm down."

"Who said there was a murder?" Hu Zirui pointed at the floor and said, "We deliberately created some danger for the two outsiders. Maybe the monsters would take them away, especially that Li Qingming, who looked so bad that he would be killed sooner or later. He would suffer less if he died here."

"Don't worry, Uncle Xin will not let this happen." Zou Jie said in a deep voice.

"Ah... Yes, with that old guy here... There will be no risk at all..." Hu Zirui bit his fingernails and muttered a few times, then suddenly turned his head and said, "Liqi, keep the scalpel for me first, we won't tell Zhao Xin for the time being, and slowly look for an opportunity."

Shen Liqi stepped back half a step on the spot.

"What?" Hu Zirui frowned, "It's been so long and you still can't trust me?"

"Believe it, I believe it!" Shen Liqi nodded in fear, "But in this team, the one who is most likely to be taken away by monsters... is me..."

"?" Hu Zirui stared instantly, "We will protect you, are you scared?"

"Really?" Shen Liqi asked tremblingly, "If I gave you the scalpel, if a monster pounces on me now, will you save me?"

"That's not nonsense? Didn't we come here like this all the way?"

"It's different now, everything is different." Shen Liqi held the scalpel firmly, staring at the blade and said, "From now on, every time one person dies, the other five people will make at least 500,000 more profits. If Someone really has wrong thoughts, no matter what they think, I will be the first to die..."

"Okay, why are you so crazy!" Hu Zirui pointed at the scalpel and cursed, "If something happens, it doesn't matter whether you have this treasure or not, but if it's in my hand, I can kill those two outsiders in one go. Kill them all!”

"You can kill me too..." Shen Liqi raised the scalpel even more panicked, "I don't care, I won't let go no matter what you say! You guys stay away from me from now on, if you dare to rob me, call me Uncle Xin!"

"Fuck." Hu Zirui kicked the table over, "Bitch."

"As if you are a good thing." Shen Liqi held the scalpel and sneered, "I pretend to be cool all the time, look down on this and look down on that. I still have to coax you every day, even though I only have half a minute, I still have to praise you." It’s already great. I’ve had enough! Let’s go our separate ways this time!”

Others didn't know it, but Zou Jie looked very excited when he heard it, but he quickly advised: "Don't say that, Liqi, half a minute is actually really amazing!"

"Bah! Don't talk to me, you pervert!" Shen Liqi scolded, "Every time you say you stay behind, it's just to rub my ass! Do you think I don't know?"

"Hey... isn't this a formation... a back-to-back formation..."

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