Heading to Hell

068 Double ponytails, floral skirt

"Even in murderous secret realms, there will occasionally be masters with weird tempers." Li Qingming looked at the morgue with a little expectancy and said, "But they are still simple, they just replaced their 'bloodthirsty' character with something else. I guess this guy’s personality is timid, and the good news is, I happen to be good with timid people.”

"It's not necessarily that he is timid, he may be autistic." Yin Li nodded and said, "I guess the master's situation is probably the same as that of the patients and doctors. He is trapped in a certain area and repeats a certain cycle. He should be allowed to Relieved."

"Okay, since you two think there is no risk, let's not delay." Zhao Xin said and grabbed the dart, "I will break the door. The strategy remains unchanged. Follow my instructions."

After everyone responded, Zhao Xin returned to the door again. After looking at the dart with distress, he raised his big arm and hit the keyhole hard.

After two "bang bang" sounds, he raised his leg and kicked it, and the door banged open.

Zhao Xin himself, on the other hand, carefully retracted.

Look inside the morgue again.

In the center of the room, I saw an unknown number of corpses tangled together, forming a mass...

A large lump of corpse-tumor mixture.

It's like squeezing the flesh, blood and organs of many people together.

Hands, feet, chest, head, these parts are all messed up.

But every part was moving, moving in different directions amid the swelling and undulating corpse energy.

The most prominent among them are naturally those struggling heads.

There are 6 that can be seen, some with their torsos sticking out, and some with only half of the back of their heads.

Different from the monsters outside, the faces on these heads are clearly visible, and they are all old people, so old that their gender cannot be distinguished.

And these corpses were so sticky and twisted together that they could not move effectively at all. They could only squirm in place and make their own old and feeble sounds through their mouths.

“Hate chemotherapy…hate chemotherapy…hate chemotherapy…”

"Mom... I'm sorry, Mom... I'm sorry..."

"I love her... what I should have said seventy years ago... I love her..."

"Son... don't... don't let go... don't..."

"You...go...all go...don't look at me..."

I don't know how many final thoughts were entangled together, coupled with this round shape, instantly caused Shen Liqi to squat on the ground with her back, vomiting.

"Ugh...I'm sorry...Ugh, vomit, vomit..."

Even veterans like Zhao Xin, Hu Zirui, and Zou Jie can't help but turn blue.

Li Qingming and Yin Li were not moved at all.

Especially for Li Qingming, Shen Liqi's heavy makeup is much more disgusting than this big corpse tumor. What's more, the corpses' dialogue is still so sincere and earnest, dripping with their life's thoughts in one sentence. This is simply art.

When it was so stagnant, this corpse tumor seemed to have discovered that someone was breaking through the door, but it had no intention of attacking, and instead tried hard to retreat.

It's just that it's too difficult to move in this form, like a big pile of earthworms entangled together. No matter how hard it struggles, it will only become more and more twisted.

Seeing that Zhao Xin was hesitant, Li Qingming took the opportunity to introduce himself: "Shall I do it?"

"No, safety first." Zhao Xin just nodded to Yin Li, "Try shooting those heads."

"It's very durable." Yin Li silently raised the mechanical crossbow, "Remember to replenish me with 10 grams of energy blocks."

After speaking, she turned her head slightly and narrowed her left eye.




In one second, he aimed three times and shot three times, as accurately as an automatic shooting robot.

Before anyone else could react at all, the three heads exploded into black energy fragments.

But unlike those faceless doctors, these heads were also splattered with flesh, blood and bone fragments, and solidified black blood was still flowing from the fractures.

At the same time, the entire sarcoma shriveled up a bit and seemed to have been weakened a lot.

Those originally disparate moans gradually became unified.

"It hurts so much...it hurts..."

"Go away...go away quickly..."

"Stop fighting...wuwuwu, stop fighting..."

Amidst the groaning, the remaining heads shrank deeper inward, wincing and closing their eyes.

Upon seeing this, Yin Li also tilted his head slightly and slowly put down the mechanical crossbow, as if he couldn't bear to kill the struggling heads anymore.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Next to him, Hu Zirui also frowned and said, "This master is too weak. Is it just because of his thick blood?"

"Oh, it's a loss. Let's say less than 300,000." Zhao Xin sighed, "Okay, this master is really not aggressive. Li Qingming, you can go ahead if you want."

"Forget it, it's boring." Even Li Qingming lost interest and just said to Yin Li, "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry to go to bed."

Yin Li stopped talking and took aim again.


After three more crossbows, more bodies exploded into black energy fragments amidst the splashing blood foam.

Immediately afterwards, as if they could no longer maintain their condition, these bodies, which were originally bonded together, gradually returned to the form of ordinary corpses, and rolled to the ground one by one, motionless.

As these intertwined corpses were cleared away, the two innermost bodies were exposed.

It was a pair of entangled men and women, lying side by side. The man's legs were straddling the woman's body, twisting and trying to press on her, but he couldn't do it.

Unlike the corpses just now, this pair of desperate mandarin ducks were actually wearing clothes.

The male corpse was wearing a white coat, the same as the doctor outside.

And the female corpse.

Twin ponytails, floral skirt.

Seeing this overly obvious feature, Li Qingming suddenly raised his hand like crazy and pressed down Yin Li's crossbow.


"I know." Yin Li responded unhappily.

Look at the pair of bodies again.

"I like you..." The faceless doctor kept nagging, trying to climb on the female corpse again and again, "I like you, I like you, I like you..."

The faceless female corpse in the floral skirt was motionless, without any breath, and without any life.

"Why stop?" Hu Zirui cursed with a disgusting face, "Fuck, what necrophilia master, explode quickly."

Zhao Xin couldn't help holding his breath and carefully stepped forward two steps, sniffing his nose hard, and said while testing:

"The male is the last secret creature... the master body, has been attacked to be extremely weak, the female... the female..." He suddenly glared, grabbed the boomerang and smashed it at the pair of corpses.

But at this moment.



A crossbow arrow and a baseball bat flew over at the same time, knocking the boomerang out of Zhao Xin's hand and hitting the freezer.

Zhao Xin rolled over and roared: "Traitor!!!!"

Seeing such a shocking change, Hu Zirui rushed to the door of the morgue without thinking, crossed the two crowbars in front of him, and stared at Li Qingming and Yin Li in shock and anger: "Crazy?!!!"

On the other side, Zou Jie also protected Shen Liqi, but he was shocked and scared, shaking non-stop.

No choice.

Li Qingming and Yin Li leaned against each other, and turned their backs to exchange positions in a flash.

Yin Li aimed the crossbow at Hu Zirui, and Li Qingming faced Zou Jie with his bare hands.

Their expressions were not very good.

This behavior was indeed a traitor, and the other four people had reason to kill them.

But at that moment, they had to use what they had to stop Zhao Xin.

"Calm down." Yin Li steadied the crossbow and said in a deep voice, "If you really want to betray the team, I will shoot you in the head. You have seen my accuracy."

Li Qingming's voice was even deeper: "Female corpse, heart."

"What bullshit! Zirui! You control them first, I will clean up the master!" Zhao Xin said, rolling and crawling a few steps, picked up the boomerang and was about to hit the male corpse.

But once again.


A crowbar hit the boomerang away.

And the other crowbar was already across Zhao Xin's eyes.

"What are you doing?!!!" Zhao Xin roared with a fierce look.

"Master..." Hu Zirui was panting, staring at the heart of the female corpse like a demon, "That color... is... the entrance... of the secret realm..."


"But this... is already... in the secret realm, right?" Hu Zirui panted, a little excited, and a little complained, "The secret realm in the secret realm... the deeper secret realm... why... don't you let me go, Master?"

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