Heart of Empire

Chapter 292: 3 Big Macs

Dean is not convinced that those merchants in Sand Bay Harbor will resist taxes. Those merchants are not so stupid and face off against each other. How can they treat Dean?

It's not much, but Dane, who has a knife in his hand, guarantees that they can count one by one, and don't even want to run.

Looking at Dane's seeming disbelief, Goodall was a little stunned.

"Which ... Dane, I heard about tax resistance."

"How credible? You don't want to be alarmist with me." Dane intimidated him.

Goodell pondered for a moment and said, "I dare not be 100% sure that the news will be accurate, but 60% to 70% will be there. Even if they are not tax resistant, there must be other means to make it happen."

"Hehe." Dane sneered, and said, "The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. I don't believe. The corpses hanging on the road from Shawan Port to the north haven't dried out yet. Will anyone dare to challenge me? "

Goodell said, "Dane, I know what you think. But I think it's really possible that they will take a tax-resistant attitude. They won't be so afraid of your butcher knife, and your knife may not really be able to chop To the person who should be cut. "

"Huh?" Dane frowned, and said, "What do you mean?"

Goodell organized the language and said, "Boss Dane, you have n’t been in Shawan Harbor, you may not know, but if you ask General Verina, she will definitely understand. The big businessmen who speak for themselves are definitely not just in the port. "

This is a place Dane has always ignored. He straightened his body, and his hand was put down: "Tell me about it."

Therefore, Goodell probably told Dane about the composition of the forces of the Shawan Port General Office according to his own understanding.

The General Affairs Office of the Shawan Port is an actual governing body targeted at the Shahai Port under the Shahai Commercial Guild. In other words, although they are nominally ‘guilds that regulate the commercial activities of the port’, they are actually the real government of Shawan Port.

This situation had been formed before Malone and Moreno competed head-to-head for the Gulf of Sands Bay, and it has not wavered for decades.

As a government organization and a government organization controlled by businessmen, their position in Shawan Port is deeply entrenched. From shops on the market, to caravans in ports, to import and export channels, external generating companies, underground gray and black social organizations ...

These are without exception, they are inextricably linked with the General Affairs Office.

Therefore, if Dane really wanted to clean up the General Affairs Office from top to bottom, he would be easily cut across the board, but the entire port is estimated to be paralyzed soon.

This is not a problem that can be solved by the army.

Another point is that these big businessmen who truly control the lifeblood of Shawan Port are almost all multinational chambers of commerce, without exception.

For example, the Shire United Chamber of Commerce where Goodall is located, they also have interests in Sandy Bay Port, and in the commercial guilds, they also have heavy power and voting agents. In addition, of the same nature, there are also Sequoia Chamber of Commerce and Flash Gold Chamber of Commerce. The former is a large chamber of commerce that spans the kingdom of Putri and the Principality of Florence. The owner behind the scenes is said to be a prince of Putri.

Although the Gold Flash Chamber of Commerce does not have the background of the former, their sphere of influence is not just Sand Bay Port. Cinderella is their home base in the north. The business includes the Chaos City and the beast blood in the east. Fort, and even the first on the more wasteland east meet. Although the boss of the Flash Gold Chamber of Commerce is just a pure businessman, it is said that two-thirds of Schindler's warlords have received his funding, including Ozer and Conley.

Coupled with the Shire United Chamber of Commerce, the three bosses of Shawan Port, Dane moved?

Indeed, he could lead an assault on the General Affairs Office and capture all the agents of the three chambers of commerce in Shawan Port and slaughter them all. Whether it is hanging on the gate of the city gate or throwing dead bodies on the side of the road, it is with Dane's meaning, but the enragment of the three chambers of commerce that followed will make him feel unbearable.

Of course, only the Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to get the army to come down to the city and demand Dane's life. But they must have the strength to completely destroy Shawan Port and Rotten Wolf Town, two cities that rely on transportation and commerce, to rise, which will definitely allow Dyne ’s already-launched commercial station in Comillas Plan to die.

After listening to Goodell's words, Dane did realize that he might have been a little bit simplistic about the situation before.

Those ordinary merchants in the Shawan Port who settled in this city can really do whatever they want, and they don't care about destroying their families. However, for the three super chambers that have really become a giant, Dane is too naive if he just wants to threaten others with a knife.

He must adjust his mind. However, you don't need to talk to Goodall about how to do it.

Dion said, "Well, okay, I see. You go back first."

Seeing that Dane listened to his words, Goodall was relieved, nodded, and was about to leave, but remembered the matter of Hei Jing, and he couldn't help looking up again.

As soon as Dean looked at the expression on his face, he knew what this guy was thinking.

"Heijing's agent, I can continue to give you ..."

As soon as this word came out, Goodall's turbulent mood was completely fixed. With a look of great joy on his face, he said, "Boss Dane, thank you so much, I must ..."

He didn't say a word, and was stopped by Dane's wave of hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone makes money together, but I have to say some things first. "

"You said, you said, I have to do something."

"Go back and stare at every move in Shawan Port. If there is anything, go to General Verina at any time to report it, especially if you want to keep an eye on the General Affairs Office. I know that you are mixing in Shawan Port For decades, there have been some followers, and many things need not be said, and you should know what to do. "

Goodell understands that going to undercover Dane at the General Affairs Office of Sandy Bay Port is one of the names he has to pay. But he didn't hesitate at all, and said directly: "No problem, I have to convey any news as soon as possible!"

"Well," Dane nodded, and said, "I'll go to Shawan Bay in a few days, and you'll bring a message to your Shire Chamber of Commerce agent who speaks well in Shawan Bay. I'll wait for him in the police camp. "


I'm busy today. I just wrote this chapter fresh. I try to get another chapter before twelve o'clock ~ (To be continued.)

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