Heart Over Sword

Chapter 140 - Strange Woman

Evanna traipsed through the woods with Killian by her side. So far, he had been very helpful in defeating the faceless along the way. She didn't know how many there were, but at least taking them down as they went would benefit not just the elves of Direwood forest but the other kingdoms too. The only issue now she was facing was that her sixth sense was not working as it normally did.

With Killian next to her, her back occasionally shivered, which initially kept alarming her to possible predators nearby, but it was because of him. Now it was a little comforting in a way, like a reminder that although he was charming and had some dark sense of humour that made her laugh, he was still a dangerous being. One that could kill her in seconds, but she had a feeling Killian was not a man who broke his promises. He also helped her each night to work on her Malawai, though there was no progress at all.

Evanna sat cross-legged on the ground next to the fire in between her and Killian. She had the golden book with information on her gifts open in her lap, and after some time of reading how to 'feel' another person's mind, she tried to practice again. Killian leaned against the tree, one arm resting on his bent knee, his raven locks falling down his shoulders as he watched her with an amused expression. He was the practice dummy, but so far, he couldn't feel anything, no intrusion of his thoughts or the feeling of being controlled.

"You love humans, don't you, Killian?" Evanna asked again for the tenth time in the last hour. Killian raised a brow but imitated a vacant stare as he looked back at the princess.

"I do; I love humans," He replied in a hypnotic voice.

Evanna gasped. "I did it!? How did I.."

Killian smirked, "How can you not tell that it didn't work? It must be the human blood dumbing you down."

Evanna's face dropped, and she huffed without responding to his comment, closing her eyes. The vampire's burning gaze was too much of a distraction. She inhaled deeply and released a long breath, and soon her breathing became her primary focus as she began to meditate. After ten minutes of becoming mindful and aware of herself and her surroundings, she started to feel her power once more and expanded it like invisible waves. 

Killian tensed at the sudden shiver in his mind, and his eyes widened as he stared at the princess. The princess looked to have beads of sweat now on her forehead. Evanna's relaxed hands now in fists, her brows knitted together in concentration. 

Evanna could feel Killian now, his mind was like a maze she had to navigate around, but when she made it to a dead-end, she imagined a brick wall. A wall that needed tearing apart. She reached out and clasped her fingernails at one of the bricks, slowly removing it, and when it was free, she could see through the other side that was filled with darkness and in the middle of that darkness was Killian sitting on his tomb once more, looking sad, furious and then menacing. 


Her shoulder shook, and with it, the imagery before her flickered and started to crumble down until the tether snapped, and she was staring into the ruby eyes of the vampire. "You need to train yourself slowly! The mind is not a game to play around in," He scolded and held out a handkerchief in front of her face. Evanna frowned at the cloth, but then she finally felt the blood trickling down her nose. 

Alarmed, she quickly wiped it away and like a fishing rod getting caught, then returning without the fish, she flung backwards as all her energy depleted, her sight becoming blurry. Killian caught her before she hit her head on the ground; he gently lay her down, his gaze falling down to her neck where he could see her artery pumping beneath her skin. His mouth went dry and parted slightly as he leaned closer to her.

She was so defenceless, such easy prey, and her blood was so sweet and addictive. It was hard to imagine returning to drinking human blood alone. Killian inhaled her scent, his nose nearly touching her neck, but he heard her heart rate pick up, almost tempting him further. But he pulled back as her eyes fluttered open, revealing those ethereal emerald orbs. 

Evanna was quick to read the slightly pained look on his features as their eyes locked, but he turned away, pushing up to sit next to her. "How do you feel?" He asked, his voice husky. 

"Killian, how much blood do you need to drink?" She asked instead, still lying down on the cold earth as her dizziness began to subside. It had already been two days since he fed on her in the cave, and although he was this crazy immortal being, he was starting to show signs of fatigue. 

Killian chuckled, "Why, fancy offering some to me?"

"Maybe," She whispered only to hear his breath catching in his throat and his face appearing above her. 

"Don't be so quick to trust me, princess. I don't trust myself around you.." His hardened eyes flickered between hers. Her spine shivered in response, warning her to the vampire above her.

"Tell me," She whispered gently; the softness of her voice seemed to wrap around his mind and unlock the invisible door to his will.

Killian instantly replied, "I need to feed twice a day." He stilled from answering her truthfully and looked away in shock. Evanna just used Malawai, he glanced at her, but it looked like she was unaware of using her power. With his back to her, he added, "But I can go without for two days at a time. If I can go without it for years, I am sure a few days will be fine."

"You must be starving," Evanna replied gently. If what he was saying was true, then he must have excellent resistance to temptation. Killian went years without drinking blood, and he tasted it so recently; it wasn't like she could understand, but she tried comparing it to going without water for two days.

Evanna slowly rose, the noise of her movements making the vampire turn around and instantly help her lean up against the tree. Her kind face made his non-beating heart stir. Why was she looking at him like that? 

"Here," She raised her wrist in front of Killian's face. 

Killian gently grabbed her wrist and revealed his fangs, observing her and seeing no fear on her face as he pulled her sleeve back. Slowly bringing his face closer to her skin, his eyes locked with hers, he listened to the beat of her heart increase, heard the blood flowing in her veins, the predator within him almost taking over. But instead of sinking his fangs into her flesh, he kissed her wrist gently. Evanna's face instantly flushed from his action,

"You are too weak right now, princess. If you are still happy to offer yourself to me tomorrow, I will gladly take it then."

Evanna gulped, "W-why do you make it sound so.." She couldn't finish her sentence. But the smile spreading on his face indicated that that was precisely what he was aiming for. She eyed him warily, dropping her arm away from his face, pulling her sleeve back into place. 

"Rest up, Evanna," Killian said gently, his face now serious as he pulled away from her, letting his midnight dark hair cover his features.

"Goodnight, Killian," She whispered and wiggled into a comfortable position facing away from the fire and the vampire. Within minutes the princess had fallen asleep, once again defenceless in front of him. How could she let her guard down so easily?

She also used up her powers, depleting her energy, and now the barrier that usually protected her mind from him had fallen. He could easily enter her dreams and control them without her realising, but he wouldn't. He had some self-respect and control. When he used her before, entering her dreams, it was only to try and lure her to the cave, but now he had her in his sights, could see she was real, he didn't want to.

Killian sighed and leaned back into the tree again, his gaze wandering back to Evanna. She volunteered in giving him her blood; it was ridiculous, even when he had the human slaves in his castle, they were still unwilling. That was until they became addicted to the little venom in the vampire's bites and surrendered to the bliss. 

He should have accepted her offer, it would have created a stronger bond between them, and he could tell her location at all times, but it took a while for that to happen. He never expected it to happen overnight. Still, as he started to read her mind, her memories and the life she led, he knew she was extraordinary, even for a princess sheltered from the world. She was still kind, if a little naïve, on occasions.

In conclusion, he thought her a strange woman. 

A strange woman with an interesting background who had yet to admit her feelings for that elven prince. He grimaced at the idea of him; he was much more handsome and charming than he. But now, he knew looks alone would not win her over. She wasn't as easy to manipulate as he thought, and after reading her character and seeing the life, she lived in Dunhurst, he knew she would be quite the queen.

If he fed into that tiny part of her who resented her lifestyle as the 'bastard princess', the part that wanted to punch each noble who looked down at her and sneered, she could be a powerful ally. But she was so kind, and even though her body was warning her to not trust him, she was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Killian tilted his head to the side, then tensed up after realising he had been watching her sleep for at least an hour now.

The following day Evanna stretched her arms above her head and yawned, feeling well-rested except for the slight headache. She grabbed her waterskin and looked around as the morning light filtered through the leaves, revealing a thin mist near the dampening ground. Evanna pulled her mask over her nose and hood up to warm up. 

Where was Killian?

She stood up, reaching for her swords when her eyes landed on two figures in the trees watching her, their outfits revealing them to be rangers, but their white exquisitely crafted bows and their pointed ears showed them to be Flori warriors. "*Halt! You are trespassing!*" The raven-haired elf shouted, jumping to the ground and pulling his bowstring back, aiming at her. The brown-haired elf stayed in the tree, also aiming an arrow towards her. 

That was when Killian appeared out of nowhere and sunk his fangs into the brown-haired elf's neck. His arrow shot into the air, where the bow pulled back from Killian's strength. The elf's bow dropped to the ground, and the raven-haired warrior looked up slowly to see the vampire enjoying his meal. 

Killian pulled back, blood pouring down his lips, his eyes glowing and looking like the menacing creature he was.

"*If you want your friend to live, lower your bow.*"

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