Heart Over Sword

Chapter 116 - The Mysterious Darcassan

Evanna followed behind her guards through the double doors and out of the library. Already her mind was spinning with the possibilities of Darcassan and her mother. Did her mother spend time in this kingdom when she was younger? If she knew Darcassan, then would she know the king or prince?

The princess was unaware of how old her mother was; she never asked, though she should have with all the artefacts she collected and knew things that others didn't. She could read people well and never let the nobles or the queen's attitude towards her bother her. Evanna always presumed it was because her mother was the bigger person or because there was not much to be done. Loraven was only the king's mistress, whereas his wife, Eleanor, was the queen.

Evanna sighed then smiled subtly after Cedric and Anwel turned their heads to look at her. They glanced at each other with the same worried expression before facing the front again. She looked back down at her hands, not taking note of the busy palace as she thought deeply about her encounter with the librarian.

They walked through the double doors to the gardens, and the princess suddenly became nervous. Darcassan knew she was the princess of Dunhurst. Evanna was unsure of how long he'd known or how he even knew who she was, but surely she could trust him. Otherwise, she would have been back in a cell by now, or war would be waged between the two kingdoms.

Maybe Arawn already knows? And that was why she was summoned to him. Evanna shook her head, no he had a flair for the dramatics, but he wouldn't ask her to come to the garden if he was only going to lock her up.

"Is everything okay, Lady Evanna?" Cedric stopped suddenly and looked at her with concern. Anwel looked around nervously but also stared at her, worried.

Evanna nervously smiled, "Why would I not be okay?"

Cedric chuckled, "Because you met Darcassan.."

Evanna tilted her head to the side, her brows drawing together at his comment. Anwel, too, was smiling and shaking his head, the dimples on his cheeks making him look all the more younger.

"He knows everything. It's freaky!" Anwel exclaimed as his eyes flickered about again, as though the librarian somehow had eyes in the bushes and trees.

Evanna subconsciously looked around, too, drawn in by Anwel and Cedric's spooky energy. Cedric burst into laughter and patted Anwel on the back, pointing at Evanna's face before she slapped it away. "I'm sorry, Evanna! We could not resist!" Cedric spoke through his peals of laughter as the pair bounced around like children. Evanna palmed her face and let her hand slide down it until she looked at the pair sternly.

"Seriously, though. Darcassan does know everything," Cedric straightened and gestured for them to continue on. This time he stayed in step with Evanna while Anwel led the way. "If anyone is lucky enough to meet him and hold a conversation with him, he will tell you things you haven't told anyone before."

Evanna blinked as she absorbed what he said. Was Darcassan's knowledge base his gift? She would ask, but she was not supposed to know about such things. But Evanna was not about to assume his knowledge, and knowing a few things about her was his gift. He was a scholar after all and had lived however long. He must have recognised her features and seen the similarities with her mother.

They had their differences, but anyone would tell that they were related. And with Evanna's mother being an elf, most would assume that they were sisters, lest they knew them. Her mother appeared to be in her thirties. It was only recently, with her illness, that she looked a little older.

With her thoughts redirected to her mother, she seemed to have sobered up as they turned to go through the archway to the prince's garden. "Hey, no need to look so glum," Cedric smiled down at her, "Darcassan tends to freak people out. If he chooses to interact with you, that is. You must have made quite the impression." He continued as they walked the path towards the garden furniture and swing. Arawn seemed to be in deep conversation with Garrett, but he paused when his eyes landed on Evanna's approach.

Evanna shrugged, "I was in there by myself for a few hours. I am sure he was just being kind."

Cedric rose a brow, "Yes. That must be it." He glanced in the prince's direction and bowed his head.

Arawn nodded back, "You may leave."

Cedric turned to leave along with Garrett as Evanna took the last steps before bowing her head as she stood by his side. Arawn narrowed his eyes slightly at the archway where his men were leaving; Evanna turned her head and saw Anwel's head turn back to the front and be the first to disappear from view. Arawn clicked his tongue in annoyance, causing Evanna to look back at him once more.

"You rushed out earlier.." She began, hoping to distract him from the retreating men. She could already see ideas of punishment popping up behind those brilliant eyes. His gaze flicked back to her; she saw a subtle softness to his eyes as he looked at her.

"There were some urgent matters to deal with.." He trailed off as his eyes lost focus for a moment.

Evanna watched him. "I hope they weren't too troublesome for you.." She muttered. Though her curiosity was burning, she did not want to push anything.

His gaze locked with hers once more, and he smirked, "Nothing is ever too troublesome for me. Now," He clapped his hands together, "We should try testing out what you can do."

Evanna stilled then looked around. "Right here!?" She whisper-shouted.

Arawn chuckled to her wariness. "I have set up a perimeter around this garden. No one is allowed in it without my permission. And no one can see inside here."

Evanna looked at him sceptically. The hedges weren't that tall surrounding the area. In fact, she could see people's heads float past the last time she was there. "An invisible barrier has been set up. Did you not notice as you walked past? I was here, but you could not see from the outside?" He queried.

"Oh, erm, I was lost in thought about something. I was not paying too much attention to my surroundings," Evanna half pouted at the end.

Arawn twisted his hand abruptly, and atop his palm appeared a pink daisy; he leaned forwards and caressed the side of her face until her hair was pulled back behind her ear before placing the daisy in the same spot. His hand rested on her neck as he gazed at her. "What were you so lost in thought about?" He said softly. His voice was so smooth and calming, she had to suppress a smile.

Evanna loved the sound of his voice since the moment she met him. She could not deny it any further as she gazed at him. She was physically attracted to him. But, but… She could not allow herself any false hopes. He was attractive, and there were qualities about him that were unique, and she liked, but he was also very good at charming her, carefree about his approach to her, such as these light touches and most importantly, she was not a guest here! And he severely punished people!

Evanna looked away from him, the touch of his hand seeming to burn up her skin, and she knew her cheeks were red from staring at him too long. "I met Darcassan," She whispered.

"Ah," He removed his hand before chuckling, "Yes, that old man certainly has a way with words."

At least she knew now that Arawn was not aware of who she was. She could only hope that Darcassan would not tell him; she could see the curiosity burning behind the prince's eyes. But he looked away and walked towards another part of the garden where vibrant flowers were blooming. Evanna followed him, was he being considerate of her privacy?

Arawn crouched down and gestured her to stand by his side. She, too, crouched down and watched with widened eyes as black mist started to curl out the palm of his hand. The hand that was raised above some light blue flowers. She watched in both fascination and horror as the mist floated over the top of the flowers, and slowly they curled in on themselves, the colour fading until there was nothing but dying flowers.

"What did you.. how.." Evanna was at a loss for words. How many gifts did he have?! What was with this death mist!?

"Try and heal the plants," He said calmly as though he did not just kill a bunch of flowers from some strange mist.

Evanna bit her lip and raised her hand like Arawn did. She didn't know what she was supposed to do; the prince did not exactly explain anything.

"Focus, close your eyes," He said as he watched her hand intently.

Evanna closed her eyes and 'focused'. Grow plants grow! She peeked out of one of her eyes then pouted before falling back in shock. The flowers didn't bloom, but the stems were back to being green and her hand..

She raised her hand and stared up at it, the sunlight shining on it. She could feel an energy, like life itself was in the palm of her hand. She twisted her hand and could see slight sparkles of gold. Evanna was so absorbed in her hand she did not notice that she was still sitting on the grass, nor see Arawn staring at her hand also with fascination.

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