Heart Over Sword

Chapter 152 - Punishment: Part Two

"And how.. did you learn how to blackmail someone?" Queen Eleanor looked down at Princess Evanna like she was nothing but a speck of mud on her luxurious shoes. "With your lowly blood, I daresay you learnt such wicked things from your mother." Queen Eleanor smirked and looked across the hall. 

Conrad followed her blazing gaze to a stunning figure standing to the side elegantly in a dark blue dress, her raven hair pulled back with tendrils of curls falling over her sharp features and startling hazel eyes. He knew immediately that she was Princess Evanna's mother, he could see the likeness in their features, and he couldn't help but look back at the young princess and wonder if she would grow into someone so radiant.

As his gaze settled on Princess Evanna's face again, he narrowed his eyes subtly as he saw a slight smirk on her lips while continuing to watch Queen Eleanor. It was as though her insult bounced right off her. But that small expression left her face, and she looked at the Queen with big, wide doe-like eyes, tilting her head to the side. "Why.. I learnt it from you, of course, your majesty." She replied in an innocent and almost too sweet voice.

"How dare you!? I would never teach a child such a wretched thing!" Queen Eleanor stepped forward, clutching her dress, her face going red at the sudden attention. "You dare lie! Maybe fifty lashes would serve you better and soap to rinse out that tongue of yours!"

"Oh, please be merciful, your majesty. I didn't mean to say you purposely taught me such a thing.." Princess Evanna slowly looked away from the Queen and to King Osian. "I was passing by as I heard you yell the term at one of your servants. Hmm.." She tapped her finger against her lips in thought. "If I recall correctly, you wanted to blackmail Marquess Rodgers about a vote on the council.." The young princess trailed off purposely, holding back the obvious information that could easily leave her tongue. 

Her feigned innocence was not innocent at all, and Conrad couldn't help but be impressed at how a young child verbally took down the Queen and left her flabbergasted. 

"I didn't know what the term meant, but I looked it up after, and here we are.." Princess Evanna looked back at his father and King Osian, bowing her head and waiting for their answer. But King Osian looked at her disapprovingly, and his father looked at her impressed. Conrad could already see the cogs turning in his head as he stared down at the young princess. He felt a shiver run through his spine at what his father might be thinking. 

"They do say children pick up on habits from adults near them," King Horik smirked and looked in Queen Eleanor's direction. "But I do think fifty lashes will be too much for someone so young. How about ten lashes each?"

"King Horik, I believe there is a better punishment that would suit this occasion where both prince and princess may reflect on their actions more than a simple whipping to their backs," King Osian began, looking between the pair with a small smile on his face. "If you agree, Horik, I think Prince Conrad should teach Evanna the Hythen language of the North."

"Father!" Princess Evanna instantly started to object, and Conrad couldn't help but scoff at her audacity. She seemed more obliged to receive lashings than to spend more time with him. He scowled; well, he didn't want to spend time with her either!

"Should Ger take your lashings instead?!" King Osian stepped forwards, crossing his arms as he stared at his daughter. "Guards, take Ger away."

"Father, I said I would take responsibility!"

"Then take it! You WILL learn Hythen from Prince Conrad," King Osian ordered, then looked at King Horik, "If you believe it is an appropriate punishment?"

Horik looked at his son for a long moment, then back to the princess and smiled when he met King Osian's eyes. "I will be punishing Conrad accordingly to our rules, but this sounds perfect."

Rules? More like so his father can get a taste for his bloodlust. Conrad knew he would still receive fifty lashes for the embarrassment he caused Hatherland. 

"Before anything else, I think an apology to each other should be a good start," King Osian announced, gesturing for Evanna and Conrad to speak to each other.

Conrad turned on his heel and held his hand out for the princess to take. She hesitated only for a second before placing her delicate yet reddened knuckles on top of his palm. He couldn't help but raise a brow from the hand she offered was indeed the one she punched him with; he wanted to grumble at the amusement he saw dancing behind those large green eyes. "Princess Evanna Goodrich, I, Prince Conrad Hart, am sorry for slapping you and humbly ask for your forgiveness." He kissed her knuckle quickly and pulled away, his cheeks reddening as he looked to the side.

The princess cleared her throat, gaining his attention, and when he looked back at her, she was already curtsying, holding her skirt as she looked down. "Prince Conrad Hart, I might forgive you in the future." His mouth fell open, and he looked to his father, who choked down a laugh. "For now, I do hope you will reflect on your actions. But I, Princess Evanna Goodrich, am sorry about the part I played today. I do hope your jaw does not swell too much. I made sure not to hit so hard, unlike you."

"Evannaaaa," King Osian groaned.

Conrad bit his tongue, tasting blood from his annoyance at the princess. She wasn't apologetic at all but glancing around the room, he could see his father was now amused more than anything, and others in the hall seemed too tired to deal with this issue any further. 

Princess Evanna really was a piece of work.

"Now that this has been dealt with, I think Princess Evanna should show you to your rooms, and this evening we will feast. Evanna and Prince Conrad's punishment may start tomorrow. I think there has been enough drama for one day," King Osian replied, then looked behind them, "Take Ger back to the servant's quarters."

Conrad watched out of the corner of his eyes as the princess spoke a tongue unknown to him, but she said it so quietly only Ger would hear. Conrad was the only one to witness the exchange and hear her words. For some reason, he felt like if anyone else were to listen to her, she would be in more trouble than punching a prince. Conrad shifted uncomfortably, wondering what punishment she would receive then. Not that he cared!

Without any more discussion, everyone bowed and curtsied before heading towards the doors. Conrad and his family left first, following the young princess, who stayed quiet the whole time she led them away. His father's significant presence must have finally silenced her, though she wasn't shaking in fear like most did upon first meeting him. After ten more minutes, Princess Evanna showed each of them to their rooms in the guest quarters, each bed-chamber side by side.

Conrad stopped before his door, staring at Arvid, who glared at how close their bed chambers were. If his father had not retired just before them, he would have commented, so instead, he reached out to the princess, who had already started to walk away. She stopped and looked at him, then down at her wrist, where he gripped tightly; he released her, feeling guilty at his strength and more bruising she would most likely receive from it. 

"Your highness, I can't stay here," He said and looked past her to the other end of the hall. 

Princess Evanna scowled at him. "Is there something wrong with the guest room?" She asked, then added through clenched teeth. "I do believe you have yet to check if it is to your liking." 

"I do not wish to stay here. Show me another room," Conrad demanded. The princess smiled, though he could see how forced it was. She turned around and walked down the hall where he had looked, but instead of stopping at the door he presumed she would take him, the princess rounded a corner and walked further. 

"Princess Evanna, have you forgotten-"

"The chambers you wished to stay in were not fit for a prince. I apologise if this is too much of an inconvenience to be so far from your family. I suggest either taking the room I first proposed or the one that is.." She sighed and muttered 'unfortunately' under her breath, "near my quarters."

Conrad was more relieved he was further away from his family than annoyed at being closer to her and possibly seeing the princess more than his own blood. "This is perfect," He finally replied as they stopped in front of another set of doors. 

"I will send for your servants and your bags," The princess said, bowing her head before leaving swiftly. 

"Thanks..." He muttered over his shoulder, but the hallway was empty.

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