Heart Over Sword

Chapter 101 - Black Soul, Cold Heart

Arawn marched towards the balcony where he and Evanna just had dinner. He studied the balcony and waited with his hands held behind his back as the servants started clearing up. Haryk was ordering some of the maids not to miss certain spots while wiping the table clean before bowing to the prince.

"*Your highness, is there anything else you need?*" He asked. Arawn glanced at him and waved a hand. "*Have a good evening, sire.*" And the servant left.

Haryk knew the prince very well and could tell from his silent, cold demeanour that he was angry and did not want to be disturbed anymore. Unlike a lot of the servants, Haryk did not fear the prince, he had served him since he was a young boy and knew his soul was not black nor his heart ice cold like he made it out to be. The prince merely had a reputation to uphold and a kingdom to help run. 

The servant closed the double doors behind him. He glanced at the lady who had dinner with the prince before she slammed the bed-chamber door behind her. One side of Haryk's lips pulled up into a subtle slanted smile before he composed himself and told the lady's handmaiden, Rina, to see to her. 

Out of all the years, the prince never dined with his mistresses, they barely stayed the night before they had to leave, and he would be up working again. They all knew the drill. He was only physically available, and to want anymore was foolish. 

But his last mistress became attached, and Haryk had more than once needed to kick her out of the prince's chambers after he left her in the bed to do his royal duties. It was evident from the way she spoke so nastily to lady Evanna that she also, along with Haryk, suspected the prince was becoming smitten with the human. He never thought after the years of slaughtering humans and from the death of the queen that the prince would ever fall for someone as lowly as a human.

Yet, the prince was now fuming in his chambers after what seemed to be an uneventful evening with lady Evanna. Haryk would admit she was a rare beauty, a sight even the elves could not look away from, but she was still human.. The servant shook his head.

It was not his place to think of such things. All he needed to focus on was making sure the servants did their jobs correctly lest they be punished. They were in his duty of care. Luckily, he had only lost one man this month; he went 'missing' after losing his hand serving dinner.

Haryk left the prince's quarters with his mind back on the tasks at hand. His footsteps hurried as he began ordering servants to finish their duties for the night. The palace did not clean itself, and with the attempted assassination on the crown prince, he imagined the king and prince would be stressed trying to figure out who wanted them dead. Meaning the servants needed to be on high alert and walking on eggshells near them.

Back in the prince's bed-chamber, Arawn sat where Evanna had earlier and slammed his fist on the table. One name- Amaruil, made his blood boil. The prince and Amaruil shared a few nights together, and she kept lingering and wanting more. They all did, but they knew their place; once he was done with them, they were provided for and could do what they wished as long as they stayed away.

He had not organised anything for Amaruil when he left her that night, two weeks ago; he had barely been back to the palace. Of course, he should have known when his presence had become known in the palace that she would seek him out again. But to cause havoc was not something he was willing to deal with. Making up lies that she was to have Evanna's room.

Arawn scoffed. His surroundings started to slowly become icy, and even a snowflake or two dropped in his vision. With a clenched fist, he stood up and marched out of his room. Amaruil made a pathetic scene in front of not just Evanna but his guards and servants.


There was no response. The prince ignored Garrett, who rushed to catch up to his quick pace.

"* Your highness..*"

The prince snapped his head to the side, his glare almost shooting Garrett back into the hallway wall. One look at the prince's deathly gaze, and the warrior closed his mouth and marched by his side. Garrett was good at distinguishing when Arawn wanted to be alone and not, he was angry and looking to kill something, but he did not dismiss him.

The pair made it to the dungeons and stood outside the dank cell Amaruil was now residing in. At the sound of their footsteps, the she-elf stood up and sauntered towards the bars, wrapping her hands against the steel and giving the prince a sultry look. Though her left eye was already beginning to swell from where Evanna punched her. Arawn stifled a smirk.

"* Your highness, you seem stressed. I should help relieve you- *"

"* Enough, *" Arawn cut in; his deep voice made Amaruil physically shudder. His sharp gaze seemed to almost slice through her, causing her to shrink away. She lowered her eyes and pouted. "* I told you from the beginning, Amaruil, what this was. We were not courting. You are NOT this kingdom's future queen.*"

Amaruil blinked back tears. "* Arawn, please. I, I, I love you. You cannot tell me the nights we spent together mean nothing.. The lovemaking-*"

Arawn chuckled darkly. "* It is not 'lovemaking'. We fucked. End of. This is your only warning, Amaruil. The next time you try to make a scene, or so much as speak to lady Evanna.. I will have your head.*" Each word he spoke caused her to flinch. 

The prince turned around and stopped after feeling his jacket yanked on. He closed his eyes briefly, tired from dealing with she-elf. Turning around, he looked down at the tear-stricken she-elf. He momentarily felt bad, but Evanna's angry and disappointed features flashed across his mind, and his face hardened once more.

"* Why her? *" She whispered and stared at him with tear-filled eyes.

"* I do not need to explain myself to you, *" Arawn's glare made her flinch and drop her hand. He turned and started to briskly walk away; she would stay in the cell for a few days then kicked out of the palace with some money to keep her afloat. She did not deserve his kindness.

"* I lost my virginity to you!*" His eyes hardened, but he kept walking, not looking back. "* My reputation is ruined because of you! *"

Arawn pushed open the door and cursed under his breath as he walked through the halls.

"* Amaruil is playing you, *" Garrett spoke quietly after watching the prince stare outside at the gardens near this part of the palace.

Arawn snapped his eyes at Garrett. "* Yes, I know. But she will be gone soon, *" He replied icily and raked his hand through his hair, dishevelling it.

"* And if she returns? She looked determined..*" Garrett queried, but he already knew the prince's answer.

"* Then she loses her head.*"

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