Heart Cultivation

362 Frozen Basin: Who Was In Disguise

Frozen Basin: Who Was In Disguise?

The hunters were left at the mountain.

They could not believe someone was constantly misleading them and they don't know who he was and what was his purpose?

Or perhaps his purpose was clear, he don't want them to leave this void?

"Keep look out, we will immediately leave this place no matter what," the Omega ordered them.

The diction was thrown by the same hunter, he might be coming back with the guardian beast, they have to leave this mountain to confuse the seekers.

They were not in large numbers so they could find some place to hide for the time being.

The hunters increased their pace and left the mountain.

Jen was brought away by the custodians, they were horrified at the situation, a moment's lack could have been dangerous, "Master, you are quite dangerous in taking risk, what you are planning now," the talkative custodian could not keep his mouth shut and asked, their imaginary heart jumped up in the mouth when they were ready to pounce at any time.

"We don't have time to waste here, go and find what they have decided?" she ordered the same custodian and he had to go.

Jen was going to follow them and kill one by one, this was the last resort to kill all of them, the hunters would not know till the end who killed them she would make sure.

The hunters used to kill the newbie legends with sudden appearance and attack, now the same would happen with them, they would shout their lungs out and challenge her to appear in front and she would kill no matter what.

The custodian could dissolve and Jen could use her aptitude, both will collaborate to do this task, alone she would need a whole day to defeat a single hunter but with the help she could kill finish them all before the effects of the herb disperse, once the effects dispersed, it would be hardest to bear the cold of this region.

All aspects would be hard to follow at the same time still it would not stop her.

"Master, they are moving from the mountain and perhaps looking a safe place, all of them are alert for any attack," the custodian returned with the news.

"Before this day ends, we have to kill them all, this is the last chance, none of them should survive, we will be hunting hunters in this void, keep remember," Jen spoke with determination.

"But master, your face…" the custodian pointed, they were keeping eyes and following their master but they saw her face after five days, she was wearing thick hoody gown in these five days and they could not see these changes.

Her soft and lively skin was getting burnt with the lethal effects of the herb, Jen knew what was happening and how much she was suffering presently.

"I will definitely look for it once I am done my present plan, the hunters should not survive, and they should not leave this region alive," she gritted her teeth, all her sacrifice and efforts would go useless if she back down at the crucial moments.

The hunters were scums and her grandfather wanted to test her caliber whether she could kill them or not.

This void would prove their death ground most certainly.

The custodians were left with no choice other than to follow her, "Just give us order and we'll complete it," they spoke in unison.

Jen was amazed to see their unity, mostly they wanted to outshine from each other whenever she ordered something.

"Our first task is to kill the present Omega, he is quite aware and perhaps could lead them out of the void," she set the first goal.

This means they have to suddenly attack at once since the Omega was strongest among them, and they follow his orders, if Jen killed him then the hunters would be without any leader.

This would increase their worry and their worry would lead them to extinction.

The hunters were almost running to find a place for hiding, they don't know that they should not look for hiding place instead they should care for their enemy, they were looking like baffled cattle' in the void full of snow.

In the end, they were running for their life, the Omega was leading, it was a perfect chance for the ghost black smoke to gulp down the omega first, the plan was ready, Jen would use her first grade weapon and the power of the custodians.

The caravan was walking toward the plain from the mountain, hoping that they might find a cliff down where they could hide.

If they had been a little brainy, they could have reached the mountain top to check the surrounding, it could give a rough position and from there they could easily see the exit which was toward north end.

Instead they were moving toward more dangerous place, the cliff which seemed a hope was not hope actually, wild frost beasts live in the whole part of these endless number of cliffs.

Jen only wanted to make sure that no one survive, only then she would be able to peacefully cultivate else the constant guilt would torture her, at any place, somewhere in the void or any part of the Celestial Sphere, a young and inexperienced supreme legend would become a hunt of these hunters and Jen would not let this happen.

At the cost of her suffering? Indeed.

She could look for the cure once got rid these human beasts, she has her grandfather to worry about these things, right?

For gain, there was loss.

The Omega felt something appearing right in front of him, it was a shadow.

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