Heart Over Sword

Chapter 126 - Gem For Gold?

{ Unknown location }

Cilv nimbly climbed up a tree and out of sight from an approaching group. After losing Ger, Ronan and Axel, the shapeshifter's priority was to get rid of the gemstone. Stealing the gem did not occur to her, even after Evanna provided a detailed report on how it worked along with the documentation with the instructions. But then an opportunity arose, and with the princess gone, she was left with three guys she could handle. 

Selling that gemstone might keep her settled for a while. She could get a cottage in the woods somewhere. Maybe she could go north to Hatherland; it was not strict with magic nor creatures. Their only issue was with the elves and any kingdom that did not bend to their will. But did that mean there were more people like her? Did she want to run into them?

Cilv crouched down and held onto the branch she was perched on. Her hood covered her hair and mask half her face. She smirked as her thoughts went back to Evanna. The princess was probably the only one who could defeat her, and if their blades ever crossed again, she wondered if there would be no hesitation in killing her. After all, she did take a precious gemstone from her. But she took her chances.

Evanna was in the hands of the Flori now, and if they didn't know who she was by now or had not tortured/killed her, then they would soon. Even though the princess seemed to do well on the road, she had a goal, and that was the gemstone for her mother. This most likely kept her sane from sleeping on the ground. Evanna was used to a life of luxury, so it would not be long until she caved. Would there be another war between the elves and humans because of this?

She shrugged; it didn't matter to her. Whatever happens, she would stay away from it all. 

Cilv narrowed her eyes at the group and jumped down from such a height, and blocked the way of the twenty elves on white horses. The first horse was pulled back and calmed down by the elf, which calmed it at the sudden appearance of the masked person. 

"I will give you one chance to move. If you wish to live, I suggest you take it," The elf with long black hair on the first horse said softly. It was chilling really at how polite he sounded to such a threat; his voice did not go with his sharp blue eyes and cunning grin. 

"I have something you might be interested in," Cilv said calmly and revealed the gem, holding it up into the light. 

"We have gems," The black-haired elf tsked her and signalled for the two guards behind him to come forwards.

"HA! Look closely, my lord! This is a sacred gem from the Flori.." Cilv's eyes gleamed after seeing the elf perk up. He raised his hand again, and the guards stopped. All three of them jumped down from their horses and approached her. Civ took a few steps back, her free hand slowly extending her nails ready. 

"We will not attack you unless you intend to harm us. Put your claws away, shifter," The black-haired elf declared, pronouncing to his guards to not be at ease yet. Cilv eyed the elf in charge and opened her palm out for him to see the gem again. His eyes widened as he approached it, watching the light inside of it bounce from side to side of the triangular gem. 

"*This cannot be…*" Cilv tilted her head to the side, guessing from his astonished face that it was indeed a rare gem and one that would pay well.

He reached out towards the gem, and she closed her hand. The elf looked back at her with narrowed eyes and folded his arms. Cilv involuntarily gulped, noting the stylish silver embroidery on his white coat and the gold pin with a glowing green sapphire. Cilv knew she was dealing with Lyvarian's, but she never expected to meet the queen's right hand. The pin revealed his identity to any who learned of its meaning. 

However, Cilv did not know more than that. She did not know his name, but now that she knew he was the right hand of the queen of Lyvaria, she was sure he would take the gem. It was in his best interest.

"How much do you want for it?" The elf asked before holding his hand up to the elves behind him, who started to show their displeasure. Cilv smiled underneath her mask, thankful that they could only see her eyes.

"Hmmm…" Cilv slowly paced up and down in front of him, hand on her chin as though she was deep in thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the man roll his eyes like she was wasting his time. This meant money was no issue, which she suspected dealing with the queen's right-hand man. "2000 gold coins."

"2000! My lord! This is-"

The black-haired elf smiled and held his hand up, quieting the men behind him, who looked flabbergasted and disgusted at the cost. "You say this gem is sacred.. Do you have anything to prove it? If you do, then I will happily oblige such a high price." He placed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly. 

Cilv blinked in shock then cleared her throat. She was not used to dealing with someone who acted respectfully towards her. Except for Evanna, but she did not count; the girl was young and naïve. 

The shapeshifter put her hand on the inside of her cloak pocket and pulled out the two pieces of paper she stole from the tube in Evanna's bag. She did this when the princess went to distract the guards at the entrance to the Flori palace. Cilv was still 50/50 then about stealing the gem, but like most of her plans, she kept one step ahead in case she decided to go through with it.

These papers would show the gem's authenticity; she took note of the symbol on the top right corner of the paper when Evanna revealed them to her at the campsite. The princess was so naïve; it literally made her head hurt just thinking about it. For someone who was relatively bright, it was definitely not her best move.

It was foolish for Evanna to reveal the gem's instructions and how to use it. Cilv had to refrain from shaking her head from side to side in exasperation. Either way, it helped her now. She placed the papers in the elf's hands, and he opened them, his eyes widening. 

Edric looked at the papers. One was the painting of the gem before them. It felt so thin and fragile he wondered how the shapeshifter even looked after it well on her journey. The paper alone should be framed from such an era that has long gone and mostly forgotten. He handed the painting to one of his men behind him without so much as looking at them while he unrolled the second paper. 

On the top right corner of the paper was an emblem, but it was not the Flori tree emblem; it was the lion shield emblem of the kingdom of Dunhurst. Edric felt the paper again and checked the ink of the golden symbol. It was newer than the paper, and on closer inspection, so was the ink to the handwriting. He frowned slightly, intrigued by what could possibly be written on such a parchment. 

It read in Muranthian:

Dearest Sir or Madam,

If you are reading this, then I am afraid that the gem you hold in your hands has been stolen from me. This is of great importance to me, and I would appreciate it if you could return this to me.


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