Heart Over Sword

Chapter 123 - Minds Clear, Bellies Full, Body Rested

The doors to the Snake Pitt Inn swung open, startling a few of the customers who already sat enjoying their Ale. A beast of a man holding a bloodied axe entered, his face stern as he searched the bar area. Axel grunted as he placed his axe behind his shield on his back. He walked forwards, followed by his comrades Ger and Ronan. 

Ger threw a small pouch of coins at the innkeeper. "We require a room." He did not stop for an answer, his aura demanded the keeper's full attention, and the group's dishevelled and dangerous appearance meant that a simple no was out of the question. The innkeeper sighed, leaving briefly and returning with a key he placed on the bar. He did not speak the room number, for there were many witnessing the interaction. 

If there were to be a death that night from the locals taking a disliking to these bandits, the innkeeper knew it would be his usual customers to lose their lives, not the other way around. Ronan appeared then and smiled, grabbing the key and leading the way to the rooms. As soon as they opened the door, they dropped their weapons and collapsed onto various spots. Ronan slumped on the sofa in front of the fireplace; Axel lay down on the bed with a loud thud, starfishing with a sigh as Ger followed Ronan to the couch and threw his legs to the side so he could sit down.

Ronan relaxed his head into the sofa while Ger stared into the unlit fireplace, loathing himself for his failures. The most distrustful person had been a part of their group, even became 'friends' with the princess and kept up her ruse as they escaped the clutches of the Flori. It took them a few days to evade the elves with Cilv's help and a week to leave Direwood forest.

But the last morning of their 'stay' in the mystical forest, the shapeshifter was gone. The men waited for an hour, stupidly believing Cilv to be hunting. But when that hour ran long, Ger was the first to feel his heart drop. He checked his cloak for the gemstone, their bags and the surroundings in a panicked state. He cried out, awakening the dreary morning of the forest creatures and animals that inhabited the trees nearby. 

Since then, they had been following Cilv's trail. Though there were many times, she seemed to have led them off course and into dangerous territories. Since leaving, they had fought man and beast alike; the most recent was a group of trolls that Ger knew the shapeshifter sent their way. Trolls preferred to stick to their homes, yet they were travelling the day they encountered them. After their near-death experiences, the group were escaped with their lives and decided to rest and regroup. 

Just before entering Kuramji, the men were met with a group of thugs who they were quick to get rid of. Their moods plummeted as they arrived at the Snake Pitt Inn, revealing their latest fight of blood and dirt coating their outfits. Through their journey back to Kuramji, they managed to steal some horses from a village in the night, leaving a few coins for their troubles. 

Ger sighed and smacked the armrest in anger. There was one job Evanna left him, and he screwed it up. They lost the gem and Cilv. 

"Let us rest today, Ger. We need our minds clear, our bellies full, and our bodies rested before we tackle our next task of getting that gemstone back," Axel said from the bed in which he lay. He closed his eyes, his hands resting on his stomach. Axel could almost hear the negative thoughts Ger was thinking from there. If Ger's mind was not busy with plans and recklessly following after Cilv's well-planned traps, then he would sigh or break anything in his way. 

"Another day without making any progress.. Why not!" Ger snapped back sarcastically. 

"Easy now. Axe is right, if we keep going, it will become too dangerous, and we will end up dying. Who then could help Evanna, if not us?" Ronan turned his head to look at Ger's scowling features. Evanna's nickname for Axel stuck with them since they left the Flori palace, it was so simple, and because the princess named him it, the giant felt honoured. His thoughts slowly turned to back to Evanna, and he wondered once again how she was doing.

Was she being tortured? Was she already dead? He shook his head; he would not think such dark thoughts. After spending time with the princess, he knew how smart and capable she was. If anyone could stay alive, it was her. Plus, who would dare torture such a beauty? Even the elves must fall for such looks? 

The men soon fell asleep where they rested and woke later in the afternoon to a knock on the door. Everyone jumped from their position, grabbing their weapons ready and crowded the doorway. Ger opened the door, his eyes still suspicious as a maid nervously glanced between the three men, her eyes landing on Ronan a little longer than the others. Ronan beamed at her, his crooked smile making her blush. 

"My apologies. I wondered if you required a bath? Ronnie said you paid well and should be looked after," The little blonde maid gulped and looked down, awaiting their answer. Axel was the first to retreat, already convinced there was no one else there to attack them. 

Ger glared at him for retreating, but he relaxed his hand on his sword. "Please do, and bring food," He ordered politely. It seems his gentle voice shocked her as she looked at him with widened eyes and nodded her head before departing in a rush. 

Ger spun around, eying Ronan, who leaned outside the doorframe, still watching the maid leave. "Be good, Roach," He warned, already knowing his intentions towards the maid. Ger had no doubt that the maid would willingly fling herself at Ronan, but they weren't there on vacation, and he was more prone to headaches since leaving Evanna's side.

Ronan smirked and backed away from the door, his hands up, "You speak to me as if I cannot control myself. How hurtful!"

Ger and Axel rolled their eyes. "Because you bloody can't!" Axel laughed from behind them. Ronan grinned and flopped down on the sofa again, eying the empty bath.

"If I promise to be good.. Can I have the first bath?" Ronan asked. Ger looked at him suspiciously; he caved in too quickly. Did he want a bath that bad?

"Sure. I doubt you can be good, though.." Ger answered and before opening the door again and letting the maid enter with their plates. She placed them on the table in the room and left silently, only glancing in Ronan's direction and blushing again when he smiled. 

Axel shook his head with a chuckle, "No bloody chance!"

Not long after, the maid began filling the bath, and Ronan showed his attention towards her. Her name was Edith, and she had not worked there long. Ger and Axel watched in fascination as Ronan flirted with her; it was a nice brief break of entertainment after a long month of non-stop fighting and chasing Cilv. The men finished their meals, and the bath was finally full and heated. 

"I apologise. We are but a humble inn and do not have oils or petals for a bath. I hope the soap will do.." Edith bit her lip, glancing at each of the men.

"How much did you pay the keeper? We have the best room, room service and a maid.." Axel mumbled, his voice only high enough for Ger and Ronan to hear. 

"Same amount as last time.. He probably doesn't want any trouble," Ger replied and looked back at the maid. 

Ronan stood up then and stroked the side of Edith's arm, causing her to almost swoon whilst looking up at him. "That is no problem at all, lovely Edith. Thank you, I will have it now.." He began to walk towards the tub, pulling off his cloak and shirt, revealing his well-defined body. He looked behind him and tilted his head at the gawking maid. 

"I can help you bathe!" She blurted out, making Ger and Axel still and look at each other before staring at Ronan, who winked at them and mouthed- I've been good. She suggested it!

"Why that would be very helpful.." Ronan said aloud and continued to remove his clothing. That was Ger and Axel's cue to leave. They grumbled as they left the room; glancing back at the maid did not wait until the door was closed before she wrapped her arms around Ronan's neck and the pair began kissing. 

"Seriously, I just wanted to rest, but now we have to wait," Axel grumbled as they ascended the stairs back to the tavern.

"This has probably been the longest he's gone. He won't be long," Ger jested lightly. He was not angry with his friend; maybe it would stop him from pining over Evanna.

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