Heart Over Sword

Chapter 138 - The Pledge

Evanna's high pitched question echoed through the cave. She stared at the vampire whose lips were now covered in her blood; he was quite a sight she found herself mesmerised by. But his words were what snapped her out of staring at his lips that he licked ever so slowly. Evanna gulped and looked away, blushing. 

"You said I was elven-fae mixed breed.." She whispered, trailing off as her mind was trapped with a whirlwind of questions. One question standing above all else was: Who was fae in her family? 

Killian's grip on her hands relaxed, but he did not move away from her. "Fae blood is sweet and addictive, elven is somewhat similar in taste most likely because of the powers the two kinds possess. But there is a difference. You also have.." He raised his hand to her cheek, grazing gently under her right eye with his thumb, "a peculiar eye colour. They reminded me of another I knew long ago. He was half-fae and elf."

"My eyes?" Her mouth spoke before her mind caught up to her. With a frown forming on Evanna's face, she started to wonder more and more about her mother's side of the family. Neither her mother nor father have the same colour as she, and from what she remembered of her father's parents, they too had blue eyes. 

Killian removed his hand from her face but continued to stand close to her, his eyes flicking between hers. "You have the most bewitching eyes, Evanna. It is hard to look away from them."

Evanna stared back at Killian, thinking the same thing about his eyes. She had never met someone with such unique eyes before. Though if she was comparing who's captivated her the most, it had to be Arawn's with those strikingly blue hues. Evanna internally shook her head; now was not the time to be daydreaming and daydreaming about prince Arawn! 

She internally sighed, wondering how mad he was right now from her disappearance. 

In the meantime, while Evanna was lost in thought, Killian had been leaning his face closer to hers. Her eyes widened when she realised what his aim was, she quickly raised her knee, aiming for his groin, but the vampire was quick and moved out of the way. "You cannot just try and kiss me!" She said, exasperated. 

Killian tilted his head to the side, parts of his dark hair falling across his eyes. "Why ever not?" He questioned, raking his fingers through his hair and smirking. He looked as though no one had ever said no to him before. She didn't mind in her dreams, he thought.

Evanna sidestepped and kept her hand between them. "I have just met you, mister. I do not kiss strangers!" She shrieked, but her words seemed to have no effect on him. 

"But you will be my queen.." Killian remarked confidently. 

Evanna continued to step away from him, though she found it quite pointless. Every step she took to the side, he followed her, his hands now behind his back as he watched her in amusement. "That's twice now you have said that.. I am nobody's queen." She narrowed her eyes at him, who hummed back at her but did not say anymore. He suddenly stopped and lowered his gaze, looking at the floor, making Evanna curious about what was so interesting. 

"You are injured," He stated simply. How did he know? She made an effort in hiding her pain, and her swollen ankle was hidden inside her boot. "Here." Killian's face was now inches away from her, startling her. He pulled his sleeve back and bit into his forearm, drawing blood.

"Kill- umph!" Evanna's eyes widened at the sudden taste of blood pouring down her throat. Killian's arm was against her face, his other hand holding her head gently as he licked away the blood on his lips.

"Shh, there, we are even now, no?" Killian stroked her hair away before pulling his arm back. Evanna coughed and wiped at her mouth in disgust.

She felt violated in some way. "Why did you.. what.." Words could not form on her tongue as she was so flabbergasted by what had just happened. Her chest was heaving from where she pointlessly struggled against him. But the vampire was too strong.

"You are welcome," He smiled and turned away from her. How was this man so calm!? 

It was then she noticed her belongings on the ground across from her. Evanna stumbled away from the retreating vampire, grabbed her sword and jumped onto the tombstone where the sunlight filtered through. She pointed her blade towards the vampire, who rushed forwards and stopped at the edges of the light. "Just let me leave," She pleaded.

Even though she wanted to see how much more Killian knew about her or the power Malawai, the princess had enough of his antics. Not only had he drank her blood and tried to kiss her, naming her his queen, but he also fed her his blood!

"How is your foot?" The vampire questioned nonchalantly. Evanna blinked and started to turn her foot around. The pain was gone! The princess never stopped to question it as she ran for an escape.

Killian grinned, "Vampire blood has healing qualities."

The vampire slowly raised his hand into the light and hissed, bringing it back towards his chest. "Will you really leave me, Evanna?" He asked sadly, lifting his eyes to meet hers. Evanna could see the loneliness clouding those gem-like eyes, and she felt her heart pinch. How long had he been locked away for?

Evanna shook her head; that wasn't the question she should be asking. The princess crouched down, resting on her heels; she stared back at the vampire shielded by the shade. "Why were you locked away?" She answered his question with her own. It was a peculiar situation she found herself in, and although she would not mind the company, the princess was still wary of a vampire tagging along. What if he killed innocent people? What if he was put in there as a punishment? 

And would Killian really answer her truthfully? 

Killian sat on the edge of the tombstone, a part where the sun did not hit him. His back was to her as he sighed and looked at his hands. "My kind were hunted into extinction."

"Why?" Evanna's question came out as a whisper. She didn't want to insult him, but the vibe she was getting from him kept telling her she was in danger, and her sense was always correct. She had to keep reminding herself, no matter how charming he was, he was dangerous.

Killian chuckled, but there was no humour to it; it was empty. "Why? Because we are vampires. We need human blood to survive, some may have gone too far in attacking humans, but I made sure that the ones who served under me were careful. It was obviously not enough.. Everyone I know.. Is dead."

Evanna reached out to him; she wanted to comfort him. He looked so lonely, hunched over like that. But a shiver ran through her, and she retracted her hand. "Why were you the only one to survive?" She asked and inhaled sharply as he turned his head swiftly to look at her.

His beguiling ruby-like eyes stared at her, enchanting her briefly before she heard him scoff. "Because they wanted a weapon."

Evanna's brows furrowed at his comment. Killian tilted his head to the side, his eyes filled with amusement at how concerned the princess looked. "They could not kill me, so they put me in here until they needed to use me. But soon they realised once I was released, I would not do their bidding and kill them all," He continued as he assessed her reactions to him. 

Evanna nodded her head in understanding and asked, "Do you seek revenge on those who imprisoned you?" She could see the pain and fury burning bright behind those eyes, it was a little frightening, and she would hate to be on the end of his wrath. Killian did not mention who did this to him, but she didn't speculate much to realise it was most certainly humans who played such a part. 

The vampire mentioned he was the last of their kind; so, was it right for her to bring him along? Would his hatred towards humans consume him into a murderous rage?

Within seconds Killian closed the distance between them and sat by her side in the sunlight. "If I sought vengeance, would you allow it?" He asked with a smirk forming on his handsome features. Evanna was stunned into silence. The vampire was sitting in the sun and not bursting into flames.

She raised her sword again, but he grabbed the sharp end and yanked it out of her hands, throwing it behind him, his movements fluid, his gaze unwavering on her face. The sword clattered against the cave wall behind them, making Evanna flinch at the sound then gasp at Killian's sliced hand, watching in amazement as the wound healed before her. "I will not hurt you, but raising your sword towards me is rude and quite frankly absurd. I thought a princess had better manners."

"You scold me on manners after drinking my blood and trying to kiss me?" Evanna drawled, arching her perfectly shaped brow. 

Killian ignored what she said and leaned towards her, "Would you allow it?"

Evanna swallowed hard. "Why are you asking me that? I am not your master," She whispered, leaning away from him and falling back onto her bottom. She tried to keep her face impassive, but her cheeks heated from the way his eyes lit up at her trying to put some distance between them. 

"You are my saviour. I am indebted to you, Evanna," He reached out and grabbed her hand, leaving a gentle kiss upon her knuckles before leaning his forehead against her skin. The dark strands of his hair fell forwards, casting shadows across his face. "If you will allow me to, I would like to help you in all of your endeavours. But," He raised his head, staring up at her, "would you let me get my revenge?"

Evanna gulped; if she agreed, did that mean she was as responsible for his actions as he is? "I.." She stared back at his ruby-red eyes and saw the determination behind them. Killian was the last vampire; there was no one else like him. He was now alone in this world and had been in this cave for so long. If revenge was what he now lived for, how could she take that away from him? "As long as you don't take an innocent life.. I would allow it."

Shock filled his striking features, but a mask of composure quickly replaced it, and he kissed her knuckle again. "Then I, Killian Dragomir, am yours to use as you see fit, Princess Evanna Elwin Goodrich," He pledged, and it was similar to that of a knight pledging his loyalty to a lady. 

Evanna didn't know if she just made a horrifying deal or not, but now she had a being of incredible powers by her side to roam through Direwood forest. As long as he didn't try to kiss her, or take her blood without asking again, then there shouldn't be any more problems.. She also decided that if the gem could not be found soon, she would take Killian's word and ask him to give his blood to her mother.

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