Heart Over Sword

Chapter 14 - Campfire: Part One

The sky started to get darker as the five companions continued riding; they did not run into any guards belonging to the king. They had at least a 4-5 hour head start. Their breaks consisted of 15-minute intervals, enough time for them to stretch their limbs, eat and drink. Evanna kept her word; although her body was tired from the continuous horse riding, she did not complain and never asked for a break.

She knew they considered her to be weaker than the others. This was her first time travelling for long hours by horseback and not sitting in a carriage. Axel was the one to suggest a break every three hours. She was not annoyed by their lack of judgement, she was feeling tired, but her determination pushed the aches she felt to the back of her mind. She would prove to them that this was not some vacation she decided to take and was serious.

Axel started to slow his horse down, as did the others. Throughout the journey so far, she had seen the back of his head and his huge body mainly covered by the great shield he wore on his back along with two small axes at his sides. The sounds of hooves trotting on the ground started to diminish as they entirely stopped in their tracks.

Axel tilted his head up to the sky as the sun was setting above the hill across from them. The last rays of light slowly left their skin as the wind picked up, and a chill started to set over the land. Ger looked to the left side of the path and saw an extensive amount of shrubbery and a few trees scattered in the open space nearby.

"We should set up over there. It would do us no good travelling in the dark. Our bodies need to rest," Ger said as he jumped down from his horse and started to pull the reins as he walked towards the bushes.

Everyone dismounted from their horses and followed suit behind Ger, who made them go around the bushes that would hide them from any traveller's view during the night. Each person in the group immediately started to do their own tasks to settle quickly for the night.

Cilv left silently and came back holding branches in her hands which she dropped down on the floor to set up a fire nearby. The men started to build the linen tents that Axel made sure to bring. Each of them used their own weapon's blunt ends to bash in the steel pegs used to pitch the tents. Evanna used the time to settle the horses to the side of their camp; she noticed that Midknight had become the alpha of the horse's group. She was not surprised; he was a very unique horse. She started to stroke his forehead down to his muzzle lovingly, silently speaking to each other.

Ger approached her from behind. The sound of a twig snapping brought her attention away from Midknight and to the man now standing beside her.

"Axel is starting dinner."

Evanna looked past Ger to see the others sitting around the campfire; three tents were set apart from them as Axel stood across from a pot above the fire, a wooden spoon in his hand. She nodded back at Ger and followed him over to the gathering, sitting down in the free space left, in between Ronan and Cilv. Cilv obviously tried to keep herself as far from the group as possible without freezing herself. Evanna started to think that the woman preferred to be alone; she knew she always worked alone.

"Seeing as there are three tents, we will need to share." Ger started, he thought they had more, but Axel had not used them since the last time they were travelling together. Before he could continue, Cilv spoke up,

"I will have one to myself."

Ger narrowed his eyes, he thought Evanna could have the tent to herself, but then he did not want to share with Cilv. She would probably steal something of his.

"How about you two share? You are both females," Ronan chipped in.

"How about you and I share?" Cilv retorted playfully.

Evanna and Ger looked across at each other, wide-eyed, neither knowing what to do or say. Ronan, on the other hand, was used to women throwing themselves at him. As much as he would love to have a sexy lady next to him for the night, he did not want it to be a recurring thing. There was something very dangerous about Cilv, and he would prefer to stay on her good side than lose a potential limb. He cleared his throat,

"I do not think that is appropriate. You two should share, and we will rotate on sharing the other two tents" Cilv frowned at his response, she parted her lips to argue against him, but Axel spoke first,

"Then it is sorted, princess. Are you happy with this?" Cilv's frown deepened. Of course, they would ask her. She was, after all, royalty.

"Yes, of course," Evanna replied.

Cilv abruptly stood up and walked off from the mini campsite they had set up; no one glanced in her direction. With the sleeping arrangements settled, the remaining group relaxed even more, especially with Cilv gone.

"Have you thought of a new name yet?" Ronan lightened the mood and directed his question at Evanna.

"I thought something like Raven."

"Raven? Why not Evie?" Ger said

"Eva?" Ronan piped in; Evanna pulled a face of disgust at both names, making the men laugh.

"I think your sister used to call you Eva?" Ger spoke across the fire at her.

"Yes, she did. It was very irritating."

"Raven it is then" Ger smiled back at her.

"Very original", Axel said, deadpanned, looking up at Evanna's hair and back down again.

"It's better than Roach here" At Ger's comment, Axel burst out laughing. Evanna was confused then looked to her side at Ronan, who had gone slightly red,

"Roach is a perfectly acceptable nickname. It's easier to shout out than Ronan. Right guys? You never complained last time?" He looked between Ger and Axel's faces, neither saying a word.

"I am not calling you Roach," Evanna said absurdly, hiding a small smile that began to form on her lips. She actually found the whole scene comical.

"Come on! Roach and Raven, Raven and Roach.. and the gang. A merry song could be made out of it!" Ronan pressed on, Evanna started to giggle; Ronan had draped his arm loosely around her shoulders in a friendly manner as he waved his other hand in front of him, expressing himself as he spoke.

Suddenly sensing someone's gaze, she looked across the fire to see Ger looking between them, and her smile faltered. Ronan felt the princess's sudden quiet demeanour and glanced over at the direction she was looking. He pulled his arm back slowly when he saw Ger glaring at him. He stared back at him unblinkingly; he was only being friendly and keeping the mood light.

"I don't think that song will catch on' Axel continued with the conversation, indifferent to the little scene in front of him. He was no fool, he saw how the two men already formed a small rivalry between them over the princess, but he thought it silly and kept himself out of it. Both men averted their eyes after the sound of Axel's voice.

"Excuse me", Evanna said; she stood up and grabbed the uneaten apple she brought over with her earlier.

Making her way over to Midknight, she found him resting on the floor. She gave him the apple and sat down, leaning into him as he munched down on the fruit. She did not expect such little drama on the first night together. Sighing, she rested her head back onto Midknight. She noticed how Ger was glaring at Ronan after their small encounter. She could not understand why. They were joking. Before she could think further about the situation, the one and only had made his way towards her.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

Evanna waved her hand, nonchalantly for him to speak. Midknight made a small noise, telling her to stop being rude and get up; she rolled her eyes before standing up again. They weren't too far away from the others but far enough that their conversation could be kept between them.

Ger sighed before saying, "Look, I just want you to be careful with Ronan," Evanna blinked her innocent eyes back at him. "I have known him for years now. He's a lady's man."

Evanna could not help but laugh at him. He was acting like a big brother or worse, her father!

"Ger, you really do not need to worry. I know what he is. I saw the maid leave his room at lord knows what time at night." Ger visibly relaxed. "I know you have my best interests at heart. But just remember that we spent 2 years apart. I know this is my first time out on an adventure, but I have met and dealt with my fair share of 'Ronan's' back at court."

It was true, although the king was not demanding her to court anybody, it did not mean that men did not try to court her. Even if she was the king's bastard child, marrying her would still make a man rise in power. She had indeed interacted with a few men similar to Ronan; their reputations were well known at court life, so she kept them at arm's length at all times.

The nobles already spoke a great deal about her behind her back; she did not need her reputation to go as well. She could not lie though, she found Ronan to be a very good looking man with a charismatic persona to go with it, but she only felt a fondness for him.

Ger did not know what to say. It was true, they had spent years away from each other, but he could not help feel protective over her. When he saw the two of them laughing together, and Ronan's hand casually went over her shoulder, he felt something, a spark of anger? He could not put his finger on the feeling he had felt. But he did not like it.

"I keep forgetting. A lot can happen in two years," Ger said quietly, not realising he spoke his thoughts out loud. The princess walked closer to him and nodded her head.

"Yet here we are—still friends. Thank you for agreeing to this crazy plan of mine," Evanna replied.

Ger stopped himself from frowning, her statement caused him to feel conflicted, but he was not sure why, of course, he would agree to her plan; if she could not protect herself, who else would but him. However, he did not let his sudden foul mood get the better of him. He smiled back in response.

"How are you fairing after today?" He asked, quickly searching her face to see her looking tired.

"I am fine, a little tired. My thighs are killing me, though! I swear there are probably bruises on them from the riding," Midknight neighed in response, finding humour in his owner's suffering. Ger laughed,

"You will get used to it", Ger replied, humour laced in his voice.

Back at the campfire, Ronan looked over at the pair laughing by the horses. He watched as they interacted with each other, he could see how Ger looked at the princess, but it seemed she was unaware of his attraction towards her. Was it because they were friends since they were children? He will need to test his theory at some point.

"Forget it, lad", Axel spoke from behind him.

Ronan turned back and looked at his friend as though he had no idea of what he was referring to.

"Don't play dumb. She was all Ger spoke about on our travels. They grew up together, you know the stories. Do not get in between something you know nothing about."

Ronan scoffed, "Please, he did not speak about the princess.", his voice had lowered even though there was nobody else about. Axel looked back at him like he was crazy.

"Well, he did not specifically say princess, but he did say Evanna's name."

"From what I have seen so far, she does not reciprocate his feelings."

"Ronan, you can have any woman you want. Not her. That is final." Axel ordered. Ronan sighed dramatically before crossing his arms and pouting like a toddler being told off.

"What's wrong with him?" Cilv spoke, making the pair jump; her footsteps had been so quiet, they appeared nonexistent.

Sauntering her way back to the campfire, she sat down next to Ronan, looking him up and down lazily. After stretching her limbs and exploring the area they chose to sleep for the night, she decided to return after calming down from what happened earlier. Ronan watched as Cilv threw a berry into her mouth as she eyed him playfully; Ronan, however, felt unfazed by her flirting. She knew he was not falling for it, but she could not help but smile after. She loved making people feel uncomfortable.

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